
  1. Singletons and Propositions
  2. Sets
  3. Examples
    1. The unit type 𝟙
    2. The zero type 𝟘
    3. Sum types
    4. Cartesian Products
    5. Σ-types
    6. Other
  4. Props are Sets
  5. A taste of Excluded Middle
  6. Hedberg’s theorem and characterization of sets
  7. Appendix: the axiom K

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe --exact-split #-}

module sets-logic where

open import mltt
open import twocatconstructions
open import negation hiding (Id-to-Fun; Id-to-Fun') --redefined in univalence-base
open import basichomotopy
open import univalence-base

open ≡-Reasoning
open ◾-lemmas
open ap-lemmas
open transport-lemmas

Singletons and Propositions

In Basic Homotopy we have looked at contractible and path-connected types. Here we explore these notions more in depth.

First, we create new names for some of the types we introduced there:

isEmpty isSingleton isProp :  {}  Set   Set 
isEmpty = is-empty
isSingleton = iscontr
isProp = ispathconn

center :  {} (A : Set )  isSingleton A  A
center = iscontr-center

Recall that if for a type A isProp A is inhabited, it means the type is connected, or alternatively that any two of its terms are (propositionally) equal. Interpreting such a type as a “proposition” is sensible because all its terms, namely the “proofs” of the “proposition” that the type represents, are equal: in other words, we do not care of which proof we have, as long as we have one.

Remark This is different from the “propositions as types” slogan. This latter statement refers to the fact that in Type Theory the propositions of the theory are not metatheoretic 1.

The choice of isSingleton should be self-explanatory. Singletons (or contractible types) and Propositions (or path-connected types) are referred to, respectively, as (-2)-groupoids and (-1)-groupoids. In the HoTT book, and elsewhere, Propositions are also referred to as “Mere Propositions.”

We have already seen that Singletons are Props, or, in other words, (-2)-groupoids are (-1)-groupoids. We just update the names and make one of the variables implicit:

singleton-is-prop :  {} {A : Set }  isSingleton A  isProp A
singleton-is-prop {} {A} = contr-is-pathconn A

Inhabited Props are Singletons:

inhabited-prop-is-singleton :  {} {A : Set }  A  isProp A  isSingleton A
inhabited-prop-is-singleton a ispropA = a , (ispropA a)

As it is apparent from the proof, our judgement a : A provides a center of contraction.

It is also the case that if any two Props are logically equivalent, then thery are weakly equivalent:
prop-logical-eq-is-eq :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ'}  isProp A  isProp B  (A  B)  (B  A)  A  B
prop-logical-eq-is-eq ispropA ispropB f g = f , (g , ε) , (g , η)
    φ = ispropA
    ψ = ispropB
    ε : f ∘′ g ~ id
    ε = λ x  ψ (f (g x)) x

    η : g ∘′ f ~ id
    η = λ x  φ (g (f x)) x

Actually, this is a consequence of the fact that if a proposition A is logically equivalent to a type B, then it is a retract of it:

prop-and-logical-equivalence→retract :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ'}
                                       (is : isProp A)  (A  B)  (B  A)  A  B
Σ.fst (prop-and-logical-equivalence→retract is s r) = r
Σ.fst (Σ.snd (prop-and-logical-equivalence→retract is s r)) = s
Σ.snd (Σ.snd (prop-and-logical-equivalence→retract is s r)) = λ x  is (r (s x)) x

Finally, being a proposition is preserved by weak equivalences:

weak-equivalences-preserve-props :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ'} 
                                   isProp A  A  B  isProp B
weak-equivalences-preserve-props  i (e , iseq) x y = x          ≡⟨ π₁ (π₂ (iseq→qinv e iseq)) (x) ⁻¹ 
                                                     e (e⁻¹ x ) ≡⟨ ap e (i (e⁻¹ x) (e⁻¹ y)) 
                                                     e (e⁻¹ y ) ≡⟨ π₁ (π₂ (iseq→qinv e iseq)) (y) 
    A = domain e
    B = codomain e
    e⁻¹ : B  A
    e⁻¹ = π₁ (iseq→qinv e iseq)


The next level is that of “Set”:

isSet :  {}  Set   Set 
-- isSet A = (x y : A) → (p q : x ≡ y) → p ≡ q
isSet A = Π[ (x , y)  A × A ] Π[ (p , q)  (x  y) × (x  y) ] (p  q )

Sets are the 0-groupoids. The statement of the type encodes the assertion that any two parallel paths or identifications between x and y are equal. This, or the definition itself, says that for any two terms of a set, their identity type is path-connected, i.e. it is a Proposition. So we could alternatively have set:

isSet' :  {}  Set   Set 
isSet' A = (x y : A)  isProp (x  y)
isSet→isSet' :  {} (A : Set )  isSet A  isSet' A
isSet→isSet' A f x y = λ p q  f (x , y) (p , q)

It would not be difficult to show that this function is an equivalence, with inverse:

isSet'→isSet :  {} (A : Set )  isSet' A  isSet A
isSet'→isSet A f (x , y) = λ { (p , q)  f x y p q}
For future use, let us prove that, just like propositions, weak equivalences preserve sets (note the usage of naturality and 2-categorical constructions in the proof):
weak-equivalences-preserve-sets :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ'} 
                                  isSet A  A  B  isSet B
weak-equivalences-preserve-sets {} {ℓ'} {A} {B} i (e , iseq) (x , y) (p , q) = (ε x) ◾⁻ˡ w
    open naturality
    e⁻¹ : B  A
    e⁻¹ = π₁ (iseq→qinv e iseq)

    ε : e ∘′ e⁻¹ ~ id
    ε = π₁ (π₂ (iseq→qinv e iseq))

      : e⁻¹ x  e⁻¹ y
     = ap e⁻¹ p
     = ap e⁻¹ q

    γ :   
    γ = i (e⁻¹ x , e⁻¹ y) ( , )

    δ : ap e   ap e 
    δ = ap2 e γ

    σ : (r : x  y)  (ap e (ap e⁻¹ r))  (ε y)  (ε x)  r
    σ r = (ap e (ap e⁻¹ r))  (ε y) ≡⟨ (ap∘ e⁻¹ e r) ⁻¹ ◾ʳ (ε y) 
          ap (e ∘′ e⁻¹) r  (ε y)   ≡⟨ homot-natural' ε r 
          (ε x)  ap id r           ≡⟨ (ε x) ◾ˡ (apid r) 
          (ε x)  r 

    w : (ε x)  p  (ε x)  q
    w = (ε x)  p                 ≡⟨ (σ p) ⁻¹ 
        (ap e (ap e⁻¹ p))  (ε y) ≡⟨ δ ◾ʳ (ε y) 
        (ap e (ap e⁻¹ q))  (ε y) ≡⟨ σ q 
        (ε x)  q 


The unit type 𝟙

We have seen that 𝟙 is contractible:

𝟙-is-singleton : isSingleton 𝟙
𝟙-is-singleton = 𝟙-iscontr

and (therefore) it is a Prop:

𝟙-is-prop : isProp 𝟙
𝟙-is-prop = 𝟙-ispathconn


singleton→prop :  {} (A : Set )  isSingleton A  isProp A
singleton→prop A = contr-is-pathconn A

More interesting, although expected, is that 𝟙 is a set because, as we have seen, for all x y : 𝟙 the type x ≡ y is equivalent to 𝟙, so any two of its terms are equal. Here is a verbose proof of this fact:

𝟙-is-set : isSet 𝟙
𝟙-is-set (x , y) (p , q) =  φ  ψ ⁻¹
    u = π₁ (x=y:𝟙-is-𝟙) --underlying function 
    v = π₁ (π₁ (π₂ (x=y:𝟙-is-𝟙))) --right inverse
    ε = π₂ (π₁ (π₂ (x=y:𝟙-is-𝟙))) --right homotopy
    w = π₁ (π₂ (π₂ (x=y:𝟙-is-𝟙))) --left inverse
    η = π₂ (π₂ (π₂ (x=y:𝟙-is-𝟙))) --left homotopy

    φ : p  refl
    φ = p ≡⟨ (η p) ⁻¹  --this is already the goal
        w (u p) ≡⟨ refl 
        w * ≡⟨ refl 

    ψ : q  refl
    ψ = (η q) ⁻¹ --see above

The zero type 𝟘

𝟘 is a set, because given any x y : 𝟘 we can deduce anything we like:

𝟘-is-set : isSet 𝟘
𝟘-is-set (x , y) = λ { (p , q)  !𝟘 {B = p  q} x }

This is a direct proof. In fact, as we have seen, 𝟘 is a proposition:

𝟘-is-prop : isProp 𝟘
𝟘-is-prop = 𝟘-ispathconn

That 𝟘 is set will be also deducible from that it is a proposition, when we prove that propositions are sets.

