Florida State University Seal

Mathematics Colloquium

Sergio Fenley
Florida State University

Title: Hyperbolic dynamics, partially hyperbolic dynamics and transverse foliations
Date: Friday, September 13th, 2024
Place and Time: Love 101, 3:05-3:55 pm

Abstract. Anosov diffeomorphisms and flows are the primary example of hyperbolic dynamics, which is an extremely important class of dynamical systems. A partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism is one for which besides stable and unstable bundles, there is another "in between bundle" - the center bundle. In dimension 3, these are essentially the only systems that can be robustly transitive and/or stably ergodic. A primary example is the time one map of an Anosov flow. The talk will also cover how transverse foliations can help understand these diffeomorphisms.