# the blue rectangle is the source in the z-plane, # the red shape is the image in the w-plane with(plots): F:=1/z; # the function LLx:=1: # Lower Left Coordinates LLy:=1: URx:=2: # Upper Right Coordinates URy:=2: RM:=max(abs(LLx),abs(LLy),abs(URx),abs(URy)): # the image of the four corners. LLc:=eval(F,z=LLx+I*LLy): LRc:=eval(F,z=URx+I*LLy): URc:=eval(F,z=URx+I*URy): ULc:=eval(F,z=LLx+I*URy): FM1:=max(abs(Re(LLc)),abs(Re(LRc)),abs(Re(URc)),abs(Re(ULc))): FM2:=max(abs(Im(LLc)),abs(Im(LRc)),abs(Im(URc)),abs(Im(ULc))): M:=max(RM,FM1,FM2): # M is big enough to see everything # A is the source A:=conformal(z,z=LLx+I*LLy..URx+I*URy,-M-I*M..M+I*M,color=blue): # B is the image B:=conformal(F,z=LLx+I*LLy..URx+I*URy,-M-I*M..M+I*M,color=red): # show then together display(A,B);