Sum types

If A and B are sets, then so is their sum A + B (recall the type sum operation expresses the idea of “disjoint union”):

sum-isset :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ'}  isSet A  isSet B  isSet (A + B)
sum-isset issetA issetB (inl a , inl a') (p , q) = p ≡⟨ ap-inl-linv p ⁻¹ 
                                                   ap inl p' ≡⟨ naturality.ap2 inl α 
                                                   ap inl q' ≡⟨ ap-inl-linv q 

    -- any path between the injected elements in A + B comes from a path in A between the elements themselves
    inl-lc :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ'} {a a' : A} (p : _≡_ {A = A + B} (inl a) (inl a'))  a  a'
    inl-lc refl = refl

    ap-inl-linv :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ'} {a a' : A} (p : _≡_ {A = A + B} (inl a) (inl a')) 
               ap inl (inl-lc p)  p
    ap-inl-linv refl = refl

    p' q' : a  a'
    p' = inl-lc p
    q' = inl-lc q

    f = issetA

    α : p'  q'
    α = f (a , a') (p' , q')

sum-isset issetA issetB (inr b , inr b') (p , q) = p ≡⟨ ap-inr-linv p ⁻¹ 
                                                   ap inr p' ≡⟨ naturality.ap2 inr α 
                                                   ap inr q' ≡⟨ ap-inr-linv q 

    -- do the same for the right injection inr : B → A + B
    inr-lc :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ'} {b b' : B} (q : _≡_ {A = A + B} (inr b) (inr b'))  b  b'
    inr-lc refl = refl

    ap-inr-linv :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ'} {b b' : B} (q : _≡_ {A = A + B} (inr b) (inr b')) 
               ap inr (inr-lc q)  q
    ap-inr-linv refl = refl

    p' q' : b  b'
    p' = inr-lc p
    q' = inr-lc q

    g = issetB

    α : p'  q'
    α = g (b , b') (p' , q')

Remark By contrast, the sum type of two propositions is not necessarily a proposition. This is because the type inl a ≡ inr b is empty. So, even though 𝟙 is a proposition (because it is a singleton), 𝟚 = 𝟙 + 𝟙 is not.

Cartesian Products

If A and B are sets, then so is the Cartesian Product A × B:

cart-prod-isset :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ'}  isSet A  isSet B  isSet (A × B)
cart-prod-isset issetA issetB ((a , b) , (x , y)) (p , q) =  p ≡⟨ ( π₂ (π₂ (π₂ ap'-iseq )) p ) ⁻¹ 
                                                             pair⁼ (ap' p ) ≡⟨ refl 
                                                             pair⁼ (p₁ , p₂) ≡⟨ ap pair⁼ γ 
                                                             pair⁼ (q₁ , q₂) ≡⟨ refl 
                                                             pair⁼ (ap' q ) ≡⟨ π₂ (π₂ (π₂ ap'-iseq )) q 
    -- paths in A
    p₁ q₁ : a  x
    p₁ = ap π₁ p
    q₁ = ap π₁ q

    -- paths in B
    p₂ q₂ : b  y
    p₂ = ap π₂ p
    q₂ = ap π₂ q
    -- prove p₁ ≡ p₂
    α : p₁  q₁
    α = issetA (a , x) (p₁ , q₁)

    -- prove p₂ ≡ q₂
    β : p₂  q₂
    β = issetB (b , y) (p₂ , q₂)

    γ : (p₁ , p₂)  (q₁ , q₂)
    γ = pair⁼ (α , β)


The same goes for more general Σ-types, although the proof is considerably more difficult:

Σ-type-isset :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {P : A  Set ℓ'}  isSet A  ((x : A)  isSet (P x))  isSet (Σ A P)
Σ-type-isset {P = P} issetA issetP ((x , s) , (y , t)) (p , q) = p  ≡⟨ γ 
                                                                 q' ≡⟨ δ 
               pathinfiber :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {P : A  Set ℓ'} {u v : Σ A P}
                             (q : u  v)  transport P (ap π₁ q) (π₂ u)  π₂ v
               pathinfiber {u = u} refl = idp (π₂ u)
               pp qq : (x , s)  (y , t)
               pp = PathΣ→PathPair p
               qq = PathΣ→PathPair q

               p₁ q₁ : x  y
               p₁ = π₁ pp
               q₁ = π₁ qq

               -- the paths in the base are equal
               α : p₁  q₁
               α = issetA (x , y) (p₁ , q₁)

