The month of January, 2025 |
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Organizational meeting
Financial Math Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Algebra seminar [url]
Euler characteristic-like invariants and positivity patterns in geometric contexts predicted by combinatorics
Biomathematics Journal Club
Organizational meeting
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Organizational meeting
The month of December, 2024 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Vortex Rings, Vortex Filaments, and the Geometry of Incompressible Fluid Equations
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
A Brief Introduction to Point Processes
Algebra seminar
Exotic tori and actions by SL_d(Z)
Biomathematics Seminar
Formulation, Approximation, Reduction: A Journey Through Techniques Used in Stochastic Analysis of Biological Systems
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Modelling the interaction between the host immune response, bacterial dynamics and inflammatory damage in comparison with immunomodulation and vaccination experiments
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Positive Transvections in Symplectic Vector Spaces
Analysis and PDE Seminar
Numerical Method for N-material multiphase flow; gas, liquids, elastic solids, you name it.
The month of November, 2024 |
Analysis and PDE Seminar
Inverse scattering transform method to solve the NLS equation
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Dynamic Risk Management Maximizing Growth and Value
Algebra seminar
Supersolvable posets and fiber-type arrangements
Biomathematics Seminar
Sex Differences in Cell Metabolism
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Active licking shapes cortical taste coding
Learning Interaction Kernels from Mean-Field Models
Optimality Properties of Tight Frames
Special Machine Learning Seminar
The Most (Subjectively) Interesting Bottlenecks of Large Language Models Development
Analysis and PDE Seminar
Fractal Riesz Energy Asymptotics through Gaussian Means
Mathematics Colloquium
Mathematical analysis of neural and network dynamics
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Structures and Vulnerabilities of the Representation Space of Transformers
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Learning Noisy Operators with Stochastic Optimal Control
Algebra seminar
Homology of spaces of curves on blowups
Undergraduate Honors Thesis Defense
Modeling Cortical Folding Patterns of the Brain
Biomathematics Seminar
How Reasoning About Errors can Affect Indirect Reciprocity
Dissertation Defense
Smoothly Evolving Geodesics in the Special Orthogonal Group: Definitions, Computations and Applications
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Comparison of cubical sets with and without symmetries
Mathematics Colloquium
Democratize Responsible AI: A ‘Many Voices’ Approach Spanning Mathematical and Computer Science And Beyond
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Reinforcement learning under incomplete information structures
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Financial Math Seminar [url]
Ergodicity and convergence to equilibrium for Langevin dynamics with general potentials
Algebra Seminar [url]
Monodromy and vanishing cycles for curves in an algebraic surface
Geometry and Topology [url]
Classical and Exotic Dehn Filling
Candidacy Exam
ACM seminar
Covariance Steering for Linear Stochastic Systems
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
A statistical and computational theory for Gromov-Wasserstein alignment
Mathematics Colloquium
Postdoc Colloquium
The month of October, 2024 |
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Algebra seminar
Algebraically integrable foliations and canonical bundle formula
Biomathematics Seminar
Explosive Opinion Polarization and Depolarization with Nonlinear Incidence
Biomath Journal Club [url]
The impact of threshold decision mechanisms of collective behavior on disease spread
Physics-Aware Data-Driven Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification for Large-Scale Environmental Problems
Analysis and PDE Seminar
Effect of rotation on the dynamics of the solution of the 3-D viscous primitive equations.
Candidacy Exam
An Introduction to Algebraic K-Theory
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
A Review on Optimal Transport: Numerics and Applications to Machine Learning
Algebra seminar
Spaces of flat surfaces
Biomathematics Seminar
Oscillations in Delayed Positive Feedback Systems
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Synchronization of pancreatic islets by periodic or non-periodic muscarinic agonist pulse trains
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Some aspects of the long-time behavior of 2d fluid flows
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Advances in Learning Noisy Operators
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Algebra seminar
On the topology of the moduli space of tropical Z/pZ-covers
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Vietoris-Rips complexes of totally split-decomposable spaces
Analysis and PDE Seminar
Physical-compatible approximation to scalar hyperbolic equation
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Exploiting Low-Dimensional Data Structures and Estimating Scaling Laws for Transformer Neural Networks
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Multiscale Gromov-Wasserstein Distance
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes: Regularity, Approximations, Learning: Part II
Algebra seminar
Uniform bounds on Sylvester-Gallai type configurations of polynomials
Biomathematics Seminar
Emergence of Power-Law Distributions in Self-Segregation Reaction-Diffusion Processes
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Single olfactory receptors set odor detection thresholds
Biomath ATE
Modeling the Biomechanical Forces and Tensions that Contribute to Cortical Folding in the Human Brain
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Rigidity of Smooth Actions of R^k
ACM seminar
Mean-Field Control: Decentralization and Learning
Analysis and PDE Seminar
Boundary controllability of the ideal MHD system
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
The Challenges Of Statistical Modeling In Elections
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Rigidity of hyperbolic group actions
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Entropy in low complexity
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes: Regularity, Approximations, Learning: Part I
Algebra seminar [url]
Principal minors, stable polynomials and tropical geometry.
