Florida State University Seal

Department of Mathematics

College of Arts and Sciences

FSU Math Fun Day Parking Information

The Department of Mathematics, and FSU Math Fun Day events, are located in the Love Building on 1017 Academic Way, on FSU Campus. The Love Building is located on Academic Way at the intersection of Atomic Way.

There are two main entrances to the Love Building and an information desk for Math Fun Day will be each entrance. The main entrance to the Love Building is along Academic Way near the EOAS Building (at the eastern entrance of the Love Building). You can also enter at the western entrance of the Love Building along Atomic Way.

Free parking is available at FSU on the Saturday that Math Fun Day is being held. Free parking options include:
- along Academic Way around the Love Building
- in the Woodward Ave. parking garage above the FSU Bookstore.
- at the FSU Alumni Center on West Tennessee, across the street from the Love Bulding
- along Chieftan Way parking lots

Directions to Love Building: Take Tennessee St. to Dewey St. and turn South. Immediately turn right onto Academic Way. Continue through the underpass and the Love Building and parking area will be on your left. Follow the Math Fun Day signs to the activities.

Directions to the Parking Garage: Take Tennessee St. to Woodward Ave. and turn South. Follow Woodward Ave. until you reach the entrance to the Parking Garage which will be on your right. Exit the Parking Garage at the NW stairwell, and walk the short distance to the Love Building which will be almost straight north. Follow the Math Fun Day signs to the activities.

Google Map with Parking around Love Building
FSU Campus Map Highlighting the Love Building
Google Map with Love Building

Like us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/FSUMathFunDay; and follow us on instagram and twitter #FSUMathFunDay

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FSU Math Fun Day