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Florida State University Mathematics - Undergraduate Alumni News

Mike Kirby, Class of '97 (Florida State University Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer and Information Sciences). Mike Kirby received a PhD in Applied Mathematics ('03) from Brown University with a thesis entitled: Toward Dynamic Spectral/hp Refinement: Algorithms and Applications to Flow-Structure Interactions. He is currently a faculty member at the University of Utah, holding the positions of Director of Graduate Studies for the school of computing, Director of Scientific Computing Track and Computing Degree Program, and Adjunct Associate Professor for the departments of Bioengineering and Mathematics.

Kurt Vinhage, Class of '10 (Florida State University, Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics). Kurt Vinhage is currently enrolled in the mathematics PhD. program at Penn State University. As an FSU senior, he wrote an honor's these with Mike Mesterton-Gibbons on "an investigation into small group stability with respect to parity". During a summer REU in 2009, he co-authored a paper on "Super edge-graceful lavelings of total graphs and total cycles", which was published in the journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing.