Florida State University Seal

FSU Math Outreach

The FSU High School Mathematics Contest

The EIGHTH Annual FSU High School Math Contest will take place on on the first floor of the LOVE (Mathematics/Meteorology) Building on the FSU Campus (1017 Academic Way) from 9:00 am - Noon on SATURDAY OCTOBER 5, 2019 with registration 8:30-8:55 am. Entry deadline: September 23rd.

Each contest is a 3-hour written exam that tests problem solving skills and mathematical ingenuity rather than the content of a specific course. The exams will consist of 6-10 problems requiring clearly written solutions. Paper will be provided, but students should supply their own sharpened pencils. (No pencil sharpeners are available.)

Students may NOT use any electronic devices, or any books or notes.

There will be two divisions: one for 9th and 10th graders, the other for 11th and 12th graders. In each division there will be a First Prize, Second Prize, and one or more Honorable Mentions.

Problems will be scored on the basis of correctness of solutions, the quality of the method and/or reasoning, and clarity of explanation. The contest problems will be graded during the weeks following the contest with results sent to the high school sponsors.

Rules for Entry:

  1. Eligibility is open to all high school students who are nominated by their school. There is no fee.
  2. Each school must designate a responsible adult who will be present during the contest as a chaperone; this can be the sponsoring teacher or another responsible person approved by the school.
  3. Entries will close at 5pm on the entry deadline day posted above. To enter, the school sponsor should send an email to Dr. Brian Ewald including School Name, Name of Sponsoring Teacher (and, if different, name of responsible adult who will be present during the contest), a list of names of students in grades 9-10, and a list of names of students in grades 11-12.

Here are some Sample Problems.