Florida State University Seal

MAM Qualifying Examination

Biomathematics, and Applied and Computational Mathematics at Florida State University

The Methods of Applied Mathematics Qualifying Examination for ACM students and the related semester-based qualifying examinations for Biomathematics students cover material related to topics from the lists below. The lists are organized by topics taught in or relevant to the courses Methods of Applied Mathematics I and Complex Variables, Asymptotic Expansions and Integral Transforms (MAM II).

The examination is closed-book, i.e., no reference books or notes are allowed. A simple graphing calculator is permitted. Electronic devices with network connectivity or sufficient storage capacity to contain notes or other reference material are not permitted.

The examination is usually 4 hours in duration when two parts are taken and approximately 2 hours when only one part is taken. The time allowed for each part will be specified at the examinations.

In addition to consulting the topic lists and references, students are encouraged to discuss the MAM Qualifying Examination topics with recent instructors of the core MAM courses and the ACM Director.