Workshop on Applications-Driven Geometric Functional Data Analysis

To Honor Scientific Contributions of Prof. Ulf Grenander (1923-2016)

Florida State University

October 8 – October 11, 2017

The four-day workshop on Applications-Driven Geometric Functional Data Analysis, featured tutorials, invited lectures, and a contributed poster sessions. The general aim of holding this workshop was to bring researchers from relatively diverse backgrounds together, and to facilitate an active discussion on an area that is fast emerging as a focal point of research from many perspectives.

Workshop Goals : In line with the NSF DMS priorities for conferences, workshops, and related activities, the workshop has the following goals:

    (1) To discuss and highlight the state of the art in the topic areas relating to applications-driven geometric functional data analysis, and to disseminate these ideas amongst a wider audience; (2) Generate a shortlist of open problems and to provide guidelines for future directions of research; (3) To motivate, recruit, and engage young researchers and researchers from underrepresented groups in this exciting and impactful research; and, (4) To honor contributions of Prof. Ulf Grenander who championed the use of tools from algebra and geometry in statistical inferences, and led the community by creating several research directions.


Workshop chairs

Scientific committee

Local organization

Supporting Institutions

This workshop is supported by:

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