MAS 4302, Section 01, Fall 2009

(Reference #02446 in the Directory of Classes)
Course page: ON CAMPUS: (this page)
OFF CAMPUS: (with your FSUID username and password)
Professor: Dr M-G
Office: 202B Love
Office hours: Please click here. Office hours are subject to change during the semester at 24 hours notice, but current times are always posted online. Note that office hours are primarily for personal matters that cannot be addressed in class (as opposed to tutorial help, for which see under Course format and How to study below)
Phone: (850 64) 42580
Main website: Professor M-G's Home Page    Email:
Goal: The purpose of this course is to introduce the elements of modern or abstract algebra with an emphasis on concepts, methods of proof, and the communication of mathematical ideas. The course, which is the first part of a two-semester sequence, will focus on abstract arithmetic, rings—a generalization of the structure of the familiar ordinary integers—and related algebraic structures, in particular, groups, ideals and fields. (The second semester—to be taught by Dr Hironaka in Spring 2010—will delve more deeply into groups and fields.)
Class meets: In 201 LOV on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:10—11:00a.m.
Text: Hungerford,  Abstract Algebra: An Introduction, 2nd edition (Brooks/Cole, 1997, ISBN 0-03-010559-5), Chapters 1-6 and 10
Credit: 3 semester hours
(i) C- or better in MAS 3105 (Applied Linear Algebra) and MGF 3301 (Introduction to Advanced Mathematics) or MAD2104 (Discrete Mathematics I), or appropriate transfer credit;   and
(ii) self-motivation and industriousness. Dr M-G's philosophy of learning is perhaps best expressed by the following diagram:
For further details, please click here.
Communication:It is your responsibility to register for an FSU computer account so that I can send you email, which you are expected to check regularly. If you prefer to read your email elsewhere then you can arrange to have messages forwarded, but you must still obtain an FSU account in the first instance
Your name:
      I don't know who you are, but because everything works so much better when I do, I would like to learn your name as soon as possible. So, please take a sheet of card stock (or even paper), fold it in half, write your name in large letters on one side and stand it up on your desk so that I can see it. (Write what you want me to call you: if you're a William who likes to be called Dubya or a Margaret Jane who likes to be called Dee Dee, write Dubya or Dee Dee, not William or Margaret Jane.) Please bring your nameplate to every class until I have finally learnt your name (which will take significantly longer than it used to take when I started out)
Course format: We will largely follow the text, only rarely departing from its order of topics. I will present a lecture in class on each new topic, and the rest of the time will be spent on solving problems from the text, as interactively as possible. My lecture notes will be posted here after class. I will set homework each period—either at the end of class or by email—for the following period. The homework is an integral part of the course and I expect you to take it seriously (i.e., do it), even though it will not be formally graded.
    Accordingly, a typical class will proceed as follows. It will begin with an opportunity for you to ask questions about the homework. Depending on the time available and the nature of the question, I will answer each question either in class that day, or in class another day (e.g., I may first want to check your attempted solution, so that I can more easily assess where a difficulty has emerged), or by posting a solution online later, or by some combination of the above; and as a precaution against forgetting about solutions I have promised to post, I may ask you to send me an email. We will then move ahead to a lecture on the topic of the current period before proceeding to solving problems, with as much interaction as possible from you. Questions may be asked at any time—and should be, if there's anything you don't understand.
    Every once in a while, if circumstances warrant, we may set aside an entire period for a tutorial class on matters arising from homework. Then the onus will be on you to determine a complete agenda for that period, and I may ask you to turn in a variety of solutions or attempted solutions beforehand, so that I can more easily assess where difficulties are emerging.
Test format: Begin each question (but not subsequent parts of the same question) on a fresh sheet of paper, use one side of the paper only, and have your solutions stapled together in order at the end of the examination. (Please do not use dog ears. Not owning a stapler is no excuse: I will bring a stapler to the final, and for the tests you can borrow the stapler in 208 Love.) Needless to say, your name must appear on Page 1
Calculator policy: You are allowed to use a Texas Instruments TI30XA Scientific Calculator or a four-function calculator for the final. The use of any other calculator for the final is strictly forbidden
Grades: Will be based on five take-home tests (15% each) and a cumulative final examination (25%). Typically, each test will begin at the end of class on a Wednesday and end at the beginning of class on the following Friday (47 hours later).
    Note that quality of presentation is extremely important. It is not enough merely to produce an answer: the method by which you obtain it must be sound, and you must clearly demonstrate that you understand it. Therefore, there will be penalties (commensurate with degree of infraction) for bad presentation—which includes bad grammar, illegibility, incompleteness, incoherence and untidiness—especially on the take-home tests. Even on the final, however, you must show all necessary steps in your method, with enough comments and/or diagrams to convince me that you thoroughly understand.
