Florida State University Seal

Department of Mathematics

College of Arts and Sciences

Alumni Information

Applied and Computational Mathematics at Florida State University

PhD Year Student PhD Advisor Dissertation Title Employment

2024 Zhifeng Deng K. Gallivan/W. Huang Smoothly Evolving Geodesics in the Special Orthogonal Group: Definitions, Computations and Applications Postdoctoral Researcher
Xiamen University
Cody Estebe M. Sussman A hybrid particle and coupled moment-of-fluid level set method for multiphase flows
Nicholas Ossi Z. Musslimani Nonlocal integrable models and constant-intensity waves in non-Hermitian media Visiting Assistant Professor
SUNY at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York
Shirin Provat M. Sussman Metric and Categorical Properties of Hypergraphs with Applications to Ecological Data Assistant Professor
University of Virginia
Azarayah Wilson F. Bao Bayesian Smoother Tuning: Data Assimilation in the Geosciences with Super-parameter Optimization Assistant Professor
Aeronautical University
Daytona Beach, FL
Shuguang Zhang K. Gallivan/W. Huang Riemannian Broyden Family of Limited-memory Quasi-Newton Methods Model Analyst, Citibank, Dallas, TX

2023 Abdullah Aurko Z. Musslimani/J. Cole Instabilities in nonlinear Schrodinger equations: classical and neural network approaches Teaching Assistant Professor
University of Central Florida
Sathyanarayanan Chandramouli Z. Musslimani Nonlinear wave propagation in non-Hermitian media: theory and computation Visiting Assistant Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Samuel Dent A. Farhat Analytical Study of Feedback Control Data Assimilation Algorithms for Ocean Models Research Mathematician Engineer
Engineering Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS
Julia Ream M. Henry de Frahan/M. Sussman Large Eddy Simulations to Investigate the Fundamental Flow Physics of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Turbulent Jets Postdoctoral Researcher
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Meng Wei K. Gallivan / W. Huang Solving Clustering Problems Using Riemannian Optimization Senior Analyst, Citibank, Tampa, FL
Yijia Zhou A. Barbu / K. Gallivan Scalable Clustering: Large Scale Unsupervised Learning of Gaussian Mixture Models with Outliers AI Researcber, Huawei, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

2022 Yiran Chen Giray Ökten Simulation and Goodness-of-Fit Tests of Copulas Senior Analyst Citibank
Haixu Wang Ling Zhu A Discrete-Time Self- and Mutual-exciting Model AVP, Citibank

2021 Huang Hua A. Barbu Robust Machine Learning and the Application to Lane Change Decision Making Prediction Machine Learning Engineer
Tarak Shisode W. Mio / J. Zheng Improving the Accuracy of 3D Chromosome Structure Inference and Analyzing the Organization of Genome in Early Embryogenesis Using Single Cell Hi-C Data Postdoc,
FSU Biology Department

2020 Orhan Akal A. Barbu Learning Chan-Vese Machine Learning Scientist
Overjet.AI, Boston, MA
Yangzi Guo A. Barbu A Study of Feature Interactions and Pruning on Neural Networks Quantitative Risk Analyst
Citibank, Tampa FL
Zhiqiu Li L. Zhu Option Pricing for An Affine Jump-Diffusion Model Quantitative Analytics Specialist
Wells Fargo
Yang Liu M. Sussman / M. Hussaini A Novel Numerical Method for Resolving Micro-structure Based on Supermesh for Multi-material Systems

2019 Feifan Liu M. Sussman Novel Numerical Analysis Methods, Using The Weno And WENO-Z Algorithms, for Combining Observational Data With Model Predictions For Improving Forecasts Quantitative Risk and Stress
Test Senior Analyst
Matthew C. Villamarette M. Sussman Second Order Discrete Maximum Preserving Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations Senior Professional Staff
Applied Mathematician
Applied Physics Laboratory
Johns Hopkins University

2018 Gitesh Dawer A. Barbu Neural Rule Ensembles: Encoding Feature Interactions into Neural Networks Machine Learning Engineer
Matthew Hancock J. Magnan Algorithmic Lung Nodule Analysis in Chest Tomography Images: Lung Nodule Malignancy Likelihood Prediction and a Statistical Extension of the Level Set Image Segmentation Method Scientific Software Developer
Enthought, Austin TX
Yaqing You K. Gallivan / P. Absil A Riemannian Approach for Computing Geodesics in Elastic Shape Space and its Applications Quantitative Associate
Wells Fargo, San Francisco, CA
Xinru Yuan K. Gallivan / P. Absil Riemannian Optimization Methods for Averaging Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices Machine Learning Engineer
Ant Group, Beijing

2017 Melissa Marchand K. Gallivan / P. Van Dooren Low-rank Riemannian Optimization Approach to the Role Extraction Problem Scientist
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Panama City FL
Chaoxu Pei M. Sussman / M. Hussaini Space-time Spectral Element Methods in Fluid Dynamics and Material Science Equity Model Validator
Citibank, Tampa FL
Liang-Hsuan Tai K. Gallivan / A. Srivastava Trend and Variable-phase Seasonality Estimation from Functional Data Research Engineer
United Microelectronics
Hsinchu, Taiwan

2016 Justin Cole Z. Musslimani Nonlinear Schroedinger-type Systems: Complex Lattices and Non-Paraxiality Research Associate
University of Colorado at Boulder
Justin Eilertsen J. Magnan Local and Global Bifurcations in Finite-Dimensional Center Manifold Equations of Double Diffusive Convection Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology
School of Medicine
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor MI

