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Pure Mathematics at Florida State University

The Pure Mathematics graduate program in the Department of Mathematics at Florida State University offers studies leading to doctoral (Ph.D.) and master's (M.S.) degrees in Mathematics. Research Faculty members represent the fields of Number theory, Arithmetic Geometry, Algebraic Geometry, Geometric Topology, Algebraic Topology, Harmonic Analysis, and Complex Analysis.

The Pure Mathematics Program is designed to provide both a solid preparation in core areas of pure mathematics (algebra, real and complex analysis, and geometry/topology), and specific expertise in one or more areas of active research.

For information about our recent graduates, seminars, requirements and expected timelines toward the MS and Ph.D. degrees, follow the links above.

For admissions please find the relevant informations at our admission page. You will then be directed to the University Application Form. When filling the form, the correct program to choose is Pure Mathematics.

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