    Precise cut-off points for A, B and C will be determined by the distribution of grades at the end of the semester, but are likely be in the vicinity of 90%, 80% and 70%, respectively. In borderline cases, a smaller number of completely correct solutions will carry more weight than a proportionate number of fragmentary answers; later test scores will carry more weight than earlier test scores; and a record of active participation in class will carry more weight than a record of passive attendance (in that order of relative importance among these three factors). Plus or minus grades may be assigned in a manner consistent with standard University practice.
    Please note that partial credit will be awarded only when part of a solution is completely correct (not when all of a solution is partially correct, whatever that means, if anything). Also, a grade of I will not be given to avoid a grade of F or to give additional study time. Failure to process a course drop will result in a course grade of F
Attendance policy: You are expected to attend class regularly, and bear the full responsibility for learning anything covered during any class that you miss. On the other hand, it would be extremely anti-social to attend class if you either have, or are coming down with, a contagious disease. So please familiarize yourselves with the Thagard Student Health Center's advice on H1N1 flu and keep me apprised of any illness or other emergency (by email—have, e.g., your best friend contact me if you are too incapacitated yourself), so that I can make any necessary adjustments (and please make friends within the class as soon as possible if you haven't done so already, so that there is someone you can call upon to borrow notes if the need should arise).
Exam policy: No makeup exams. An absence may be excused given sufficient evidence of extenuating circumstances (in which case, extra weight will be attached to the other exams). But you must either have discussed the matter with me (well) in advance; or, in the case of H1N1, have kept me apprised as indicated under the attendance policy; or, in the case of other illness or emergency, have brought me a physician's note or other documentation to establish your incapacitation on the day or days in question. An unexcused absence will result in a grade of zero
Etiquette: You are firmly bound by Florida State University's Academic Honor Code. Briefly, you have the responsibility to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in your own work, to refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the University community, and to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the University community. Even more briefly, you must neither cheat nor enable others to cheat. The penalties for violations can be severe. Please carefully read the section in the FSU Student Handbook on the Honor Code and official procedures for dealing with students who violate it. If you are in any doubt at all as to what constitutes acceptable behavior in this regard, you should ask me for clarification.
     In particular, for a take-home test you may use any inanimate aid (including any calculator), but all such use must be explicitly declared. Although you may discuss the test with other students in general terms—meaning that discussion is oral, and absolutely nothing is copied down—the solutions you present must be your very own work; moreover, any such discussions must be explicitly declared (i.e., you must supply the name of every such discussant and the nature of the discussion, or else you are in violation of the Academic Honor Code).
    You are also bound by the ordinary rules and customs of polite behavior that prevail in a civilized society. I assume that you know these rules and customs, and I expect you to comply with them. (In particular, you are not allowed to use a cell phone or otherwise have private conversations with others during class.)
Final: Thursday, December 10, 7:30 a.m.—9:30 a.m. in 201 LOV
How to study: There is a lot of material to be covered in this course, so it is important that you keep up from the very beginning, always attempting as many as possible of the homework problems (even though they do not count directly towards your grade). If you get stuck, then send me a question by email. As soon as I possibly can, which might be as soon as within half an hour, but might also be a day or so later (I have a life, too, you know), I will reply—not to you, but rather to the class alias (after carefully concealing your identity, just in case you are inexplicably bashful about being perceived as smart enough to ask a question).
    Note, however, the following. First, you must identify yourself (i.e., you remain anonymous to the other students in the class, but not to me) in the body of your message (because your username does not identify you to me): I don't reply to anonymous email. Second, you should be as specific as possible in describing your difficulty: the more precisely you identify how you got stuck, the more helpful my reply is likely to be.
Disabilities:If you have a disability requiring academic accommodations, then not only should you register with the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC), but also you should bring me written confirmation from SDRC during the first week of class. This and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.

