Course Announcements
1. Matlab codes for the incremental weighted QR and the Schur algorithm for rank 2 and rank 4 displacement
matrices have been posted.
1. Assignments for the two programs have been added to canvas for submission of your codes and reports.
1. Sets 15 through 22 of the class notes have been posted.
2. Sets 15, 16, and 17 are the intended coverage in the lectures for the
remaining classes. This will require one additional makeup lecture during Finals Week
if you are available. It is suggested that this make up lecture and all of the
class presentations happen on one day.
1. Set 14 of the class notes has been posted.
1. Set 13 of the class notes has been posted.
2. Study Question Set 3 and solutions have been posted.
1. Set 12 of the class notes has been posted.
1. Matlab codes for the Householder reflector based code for linear least squares generation and solution have been posted.
2. Program 2 has been posted.
1. Sets 9, 10, and 11 of the class notes have been posted.
2. Many papers on eigenvalues, QR, SVD and related topics have been posted. They are for your reference and there is no required reading. However, you might find a topic for your presentation among them.
1. The programming assignment on low rank displacement matrices has been posted.
2. Set 6 of the class notes has been reposted after moving the orthogonal direct sum
and projection discussion to follow the geometry of the least squares section as was done in class.
The next lecture will cover the transformations and the algorihtm.
1. Several Matlab routines and test drivers have been posted. They are related to triangular matrices
and LU factorization.
1. Set 6 of the class notes has been posted.
2. Set 7 of the class notes has been posted.
3. Set 8 of the class notes has been posted.
1. The typos discovered in Set 4 on Wedneday have been fixed.
1. A typo on slide 83 of Set 3 has been fixed and some clarification added to slide 84.
1. Set 4 has been modified significantly and has been posted.
2. Set 5 has been posted along with several papers on structured linear systems.
1. Solutions for Study Question Set 2 have been posted.
1. Study Question Set 2 has been posted. It covers topics we have yet to discuss so there will
not be another set for a while.
1. Set 4 of the class notes has been posted.
2. Surveys on parallel numerical linear algebra have been posted. They are for your reference and not required reading for this class.
3. The LAPACK library manual has been posted.
1. Set 3 of the class notes has been posted.
2. Multiple papers on the Schur Decomposition and normal matrices have been posted. They are for your reference and not required reading for this class.
1. Solutions for Study Question Set 1 have been posted.
1. Study Question Set 1 has been posted.
1. The class syllabus has been posted.
2. Sets 1 and 2 of the class notes has been posted.