MAS 5307 & MAS 4934 — Groups, Rings, and Vector Spaces I

INSTRUCTOR: Ettore Aldrovandi
OFFICE HOURS: M 10:30 AM–11:30 AM, W 2:00 PM–3:00 PM, and by appointment.

A copy of the syllabus (handed out in class): mas 5307 and mas 4934

The topics page will list the main topics as we cover them in class.

Suggested homework problems for practice can be found at the same topics page . Graded assignments (and suggestions) can be found at the homework page.



Midterm 1:
Friday, October 7.
Midterm 2:
Friday, November 18.
Final exam:
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 10:00--12:00 noon

Last updated: $Fri Nov 4 19:02:24 EDT 2011$