Department of Mathematics
  The Florida State University
Colloquium Schedule

Mathematics Colloquium

Speaker: Richard Bertram
Title: Mathematical Modeling of Insulin-Secreting Pancreatic Beta-Cells.
Affiliation: The Florida State University
Date: Friday, October 15.
Place and Time: Room 101 - Love Building, 3:30-4:30 pm.
Refreshments: Room 204 - Love Building, 3:00 pm.

Abstract. Most cells in the body require the hormone insulin to convert glucose in the blood stream to the energy molecule ATP. Insulin is secreted by clusters of cells in the pancreas called Beta-cells. In type I (early onset) diabetes these cells are destroyed by the immune system. Type II (late onset) diabetes occurs either when the Beta-cells fail to secrete the proper amount of insulin or when the target tissues fail to respond properly to insulin (or both). Beta-cells are electrically active, and insulin secretion is largely a result of this activity. In this colloquium a recent mathematical model of Beta-cell electrical activity will be described. The model consists of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations, and analysis of the model employs bifurcation theory and a singular-perturbation-like geometrical analysis. Predictions of the model, which are currently being tested in two experimental labs, will be described.