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Fellowships & Financial Aid

You will be considered for the following scholarships and awards if you indicate that you are asking for financial assistance on the online department application form.

Teaching Assistantships

A teaching assistantship carries a tuition waiver, a stipend, and a subsidy towards the university health insurance plan. Teaching assistants’ assignments vary as they progress in our TA Training Program. The exact stipend depends on the particular teaching assignment. For priority consideration for teaching assistantships, we must have your complete application by December 15th (for Fall applications). Only applicants for PhD are considered for these positions.

Research Assistantships

A research assistant works with a faculty member on a research topic funded by a research grant. The research assistantship carries a tuition waiver, a stipend, and a subsidy towards the university health insurance plan. Although most research assistant positions are for current PhD students, depending on the background of the student and the availability of funding, new PhD students may also receive these scholarships. For priority consideration for research assistantships, we must have your complete application by December 15th (for Fall applications).

The Tam Family Graduate Fellowship

This competitive award is for incoming PhD students in Applied and Computational Mathematics and Biomathematics programs. The fellowship carries an annual stipend of $5,000 for each year, for five years, in addition to the TA/RA stipend. One student receives this award every year. The fellowships are awarded alternately between Applied and Computational Mathematics and Biomathematics programs. If a Tam fellowship recipient chooses to change his/her academic concentration outside of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Biomathematics, the remainder of the fellowship will be forfeited. Fellowship recipients must maintain a grade of B or higher in each course in order to maintain the scholarship. Failure to do so shall result in his/her becoming ineligible for the scholarship. The recipients must also satisfy the timely progress rules for TAs and RAs.

Latin America-Caribbean (LAC) Scholarship

Students who are citizens from Latin America and the Caribbean (including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands) are eligible for this scholarship. LAC Scholarship recipients receive $500 per academic year (Fall and Spring semesters). More importantly, these students are classified as Florida residents for tuition purposes, which means they will pay in-state resident tuition. For details of this scholarship, including the countries it covers, see the LAC Scholarship page.

Academic Common Market

Students who are residents of one of the 16 SREB (Southern Regional Education Board) states (Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia) can enroll in FSU and pay in-state tuition if the graduate degree they want to study for is not offered by their in-state institutions. For details, visit the Academic Common Market page.

Fellowships offered by the Graduate School

There are several fellowships offered by the Graduate School. Some of these fellowships, but not all, are based upon nominations received from departments. The earliest deadline for consideration for these fellowships is the first week of January. See the Graduate School fellowships page for more information.