Mathematics - Florida State University
208 Love Building  Tallahassee, FL  32306-4510  Phone: (850) 644-2202  Fax: (850) 644-4053
Gilmer's Colloquium



Speaker: Robert Gilmer.
Title: Forty Years of Commutative Ring Theory.
Affiliation: Florida State University.
Date: Friday, 21 March 2003.
Place and Time: Room 101 - Love Building, 3:35-4:30 pm.
Reception: Room 204 - Love Building, 4:35 pm.

Abstract. Some major developments in commutative ring theory since 1962 will be discussed. The talk will include a list of six significant devopments, four new subareas that have been developed, and one older problem area in which there has been a spate of recent work in a new direction.


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Last modified: Tuesday March 18th, 2003