Topical Acrostic Sonnet
(March, 2024)
 Anatomy Of A Case

 Anatomy can't be beyond your wit:
 Not being able to do chores or play
 A game with kids does not mean too unfit
 To toss a Christmas tree a mile away
 Or fake a contest winner's smile. The harm
 My car crash did means I'm in constant pain,
 Yet it does not affect my throwing arm
 Or facial muscles, Judge, because my brain
 Feels crash pain only in my middle back,
 Attached to which is neither arm nor face.
 Contrariwise, I lift no heavy sack,
 As it would wrack my back ... I rest my case,
 Soliciting for five years' wages lost ...
 Excuse me, Judge, you what—my case is tossed?

 (First published on 11th March, 2024 in
  Oddball Magazine. Story here)
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