2015 Daozhi Han X. Wang Diffuse Interface Method for Two-phase Incompressible Flows Assistant Professor
Missouri University of
Science and Technology
Dong Sun X. Wang / M. Gunzberger High Order Long-time Accurate Methods for Stokes-Darcy System and Uncertainty Quantification of Contaminant Transport Senior Structuring Analyst
Constellation, Balitmore MD
Celes Woodruff X. Wang Efficient and Accurate Numerical Schemes for Long Time Statistical Properties of the Infinite Prandtl Number Model for Convection Assistant Professor
James Madison University
Harrisonburg VA
Guifang Zhou K. Gallivan / P. Van Dooren Rank-constrained Optimization: A Riemannian Manifold Approach Senior Data Analyst
Athenium Analytics
Washington DC

2014 Wen Huang K. Gallivan / P. Absil Optimization Algorithms on Riemannian Manifolds with Applications Associate Professor
Xiamen University
Xiamen, China
Matthew Jemison M. Sussman An Asymptotically Preserving Method for Multiphase Flow Postdoctoral Researcher
Mechanical Engineering
Florida State University
Andrew Winters D. Kopriva Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Approximations for the Reflection and Transmission of Waves from Moving Material Interfaces Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden

2013 Yanyan He M. Hussaini Uncertainty Quantification and Data Fusion Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Utah
Yaning Liu M. Hussaini/Ökten Non-intrusive Methods for Probabilistic Uncertainty Quantification and Global Sensitivity analysis in Nonlinear Stochastic Phenomena Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

2012 Tianyu Liang X. Wang / A. Kercheval Alternative Models for Stochastic Volatility Corrections for Equity and Interest Rate Derivatives Quantitative Analyst
ING, Philadelphia

2011 Cesar Acosta-Miloni D. Kopriva Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Approximations on Moving Meshes for Wave Scattering from Reflective Moving Boundaries Universidad Del Quindío, Uniquindío Colombia

Xiao Chen M. Navon / M. Sussman 4-D Var Data Assimilation and POD Model Reduction Methodologies Applied to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Models Center for Applied Scientific Research
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Austen C. Duffy M. Sussman / M. Hussaini Massively Parallel Algorithms for CFD Simulation and Optimization on Heterogeneous Many-core Architectures Computational/Software Developer

Philip P. LePoudre C. Tam Computational Aeroacoustics Cascade Model of Fan Noise Mechanical Engineering
University of Saskatchewan

Qin Li G. Erlebacher / X. Wang Sparse Approximation and its Applications Postdoctoral Researcher
Food and Drug Administration

Chunhong Qi K. Gallivan / P. Absil Numerical Optimization Methods on Riemanian Manifolds Instructor
Nanjing Foreign Language School
Xian Lin Campus

2010 Ji Shen G. Erlebacher / X. Wang No-reference Natural Image/Video Quality Assessment of Noisy, Blurry, or Compressed Images/Videos Based on Hybrid Curvelet, Wavelet, and Cosine Transforms Android Lead Developer
Huffington Post

Svetlana Simakhina M. Sussman Level Set and Conservative Level Set Methods on Dynamic Quadrilateral Grids

Yaohong Wang M. Sussman Numerical Methods for Two-Phase Jet Flow Department of Mathematics
University of California Santa Barbara

2009 Fei Hua X. Wang / M. Gunzburger Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of the Stokes-Darcy System with Beavers-Joseph Interface Condition Sales and Trading Associate
Nomura Securities International

Edwin Jimenez M. Hussaini Uncertainty Quantification of nonlinear stochastic phenomena Staff Scientist
California Institute of Technology

2008 Haomin Lin Peterson/Gunzburger An Optimal Control Problem for a Time Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Model of Superconductivity Private Sector Job, China

Hoa V. Nguyen M. Gunzburger Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations for Mesh Generation: from Uniform to Anisotropic Adaptive Triangulations Assistant Professor
Trinity University

2007 Wan-Kan Chan M. Gunzburger Analysis and Approximation of a Two-Banded Ginzburg-Landau Model of Superconductivity Postdoctoral Researcher
North Carolina State University

Zheng Chen M. Gunzburger ANOVA for Parameter Dependent Nonlinear PDEs and Numerical Methods for the Stochastic Stokes Equations Assistant Professor
Southern University

Yuki Saka M. Gunzburger Analysis of Two PDE Models in Fluid Mechanics: Nonlinear Spectral Eddy-Viscosity Model of Turbulence and Infinite Prandti-number Model of Mantle Convection Patent office, Japan

Clayton Webster M. Gunzburger Sparse Collocation Techniques for the Numerical Solution of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Senior Scientist
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee

2006 Santharam Akella M. Navon Deterministic and Stochastic Aspects of Data Assimilation NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center

2005 Ana-Maria Croicu M. Hussaini Single and multiple-objective stochastic programming with applications to aerodynamics Professor
Department of Mathematics
Kennesaw State University
2005 Zhenlu Cui Q. Wang Rheology and Mesoscale Morphology of Flows of Chlesteric and Nemetic Liquid Crystal Polymers Professor
Fayetteville State University
Fayetteville, NC

Samet Kadigoglu M. Sussman All Speed Multi-Phase Flow Solvers Professor
Department of Mathematical Engineering
Istanbul Technical University

2002 Cristian Homescu M. Navon Optimal Control of Continuous and Discontinouos Flow Vice President
SIG Analytics - Commodities
Wells Fargo Securities
Charlotte, NC