Web Test Results

Success rate: 60% = (15 people with scores >= 8)/(25 people registered)

The Class

There are 30 userids
but only 25 unique people registered for the test
and only 24 took the test
77 tests have been given

Average score over all tests: 6.06
Average score over best scores: 7.79
Average number of tries needed to pass: 3.5
Average time spent on a test: 33 min
Histogram of best scores

Performance by topic

TopicAverage Score
Polynomials (free form) 85.0
Power functions (free form) 63.0
Chain rule (free form, no trig) 54.0
Product rule (free form, incl trig) 53.0
Quotient rule (free form, incl trig) 48.0
Implicit differentiation (free form) 45.0
Mixed product and chain rule (mult choice, no trig) 70.0
Product, quotient and chain rules (mult choice, incl trig) 71.0
Repeated chain rule (mult choice) 51.0
Double and triple differentiation (mult choice) 62.0