Florida State University Seal

Timely Progress

Timely Progress for FSU Funded Students

Tuition Waiver Awardees
Students who receive tuition waivers must have at least 3.0 cumulative GPA each semester. If a student fails the GPA requirement, and if it is possible to raise the GPA to the required level the following semester, then a one-time exception may be granted by the Chair to allow the student an additional semester to satisfy the requirement.

TA’s and RA’s
Students who are funded by these awards should demonstrate successful completion of certain milestones in order to have continued funding. Different areas have slight variations in the timing of these milestones and you must consult your director about specific expectations in your area. Students who start receiving funding from the department after their first year are still subject to the same timeline explained below. The general guidelines you must satisfy in order to have continued funding are:
  • The area qualifiers are completed no later than the beginning of the fourth semester of graduate study. There is no additional grace period to complete the qualifiers.
  • The doctoral candidacy exam is successfully completed in the third year, Fall or Spring semesters. A student gets only two chances to pass the doctoral candidacy exam. If the exam is not passed during the Fall or Spring semesters of the third year, then the Chair may grant an extension to the following Summer term. Funding during the Summer term is not guaranteed, and will not be more than at 0.25 FTE level.
  • The dissertation is defended during the fifth year. In recent years we have been able to offer TA support during the sixth year (Fall and Spring only), however, this is not automatic and subject to the approval of major prof, supervisory committee, and the Chair. Depending on the departmental budget, the funding during year six could be at 0.25 FTE level. 
  • Funded students must have at least 3.000 cumulative GPA each semester. If a student fails the GPA requirement, and if it is possible to raise the GPA to the required level the following semester, then a one-time exception may be granted by the Chair to allow the student an additional semester to satisfy the requirement.