Lecture Notes

Page numbers all mysteriously vanished with the most recent edit. If you want them, you'll have to add them yourself. Sorry!
  1. Preliminaries
  2. The division algorithm for ℤ
  3. Divisibility. Greatest common divisor
  4. Euclid's algorithm
  5. Primes. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic
  6. Congruence classes modulo n. Modular arithmetic
  7. Properties of addition and multiplication
  8. Rings
  9. Basic properties of rings
  10. Further basic properties of rings
  11. Homomorphisms and isomorphisms
  12. What does it mean to contain? Polynomials
  13. The division algorithm for F[x]
  14. Divisibility in F[x]
  15. Primes and irreducibles
  16. Roots and irreducibility
  17. Irreducibility in ℝ[x] and ℂ[x]
  18. Irreducibility in ℚ[x]
  19. Quotients of polynomial rings
  20. Ideals. Quotient rings in general
  21. The kernel of a homomorphism
  22. Maximal and prime ideals
  23. The Chinese remainder theorem
  24. Vector spaces
  25. Extension fields
  26. References and further reading
          All the lectures in one file

Worked Examples

If there's a hint, then take it first—and in any event, seriously attempt the problem yourself before looking at my solution.
  1. Page 14, No. 21    Hint
  2. Page 14, No. 36
  3. Page 13, No. 12
  4. Page 19, No. 16
  5. Page 29, No. 5
  6. Page 13, No. 17
  7. Page 14, No. 27
  8. Page 18, No. 10
  9. Page 18, No. 12
  10. Page 19, No. 21
  11. Page 18, No. 9
  12. Page 20, No. 28
  13. Page 18, No. 2
  14. Page 29, No. 10
  15. Page 30, No. 29
  16. Page 36, No. 8
  17. Page 52, No. 18
  19. Page 51, No. 9
  20. Page 52, No. 16
  21. Page 53, No. 22
  22. Page 76, No. 9
  23. Page 77, No. 19
  24. Page 76, No. 4
  25. Page 63, No. 9
  26. Page 63, No. 12
  27. Page 118, No. 8
  28. Page 99, No. 16
  29. Page 113, No. 1f
  30. Page 113, No. 2
  31. Page 113, No. 5b
  32. Page 113, No. 7b
  33. Page 114, No. 18c
  34. Page 123, No. 11
  35. Page 128, No. 8
  37. Page 128, No. 9
  38. Page 132, No. 5
  39. Page 132, No. 8
  40. Page 133, No. 11
  41. Page 132, No. 9
  42. Page 133, No. 10    Hint
  43. Page 142, No. 21
  44. Page 142, No. 10
  45. Page 141, Nos. 6 & 7b
  46. Page 144, No. 38
  47. Page 145, No. 44
  48. Page 153, No. 32
  49. Page 151, No. 11 & Page 153, No. 33
  50. Page 345, No. 3
  51. Page 345, No. 4
  52. Page 346, No. 11
  53. Page 346, No. 18

Solutions to Selected Additional Exercises

For Lecture 7  
For Lecture 11  
For Lecture 12  

Solutions to Tests

First test (September 9-11)         Solutions
Second test (September 30-October 2)         Solutions
Third test (October 21-October 23)         Solutions
Fourth test (November 13-November 16)         Solutions
Fifth test (November 30-December 4)         Solutions
Final (December 10)         Solutions

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