               -- in the fiber over y
               p₂ : transport P p₁ s  t
               p₂ = π₂ pp

               q₂ : transport P q₁ s  t
               q₂ = π₂ qq

Now the problem is that after breaking the paths with PathPair we get different transports in the fiber over the endpoint of the path in the base.

               r : transport P p₁ s  transport P q₁ s
               r = transport≡ α

               β : p₂  r  q₂
               β = issetP y ((transport P p₁ s) , t) (p₂ , (r  q₂))

               qq' : (x , s)  (y , t)
               qq' = p₁ , (r  q₂)

               γγ : pp  qq'
               γγ = pp ≡⟨ refl 
                    (p₁ , p₂) ≡⟨ ap  v  p₁ , v) β 
                    (p₁ , (r  q₂)) ≡⟨ refl 

               q' : (x , s)  (y , t)
               q' = PathPair→PathΣ qq'

               γ : p  q'
               γ = p ≡⟨ (PathΣ-equiv {q = p}) ⁻¹ 
                   PathPair→PathΣ pp ≡⟨ ap PathPair→PathΣ γγ 
                   PathPair→PathΣ qq' ≡⟨ refl 

We need to prove a lemma that moves the path in the base and, accordingly, shifts the corresponding path in the fiber:

               lemma :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {P : A  Set ℓ'} {u v : Σ A P}
                       ((p , q) : u  v) {p' : π₁ u  π₁ v} (α : p  p') 
                       (p , q)  (p' , ((transport≡ α) ⁻¹  q))
               lemma (p , q) {.p} refl = refl

               δδ : qq'  qq
               δδ = qq' ≡⟨ lemma qq' α 
                    q₁ , (r ⁻¹  (r  q₂)) ≡⟨ ap  v  (q₁ , v)) (assoc (r ⁻¹) r q₂) ⁻¹ 
                    q₁ , ((r ⁻¹  r)  q₂) ≡⟨ ap  v  (q₁ , v)) ((linv r) ◾ʳ q₂) 
                    q₁ , (refl  q₂) ≡⟨ refl 

               δ : q'  q
               δ = q' ≡⟨ refl 
                   PathPair→PathΣ qq' ≡⟨ ap PathPair→PathΣ δδ 
                   PathPair→PathΣ qq ≡⟨ PathΣ-equiv {q = q} 

An easier proof gives that, under corresponding conditions, the Σ-type of propositions is a proposition:

Σ-type-isprop :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {P : A  Set ℓ'}  
                isProp A  ((x : A)  isProp (P x))  isProp (Σ A P)
Σ-type-isprop {P = P} ispa i u v = PathPair→PathΣ pp
    pp : u  v
    Σ.fst pp = (ispa (π₁ u) (π₁ v))
    Σ.snd pp = i (π₁ v) (transport P p (π₂ u)) (π₂ v)
        p : π₁ u  π₁ v
        p = ispa (π₁ u) (π₁ v)

Other types

There are many more examples to try as an exercise. It is the case, though, that for some of the interesting types some help from the axioms is needed in order. You can try them as exercises:

  1. The type ℕ is a set. See the HoTT book, Example 3.1.4. No further help needed. See also below, where we use a different technique.

  2. If A : 𝓤 is any type, and P : (x : A) → 𝓤 such that each P x is a set, then so is the type Π (x : A) P x. Proving this uses function extensionality.

  3. The universe 𝓤 is not a set. For there are types for which there are two inequivalent self-functions such as the type 𝟚, with the identity and the swap. However, one needs to turn them into identifications, which requires univalence.

