Acrostic Sonnets

 Over The Rainbow

 Once I was chasing rainbows. I believed
 Vague promises of being fortune-bound
 Enough to be too willingly deceived—
 Real fortune needs both feet kept on the ground.
 Then I discovered roots, as it now seems.
 How quickly rainbows I once tried to chase
 Evaporated, as I found new dreams,
 Rewarding hearth and home with pride of place!
 And then, before I knew, I had retired.
 In looking back, I wonder what I might
 Not do again, or have instead desired,
 But find there are no scenes I would rewrite
 Or wish away—and now I comprehend
 Why fortune is not at the rainbow's end!

 (First published in the Fall 2021 issue of
  WestWard Quarterly)
 If Pigs Could Fly

 If pigs could fly, and always find their sty,
 Fresh pork would be worth more alive than dead,
 Perhaps far too exorbitant to buy
 In shops—since you love bacon, that's your dread!
 Green farmers would let pigs export themselves,
 Suppressing carbon hoofprint from air freight.
 Consignment drones would languish on the shelves
 Of Amazon, while trained pigs lay in wait
 Until your order popped up on their phones.
 Low-flying pigs with smartphones in their chops,
 Delivering your coffee, would make drones
 Forever obsolete for coffee drops ...
 Lest pigs' new worth kept bacon prices high,
 You'd have to learn to pluck pigs from the sky!

 (First published on October 3, 2021 in the
  Creativity Webzine)
 After Breakfast

 A whole day lies ahead. So I will take
 Five minutes sitting by myself, and let
 The dirty dishes signal I'm on break,
 Engrossed in my own thoughts. A cigarette
 Relaxes me, it makes me feel unsnared,
 But only for a while. The life I know
 Rewards conformity. I wish I dared
 Escape from ties to here, just pack and go,
 And travel to pursue the freedom I
 Keep longing for. Yet duty to my kin
 Forbids me still. In truth, as time goes by,
 A love of homespun comfort settles in ...
 Soon chores resume. But till they call on me,
 These moments let me dream that I am free!

 (Prompted by Elin Danielson-Gambogi's painting
  and first published in the Creativity Webzine
  on November 30, 2021)
 Rooftops in Snow

 Ranged high above the snowfall on the ground,
 Oblivious to stirrings far below,
 Observed from higher still by a renowned
 French artist named Caillebotte, and capped with snow,
 The Paris rooftops conjured up an air
 Of urban stillness. Birds would have to hear
 Pins dropping if they listened from up there,
 So tranquil was the morning atmosphere ...
 Impressions painted long ago are what
 Now capture, for posterity, the peace
 Snow-covered roofs presented to Caillebotte
 Near old Montmartre ... Silence did not cease
 On those old roofs: it still is felt today—
 When gazing at his oil in the Musée.

 (First published in the Ekphrastic Review on December 31,
  2021 as a response to Snow Covered Roofs in Paris by
  Gustave Caillebotte
 Witches Dancing

 When once a castle stayed unused too long
 In Scotland, homeless witches found a squat.
 These witches, who think paying rent is wrong,
 Can deal with any interfering Scot
 Harassing them for squatting there at night,
 Enchanting all the dear departed souls
 Still lurking in the castle for a fright ...
 Displaying mesmerizing rigmaroles,
 A charismatic dancing witch—who leads
 Nocturnal rounds of hornpipes, jigs and reels—
 Casts spells on any meddler with her deeds.
 If you're the rent collector, your appeals
 Not only get no rent—but also you
 Go home and pay the landlord what is due!

 (Prompted by The Witches Dance and first published
  in the Spring-Summer 2022 issue of Rat's Ass Review)
 Columbo's Missus

 Columbo has a missus he reveres.
 Off screen she often solves his cases, though
 LAPD's most fabled wife appears
 Unseen on-screen: her face can never show!
 More fashion-conscious than her husband, she
 Belongs in Hollywood. Can no one share
 One look at how she dresses? Always he
 Shows up alone at each black-tie affair—
 Most autographs for her are ones he gets! ...
 I think I know why she's not on TV:
 Some miserly accountants, fearing debts,
 Slimmed budgets. Though they cover clothes you see
 Unkemptly worn by him, the lines she spoke—
 Superbly dressed—would make the series broke!

 (First published on January 31, 2022 in the
  Creativity Webzine)

Earlier Acrostic Sonnets

Acrostic Sonnet Limbo & Morgue

Acrostic Sonnet Pipeline

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