Topical Acrostic Sonnets

 Advent Calendar

 Anticipating scenes behind a door
 Denotes December. 'Tis the month when we
 View advent calendars, with twenty-four
 Emerging symbols of festivity.
 Not needing cash, our calendar is still
 The antidote to living costs, whose rise
 Can dampen Christmas spirit if a bill
 Arrives; our calendar still mollifies
 Lean years. Though opened many times before,
 Each door surprises us anew this year:
 Noel lights, holly, sleigh rides, choirs and more
 Delight us when again they reappear—
 An Advent calendar's simplicity
 Reminding us that Christmas spirit's free!

 (First published on 3rd December, 2023 in the
  Creativity Webzine.)
 Day-One Dictator

 Dictator Donald isn't who I'd be—
 Although Day One would have to be exempt:
 You'd let me close the border, whether sea
 Or land or air, allow me to pre-empt
 No-drilling zones, and countenance a law
 Exonerating any sitting prez
 Detained unfairly by malicious jaw
 In Washington from what the rap sheet says.
 Concluding my Day One would be an act
 That gives a sitting prez the right to jail
 All liberals who question MAGA fact
 Too often, and replace them with a hail
 Of yes-men ... Then I'd be the savior who
 Returned the Constitution by Day Two!

 (First published on 1st January, 2024 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here)
 The Optimal Butt

 The optimal butt measurements for males
 Had not been well defined, until five glute
 Enhancers' would-be patients picked the tails
 On photographs of males they found most cute.
 Posterior analysis laid bare
 The perfect bum. Two thirds as high as wide,
 Its forward angle from the crack to where
 Male buttocks start was sixty. From the side,
 Ass overhang was perfect when it spanned
 Less than a fifth of height ... The bottom line:
 Beholders plumped for moderation and,
 Untouched by surgeons' knives, your cheeks define
 The best for you—but if they're redesigned,
 The tailor's is the cut to get behind!

 (First published in Light on 18th December, 2023 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
 Welsh Tidy Mouse

 While many humans, Rodney, hanker to
 Exterminate us mice, you have no fear
 Long-whiskered creatures might invade chez vous.
 Since you installed no mousetraps, Rodney, near
 Home entry points, you made me welcome, so,
 To show my gratitude, I cleared the mess
 Inside your garden shed as quid pro quo.
 Day after day, you let the bench regress.
 Yet every morning after, I restore
 My order, leaving you to wonder who
 On earth can stand this mindless daily chore—
 Us mice can, Rodney, clean-up's what we do! ...
 Should humans not ban mousetraps from their house,
 Enabling service from a tidy mouse?

 (First published on 22nd January, 2024 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here)
 Old Dodecahedra

 Our forebears, who had impish Roman minds,
 Left old dodecahedra in the ground.
 Dig experts, who seek purpose in such finds,
 Doubt any known hypothesis is sound:
 Old candleholders? No. Old Rome used oil.
 Dice made for gambling? No. They wouldn't roll.
 Et cetera ... These objects, rife in soil,
 Could earn no mention in a Roman scroll.
 An oversight of scholars? Maybe. Or,
 Had Romans pranked posterity instead,
 Endowing it with objects solely for
 Discreetly messing with an expert's head,
 Repaying nosy future diggers well
 Ahead of time? There's just no way to tell!

 (First published in Light on 29th January, 2024 as
  one of the Poems of the Week. Story here)
 Bread And Butter

 Before promoting Meat-Free Monday food,
 Reflect: a livelihood from cutting-edge
 Excisions is the future you've pursued,
 And butchers' bread and butter isn't veg.
 Don't bang the drum for ultra-processed leaf
 And bean if daily bread's from
 No meat's not healthier. And where but beef
 Does bread and butter get its butter from?
 Be mindful you're a farm trainee. Don't bash
 Us farmers with your gimmick: it's not true
 That livestock farming turns the earth to ash.
 The farm will fight the changing climate through
 Exhaust controls on cows—unless they're gone ...
 Relearn which side your bread is buttered on!

 (First published on 12th February, 2024 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here)

Earlier Topical Acrostic Sonnets

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