Props are Sets

As expected, mere propositions as sets, just as singletons happen to be mere propostions. Thus, somewhat reassuringly, we have that 𝟙 and 𝟘 are sets.

prop-is-set :  {} {A : Set }  isProp A  isSet A
prop-is-set {} {A} ispropA (x , y) (p , q) = p                        ≡⟨ linv (g {x} x) ⁻¹ ◾ʳ p 
                                              (g x ⁻¹  g x)  p       ≡⟨ assoc (g x ⁻¹) (g x) p 
                                              g x ⁻¹  (g x  p)       ≡⟨ (g x) ⁻¹ ◾ˡ (k {x} p) 
                                              (g {x} x) ⁻¹  (g {x} y) ≡⟨ (g x) ⁻¹ ◾ˡ (k {x} q) ⁻¹ 
                                              g x ⁻¹  (g x  q)       ≡⟨ ( assoc (g x ⁻¹) (g x) q ) ⁻¹ 
                                              (g x ⁻¹  g x)  q       ≡⟨ linv (g {x} x)  ◾ʳ q 
    f = ispropA

    g : {x : A} (y : A)  (x  y)
    g {x} y = f x y

    h : {x : A} {y z : A} (p : y  z)  transport  v  x  v) p (g y)  g z
    h {x} {y} {z} p = apd g p

    k : {x : A} {y z : A} (p : y  z)  (g {x} y)  p  g z
    k {x} {y} {z} p = (g {x} y)  p                   ≡⟨ ( transport-path-f p (g y) ) ⁻¹ 
                      transport  v  x  v) p (g y) ≡⟨ h p 
                      g z 
                        where open transport-in-paths

top ⇑

A taste of Excluded Middle

There is a statement that can be proved in the context of Martin-Löf Type Theory without assuming axioms: that the Excluded Middle is, as they say, “irrefutable,” that is, its double negation always holds. In other words, for all types A

It is not the case that it is not the case that either A or ¬ A

In the following, recall that for any type, ¬ A = A → 𝟘. In the proof we start with evidence ξ : ¬ (A + ¬ A) that is, ξ : (A + ¬ A) → 𝟘.

EM-is-irrefutable :  {} (A : Set )  ¬¬ (A + ¬ A)
EM-is-irrefutable A ξ =  ξ  --takes a term of A + ¬ A
                         (inr --we choose ¬ A, since there's no A. But ¬ A = A → 𝟘
                           λ x  ξ ( inl x)) --x : A so to produce 𝟘 we apply ξ to its left injection

The “wild” Law of the Excluded Middle simply asserts that we can peel those two negation operators off. This cannot be proved, but we can write its type:

wLEM :    Set (lsuc )
wLEM  = (A : Set )  A + ¬ A

Another way to interpret it is to say that every type, interpreted as a Proposition, is decidable.

We have seen in Negation that for any type A we have ¬ A ⟺ ¬¬¬ A. The double negation introduction rule, A → ¬¬ A which we proved, is at the basis of it. Again, the converse, that is, peeling off one negation operator from triple negation, is not provable and we can state it as an axiom, that is, we can write its type:

wLDN :    Set (lsuc )
wLDN  = (A : Set )  (¬¬ A  A)

The two axioms are logically equivalent:

ldn-implies-lem :  {}  wLDN   wLEM 
ldn-implies-lem {} ldn A = ldn (A + ¬ A) dn-em
    dn-em = EM-is-irrefutable A

For the converse implication we use a new construction, the With Abstraction. Its purpose is to allow us to pattern-match on an intermediate computation. In the case at hand, the value of lem A = A + ¬ A.

lem-implies-ldn :  {}  wLEM   wLDN 
lem-implies-ldn lem A ¬¬a with (lem A)
lem-implies-ldn lem A ¬¬a | inl x = x
lem-implies-ldn lem A ¬¬a | inr x = !𝟘 (¬¬a x)

lem-implies-ldn' :  {}  wLEM   wLDN 
lem-implies-ldn' lem A = help (lem A)
    help : (A + ¬ A)  (¬¬ A  A)
    help (inl a)  = λ _  a
    help (inr ¬a) = λ ¬¬a  !𝟘 {B = A} (¬¬a ¬a)

Remark It is important to note the form of the two lemmas for the logical equivalence of LEM and LDN. For example, LEM → LDN is not formulated as

(A : Set ℓ) → ( (A + ¬ A) → (¬¬ A → A))

as one might expect, but as:

 ((A : Set ℓ) →  (A + ¬ A)) → (B : Set ℓ) → (¬¬ B → B)

The difference is crucial: in order to prove LDN for a given type \(B\), we need to know that LEM holds for all types.

