Mathematics - Florida State University
208 Love Building  Tallahassee, FL  32306-4510  Phone: (850) 644-2202  Fax: (850) 644-4053
Wright's Colloquium



Speaker: Perrin Wright.
Title: Whatever Became of Higher Education in Florida?
Affiliation: Florida State University.
Date: Friday, 11 April 2003.
Place and Time: Room 101 - Love Building, 3:35-4:30 pm.
Reception: Room 204 - Love Building, 4:35 pm.

Abstract. This is a retrospective on the progress, or lack of it, in support for higher education in Florida and in the nation. Why does higher education keep losing ground? Significant changes have occurred in the commitments of states to their universities over the span of my career.


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Last modified: Friday March 28th, 2003