Department of Mathematics
  The Florida State University
Colloquium Schedule

Mathematics Colloquium

Speaker: Ilia Binder
Title: Conformal Geometry of Planar Domains.
Affiliation: Harvard University.
Date: Friday, April 28.
Place and Time: Room 101 - Love Building, 3:35-4:35 pm.
Refreshments: Room 204 - Love Building, 3:00 pm.

Abstract. We study the conformal, harmonic and metric geometry of planar domains. To be more precise, we investigate sharp metrical bounds for the rotation of Green lines and the relation to the properties of harmonic measure - so called universal spectra.
The theory is well established for simply connected domains, since one can use the conformal mapping technique. One can establish nice connection between the geometric properties of the boundaries of the simply connected domains and the distortion properties of their Riemann maps.
The conjecture is that the universal spectra for non simply connected case are the same as for simply connected one. We establish the conjecture for a particular class of planar domains, the basins of attraction to infinity of polynomials.