However, assuming either of those axioms is incompatible with univalence: if both hold we can derive a contradiction HoTT, Thm. 3.2.2. A more reasonable version of the axiom is the following:

LEM :    Set (lsuc )
LEM  = (A : Set  )  isProp A  (A + ¬ A)


LDN :    Set (lsuc )
LDN  = (A : Set )  isProp A  (¬¬ A  A)

which are only stated for propositions. These are compatible with univalence, as we will probably see. Furthermore, still for mere propositions, there is a compelling alternative characterization worked out in MHE.

LEM' :    Set (lsuc )
LEM'  = (A : Set )  isProp A  (isSingleton A + isEmpty A)

This says that if a type is a (mere) proposition, then it either is contractible or it is empty. The two versions are logically equivalent:

LEM-implies-LEM' :  {}  LEM   LEM' 
LEM-implies-LEM' lem A is with (lem A is)
LEM-implies-LEM' lem A is | inl  a = inl (inhabited-prop-is-singleton a is)
LEM-implies-LEM' lem A is | inr ¬a = inr ¬a

Of course the above lemma, as well as the following converse, can be rewritten with a helper function instead of the with abstraction.

LEM'-implies-LEM :  {}  LEM'   LEM 
LEM'-implies-LEM lem' A is with (lem' A is )
... | inl issingl = inl (center A issingl)
... | inr ¬a      = inr ¬a

The equivalent formulation of LEM is interesting because it says that a mere Proposition is either a singleton or it is empty. What if we do not assume it? We can stil prove that it is not the case that there are mere proposition that are not singletons (i.e. contractible) and also not empty: they’re aptly called “unicorns” in MHE, so let us retain the name:

there-are-no-unicorns :  {}   ¬ ( Σ[ A  Set  ]  ((isProp A) × ( (¬ (isSingleton A)) × (¬ (isEmpty A)))  ) )
there-are-no-unicorns (A , isp , f , g) = nothing
    ¬a : isEmpty A
    ¬a = λ x  f (inhabited-prop-is-singleton x isp)

    nothing : 𝟘
    nothing = g ¬a

We have actually proved the above statement, so we can exclude these “unicorns” exist. Therefore, if LEM is not assumed, it is the case that the possible propositions are the contractible types and the empty one, however there is no way in our type theory to determine which of the two alternatives occurs for a given (mere) proposition A.

top ⇑

Hedberg’s theorem and characterization of sets

Hedberg’s theorem states that if a type has decidable equality then it is a set. There are other equivalent formulations (see the HoTT book), but this one contains a useful criterion to determine when a type is a set. For this particular proof and related definitions we follow the paper Generalization of Hedberg’s Theorem (published version).

We have seen that a type is decidable if A + ¬ A. Following our reference, we re-christen a type discrete it has a decidable equality:

discrete :  {}  Set   Set 
discrete A = decidable-equality A
A function is (weakly or homotopically) constant if its values are propositionally equal:
const :  { ℓ'} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ'}  (A  B)  Set (  ℓ')
const f = (x y : domain f)  f x  f y
and we say that a type is collapsible if there exists a constant endomorphism:
coll :  {}  Set   Set 
coll A = Σ[ f  (A  A) ] const f
First, a decidable type is collapsible:
decidable→collapsible :  {} {A : Set }  decidable A  coll A
decidable→collapsible {} {A} (inl a) =  x  a) , λ x y  refl
decidable→collapsible {} {A} (inr ¬a) =  x  !𝟘 (¬a x)) ,  x y  ap !𝟘 (γ x y))
    γ : (x y : A)  ¬a x  ¬a y
    γ x y = 𝟘-is-prop (¬a x) (¬a y)

The technique of the proof is to observe that if A is true, namely we get a : A, then we can define a constant function f : A → A by simply assigning λ x → a, and therefore refl is a proof of constancy; if, on the other hand, we have ¬ A, i.e. we have a term ¬a : A → 𝟘, then for any x : A we get ¬a x : 𝟘, and hence we get back to A using the (unique) map !𝟘 : 𝟘 → A. Then the proof of constancy uses that 𝟘 is a proposition to prove ¬a x ≡ ¬a y, for all x y : A.

