Florida State University Seal

PDE Qualifying Examination

Biomathematics and Applied and Computational Mathematics at Florida State University

The Partial Differential Qualifying Examination for ACM sudents, and the related semester-based qualifying examinations for Biomathematics students cover material related to topics from the lists below.

While the lists are organized by topics taught in or relevant to the courses Elementary Partial Differential Equations I and Elementary Partial Differential Equations II, the PDE Qualifying Examination is neither organized nor graded as two independent course-specific sections. Questions may mix material from the lists and performance on the entire examination determines the result.

The questions in each of the Biomathematics semester course-based EPDE I and EPDE II Qualifying Examinations are related to

The examination is closed-book, i.e., no reference books or notes are allowed. Electronic devices are not allowed.The PDE Qualifying Examination is usually 4 hours in duration and a semester-based qualifying examination is approximately 2 hours in duration. The time allowed will be specified at the examinations.

In addition to consulting the topic lists and references, students are encouraged to discuss the topics with recent instructors of the core courses and the Biomathematics Director or ACM Director.