Florida State University Seal

Department News Spring 2014

See Department News Archives.

Graduate Student News

Kerr Ballenger (expected PhD Spring 2015, Major Prof. Craig Nolder) gave a talk in a special session at the national Joint Mathematics Meeting in Blatimore in the special session "Complex and Geometric Analysis" in January 2014. His talk title was "Boundary Values of Components of Monogenic Functions".

Kerr Ballenger also gave a talk at the Southeastern Analysis Meeting (http://people.clemson.edu/~mmitkov/seam/index.html) this weekend at Clemson University on "Boundary Values of Components of Monogenic Functions".

John Emanuello (expected PhD Spring 2015, Major Prof. Craig Nolder) gave a talk in a special session at the national Joint Mathematics Meeting in Baltimore in the special session "Complex and Geometric Analysis" in January 2014. His talk title was "Projective Compatification of R^{1,1} and its Mobius Geometry".

Vijay Kunwar (expected PhD Spring 2014, Major Prof. Mark van Hoeij) gave a talk in a special session at the Annual Joint Mathematics Meeting in Baltimore in January 2014. His talk title was "Hypergeometric Solutions of Second Order Linear Differential Equations with Five Singularities".

Nguyet Nguyen (expected PhD Spring 2014, Major Prof. Giray Okten) gave a talk at the AMS national meeting in the special session "Big Data: Mathemaitcal and Statistical Modeling, Tools, Services and Training". The talk title was "Hidden Markov Model for High Frequency Data".

Congratulations to this year's Financial Mathematics grad student poster competition winners:

  • 1st place ($100) : Nguyet Nguyen
  • 2nd place ($75): Tony Wills
  • 3rd place ($50): David Yao

Faculty News

Paolo Aluffi gave an invited five-lectures series at a workshop on "Curves and equations" in Levico Terme, Italy, February 5-8, 2014.

Paolo Aluffi is co-organizing a special session on "Singularities and Physics" with Mboyo Esole from Harvard University at the AMS Sectional Meeting at Knoxville, Tennessee, March 21-23, 2014.

Richard Bertram has been invited to serve as the Chair for the Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems (MABS) Study Section for the term beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015. This study section reviews NIH grant proposals with a significant amount of mathematical content. Bertram has been a standing member of the study section since July 1, 2010.

Sergio Fenley gave a minicourse on "Pseudo-Anosov flows and toroidal manifold", Mar.10-14, 2014 at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. 3 days of lectures.

Ish Grigorian and Monica Hurdal received the 2013-2014 FSU Undergraduate Teaching Award.

Eriko Hironaka and Kate Petersen co-organized a special session on "Geometric Topology and Number Theory" at the AMS Sectional Meeting at Knoxville, Tennessee, March 21-23, 2014.

Monica Hurdal was a long term visiting researcher at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI, see www.mbi.osu.edu) in Columbus, Ohio for Spring 2014.

Monica Hurdal was an organizer of the Spring 2014 Emphasis Program on Frontiers in Imaging, Mathematics, and the Life Sciences at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI) in Columbus, Ohio. Four workshops/conferences have been planned for this program. See http://mbi.osu.edu/programs/emphasis-programs/ for more information.

Monica Hurdal organized a conference on Integrating Modalities and Scales in Life Science Imaging at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI) in Columbus, Ohio, March 17-21, 2014. There were 25 speakers and over additional 30 participants. See http://mbi.osu.edu/event/?id=280 for more information.

Monica Hurdal was an invited colloquium speaker at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI) in Columbus, Ohio and will be giving a lecture on Modeling and Analyzing Cortical Folding Patterns of the Human Brain in Development, Aging, and Disease on March 11, 2014.

Monica Hurdal was invited to speak at the SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, to be held May 12-14 in Hong Kong. She is speaking in the mini-symposium Geometry, Imaging and Computing and her lecture is on Mathematical and Computational Models for Understanding Brain Development and Function.

Alec Kercheval gave an invited talk ``Jump dependence and multidimensional default risk: a new class of structural models with stochastic intensities'' at the American Mathematical Society Western Sectional Meeting}, Albuquerque, NM, April 5-6, 2014.

Alec Kercheval organized the 16th Annual FSU Financial Mathematics Festival, Feb 21-22, 2014, on the FSU campus. See http://www.math.fsu.edu/finmath/FMF/FMF16th2014.math for details.

Alec Kercheval has been nominated for a 2013-14 University Teaching Award.

Kyounghee Kim will give invited talks at

  • the conference "Moduli spaces and self-maps" on March 4-March 7, RIMS, Kyoto, Japan
  • the ICM satellite conference "Holomorphic Dynamics in one and Several Variables” on August 23— August 26
  • another ICM satellite conference "Pacific Rim Conference on Complex Geometry" on August

Ziad Musslimani has won a fellowship from the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD) to spend his sabbatical year at the University of Dusseldorf during the academic year 2013-2014.

Giray Okten is organizing a special session titled "Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo in finance", at the Eleventh International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, KU Leuven, Belgium, April 6-11, 2014.

Mika Seppala was invited to the White House Education Datapalooza and the Safety Datapalooza held in January, 2014.

The WEPS Academy Open Courses. is an online calculus program developed by Mika Seppala. It has been implemented on a partial basis at FSU, and also for a 31 student class in Zimbabwe, organized by the US Embassy in Harare. Plans are in progress for a more full implementation at FSU.

Mika Seppala is organizing an event called "Big Data in Education" at the Mason Inn Conference Center March 20-23,2014.

Mark Sussman, Xiaoming Wang, and Nick Cogan are organizing a conference on "Mathematical Models And Numerical Methods For Multi-Phase Flows" SIAM-SEAS March 2014 http://my.fit.edu/~abdulla/SIAMSEAS-2014/sess/mini/index.htm

Alumni News

Vijay Kunwar is a faculty member in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department at Albany State University.

Yongjae Cha is an Algorithm Developer at RobArt GmbH. He was recently featured in a magazine on robotics called Chef Info.

Andy Novocin is a faculty member at the Computer & Info Sciences Department at the University of Delaware.