Florida State University Seal

Admission Prerequisites

Applied and Computational Mathematics at Florida State University

Students are required to have Bachelors in Mathematics or closely related area, and computer programming background in a high level compiled language, such as, C++, C, Java, or Fortran.

  • Expected course work: Calculus 1, 2, and 3 (multivariate calculus), ordinary differential equations, linear algebra, partial differential equations, real analysis 1 (advanced calculus), and numerical analysis.

  • Preferred course work: Mathematical modeling, complex variables, real analysis 2, statistics, optimization, and advanced numerical algorithms.

Students from engineering or science backgrounds with strong computational or application backgrounds and course work equivalent to a significant portion of the lists above are also encouraged to apply.

Students admitted with minor deficiencies in the prerequisites above may be required by the Director or their Supervisory Committee to take specific courses.