Paolo Aluffi, Matilde Marcolli

Feynman motives and deletion-contraction relations

Topology of algebraic varieties and singularities, 21-64, Contemp. Math., 538, Amer. Math. Soc.

BibTeX entry:

@incollection {MR2777815,
    AUTHOR = {Aluffi, Paolo and Marcolli, Matilde},
     TITLE = {Feynman motives and deletion-contraction relations},
 BOOKTITLE = {Topology of algebraic varieties and singularities},
    SERIES = {Contemp. Math.},
    VOLUME = {538},
     PAGES = {21--64},
 PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc.},
   ADDRESS = {Providence, RI},
      YEAR = {2011},
   MRCLASS = {81Qxx (14Fxx)},
  MRNUMBER = {2777815},