Florida State University Seal

Jin Cheng


Speaker: Jin Cheng
Title: Unique Continuation on the Analytic Curve and Its Application to Inverse Problems
Affiliation: Fudan University
Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Place and Time: Room 101, Love Building, 3:35-4:30 pm
Refreshments: Room 204, Love Building, 3:00 pm

Abstract. Unique continuation is one of the important properties for the solutions of some partial differential equations. It means that the information of the solution on the "small" part can determine the solution on the "large" part. In this talk, we will present several results about the "local" version of this property. The conditional stability estimation are proved for guaranteeing the numerical stability. Numerical results for Laplacian and Helmholtz equations confirm the theoretical prediction of the Holder type estimation provided that the line does not attain the boundary of the domain.