MAA4402-01  Complex Variables
Fall 2018

Professor:   Dr. Eric Klassen, 114 Love Building, 644-2202,

Course Website:

Office Hours: MON: 2:30-3:30 PM; THURS: 2-3 PM

Prerequisite: You must have completed MAC2313 (Calc III) with a grade of C- or better.

Text: The required text is Complex Variables and Applications, 8th edition, by James Ward Brown and Ruel V. Churchill. I strongly suggest that you read each section of the text carefully before AND after the class period in which it is discussed.

Course Content: Chapters 1-9 of the text.

Course Objectives:  To learn the basic concepts of differential and integral calculus for functions of a single complex variable. This will include limits, derivatives, analytic functions, contour integrals, the Cauchy Integral Formula, poles, residues, series expansions, and possibly linear fractional transformations.

Tests:  There will be two tests and a final exam. The dates of the tests will be announced at least a week in advance.

Homework:  I will suggest a list of homework problems  for each section of the text that we cover.  These HW problems will not be collected and graded. However, as all of you know, it's crucial to do a lot of problems in order to learn mathematics, so do as many of these as you can! Also, very similar problems will show up on the quizzes.

Quizzes:  There will be weekly in-class quizzes. The problems on the quizzes will be similar to the suggested HW problems.

Grading:  Your final grade will be computed as follows:
Test 1: 25%
Test 2: 25%
Quiz Total: 10%
Final Exam (Friday, Dec. 14, 7:30 - 9:30 AM): 40%
Total: 100%
A 90-100
B 80-90
C 70-80
D 60-70
F 0-60

Final Examination: The Final Exam is on Friday, December 14, 7:30-9:30 AM

Attendance/Makeup Policy: Please do not miss any class unless absolutely necessary. I do not take attendance.  If you miss a class period, you are still responsible for learning the material covered on the day you missed, and also for any work which was assigned on the day you missed.  If you miss a test or quiz because of an unexcused absence, you will receive a 0 on that test or quiz.  If you miss a test or quiz because of an excused absence, I will use the average of some of the other comparable course material as your score on that test or quiz. For an absence to be excused, you must either discuss it with me in advance or, in case of illness, bring me a note from a doctor specifically stating that you were too sick to be there. (A note stating simply that you were seen that day by a doctor will not suffice.)

Honor Code:  The FSU Student Handbook includes a section on the Honor Code and the official procedures for dealing with students who violate it.  Please read this material carefully.  If I catch anyone cheating in any way, I will follow these procedures to the letter.  This situation has arisen in the past and believe me, it's not worth the risk!

Students With Disabilities:  Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) and then bring a letter to the instructor from SDRC indicating that you need academic accommodations.  This should be done within the first week of class.