MT #2 is a Maple Assignment (You can use maple or web-maple (with pdf mode)) MT #2 is due Thursday 6 Sep 2001 Papers which are not STAPLED will not be acepted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All plots need to have a title which includes your name, (eventually plots might have multiple functions and plots with mulitple functions need legends.) Be sure to answer the questions as Maple comments. Introduction to Syntax. Note often the expressions below are not given in a format exceptable to Maple. For example, Maple does not understand 3x as 3*x, one must enter 3*x. Maple uses Pi for pi and does not know about e (either use exp(x) for e^x, or define e:=exp(1) before using it). Do the following using maple 0. Enter your name as an assignment statement like MyName:="Jane Doe"; 1-4. Write correct maple expressions for the following [like IVc:= Pi*exp(-x/4)] and check your answers by doing subs({a=3,x=2,b=4},) and eval(,{a=3,x=2,b=4}). [Like subs({x=2},IVc) and eval(IVc,{x=2}). 1. Ia, Ib and Ic are 1 1 --- a 2a --- 2 2a Which one expresses the meaning of 1/2a? 2. IIa, IIb, IIc are 2x 2 a a x a2x Which one expresses the meaning of a^2x? 3. IIIa, IIIb, IIIc are x x/b x a a a b --- b Which one expresses the meaning of a^x/b? 4. IVa, IVb, IVc, IVd, IVe are -x -x -x/4 -x*pi/4 -x/(4pi) e e pi e pi e e --- --- 4pi 4 Which one expresses the meaning of e^-x/4pi? 5. Plot sin(4x) from 0 to two pi and make its color blue and thickness 3.