A type is path-collapsible if all its identity types are collapsible:
path-coll :  {}  Set   Set 
path-coll A = (x y : A)  coll (x  y)
Then, we have our first lemma, that discrete types are path-collapsible:
discrete→path-collapsible :  {} {A : Set }  discrete A  path-coll A
discrete→path-collapsible d = λ x y  decidable→collapsible (d x y)

Lemma-1[Hedberg] = discrete→path-collapsible
Sets are path collapsible: the constant endo-function we need on each identity type is actually the identity, and the proof that the type is a set provides the proof of constancy for the endo-function:
--sets are path-collapsible
isSet→path-collapsible :  {} {A : Set }  isSet A  path-coll A
isSet→path-collapsible {} {A} is x y = id ,  p q  is (x , y) (p , q))

Now, we come to the second lemma that will be needed in Hedberg’s theorem proof. This statement is very useful in its own right: it gives a more practical criterion to determine that a type is a set, by providing a constant endo-function on its identity types. The proof relies on the following non-obvious fact: assuming we are given for each x y : A an f : x ≡ y → x ≡ y, then we have that for each r : x ≡ y

r ≡ (f x x refl) ⁻¹ ◾ (f x y r)

which is proved by path induction on r. Indeed, assuming r = refl, which means y = x the above reduces to

refl ≡ (f x x refl) ⁻¹ ◾ (f x x refl)
which has an obvious proof. In its complete form, the lemma is:
--path-collapsible are sets
path-collapsible→isSet :  {} {A : Set }  path-coll A  isSet A
path-collapsible→isSet {} {A} pc (x , y) (p , q) = lemma-3
    f : (x y : A)  x  y  x  y
    f x y = π₁ (pc x y)

    f-is-const : (x y : A) (p q : x  y)  f x y p  f x y q
    f-is-const x y = π₂ (pc x y)

    lemma-1 : (x y : A) (r : x  y)  r  (f x x refl) ⁻¹  (f x y r)
    lemma-1 x .x refl = ( (linv (f x x refl)) ) ⁻¹

    lemma-2 : (f x x refl) ⁻¹  (f x y p)  (f x x refl) ⁻¹  (f x y q)
    lemma-2 = ap  h  (f x x refl) ⁻¹  h) (f-is-const x y p q) 

    lemma-3 : p  q
    lemma-3 = p                           ≡⟨ lemma-1 x y p 
              (f x x refl) ⁻¹  (f x y p) ≡⟨ lemma-2 
              (f x x refl) ⁻¹  (f x y q) ≡⟨ (lemma-1 x y q) ⁻¹ 

Lemma-2[Hedberg] = path-collapsible→isSet
Finally, we have Hedberg’s theorem proper:
--Hedberg's theorem
discrete→isSet :  {} {A : Set }  discrete A  isSet A
discrete→isSet d = path-collapsible→isSet (discrete→path-collapsible d)

Thm[Hedberg] = discrete→isSet
As a simple application, let us prove that the type of Natural Numbers is a set. We have already proved that ℕ has decidable equality, so that it is a set by a straightforward application of Hedberg’s theorem:
module ℕ-is-set where
  open import naturals

  ℕ-is-discrete : discrete 
  ℕ-is-discrete = ℕ-decidable-equality

  ℕ-is-set : isSet 
  ℕ-is-set = discrete→isSet (ℕ-is-discrete)

Appendix: the axiom K

There is another characterization of Sets. It involves the famous T. Streicher’s “axiom K”.

As usual, we write the type holding it:
module K-axiom where
  K :  {}  {A : Set }  Set 
  K {} {A} =  (x : A) (p : x  x)  p  refl
The meaning is transparent: for all types, any self-identification of any term is a equal to the reflexivity one. It follows that if a type satisfies the axiom K it is a set
  K-holds→isSet :  {} {A : Set }  K  isSet A
  K-holds→isSet k (x , .x) (p , refl) = k x p
and, conversely, if it is a set it satisfies K:
  isSet→K-holds :  {} {A : Set }  isSet A  K {} {A}
  isSet→K-holds is = λ x p  is (x , x) (p , refl)

This axiom is actually assumed by default in Agda, see the docs, unless turned off via

{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

By the above discussion, if it is on, we get a more powerful notion of equality, but we turn every type into a set, from a connectivity point of view.

top ⇑

  1. In our mathematical writings we should refrain from labeling some of our statements “Propositions”↩︎