Biomathematics Seminar
A Tour of Research Questions in Epidemiology, Ecology, and Evolution That Can be Answered by Methods from Applied Mathematics
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Expansion of scroll wave filaments induced by chiral mismatch
Explosive opinion polarization and depolarization with asymmetric perception
The month of September, 2024 |
Analysis and PDE Seminar
Minimal potential energy for Gaussian kernels
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
How to Train Your Network: Challenges and Opportunities
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Structures and Vulnerabilities of the Representation Space of Transformers
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Multi-scale schemes in continuous-time optimal control
Biomathematics Seminar
Formulation, Approximation, Reduction: A Journey Through Techniques Used in Stochastic Analysis of Biological Systems
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Expansion of scroll wave filaments induced by chiral mismatch
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Classical and Exotic Dehn Filling (cancelled and will be rescheduled)
On Regularization via Early Stopping and Mini Batching for Least Squares Regression
Analysis and PDE Seminar
Liouville comparison theory for breakdown of Euler-Arnold equations
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Information Gamma calculus: Convexity analysis for stochastic differential equations
Biomathematics Seminar
n:m Phase-Locking of Heterogeneous and Strongly Coupled Oscillators
Algebra seminar [url]
Relations between Frobenius eigenvalues of abelian varieties over finite fields
Financial Mathematics Seminar
A Theory of Sustainable Investing: Driven by Values and Value
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Classical and Exotic Dehn Filling
Structured Control and Learning for Sustainable Energy Systems
Analysis and PDE Seminar
Dispersive hydrodynamics in non-Hermitian nonlinear Schrödinger equation with complex external potentials.
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Hyperbolic dynamics, partially hyperbolic dynamics and transverse foliations
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Maximum principles for PDEs and numerical schemes based on gradient ascent
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Financial Applications of the Signature Method
Algebra seminar [url]
3-dimensional hypersurfaces and intermediate Jacobians
Biomathematics Seminar
Biofilm Rheology and Uncertainty
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Local heterogeneities in cardiac systems suppress turbulence by generating multi-armed rotors
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Existence of quasigeodesic Anosov flows in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Generalized Dimension Reduction Using Semi-Relaxed Gromov-Wasserstein Distance
Financial Mathematics Seminar
One-Dimensional McKean-Vlasov Stochastic Variational Inequalities and Coupled BSDEs with Locally Holder Noise Coefficients
Algebra seminar [url]
Rational torsion and reducibility for abelian varieties associated to newforms
Biomathematics Seminar
Current Research Topics of the Bertram lab
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Local heterogeneities in cardiac systems suppress turbulence by generating multi-armed rotors
ACM [url]
PDE Foundation Model: Generalization, Meta-learning and Learning to Learn
Geometry and Topology [url]
Rigidity of convex subsets in symmetric spaces
The month of August, 2024 |
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Algebra seminar [url]
Crepant resolutions via stacks
Biomathematics Seminar
Organizational Meeting
ACM seminar
Organizational meeting
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Organizational meeting
PhD Candidacy defense
Explosive Opinion Polarization and Depolarization with Nonlinear Incidence
The month of July, 2024 |
ATE Defense
Investigating Early Olfactory Signal Processing
ATE Presentation
Infection, the Microbiome, and their Possible Impact on Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Progression
The month of June, 2024 |
Dissertation Defense
Modeling Synchronization in Pancreatic Islets and Biomarker Discovery in Sepsis
Ethan Semrad Dissertation Defense
Metric and Categorical Properties of Hypergraphs with Applications to Ecological Data
The month of April, 2024 |
Simplifying Difference Equations (ATE talk)
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
1) Vietoris-Rips complexes of totally split-decomposable spaces; 2) Efficient computation of 1-skeleton of directed graphs
Mathematics Colloquium
Random Fractals Arising in Probability and Statistical Physics
Special Seminar Lecture
Exploring the Gaussian Free Field
Biomathematics Seminar
An introduction to social evolution
Biomathematics Journals
A Multiscale Model of Complex Endothelial Cell Dynamics in Early Angiogenesis
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Symmetry properties of the cubical Joyal model structure
ATE exam
Graph Neural Networks for the Inverse Problem
Ruth Lopez Fajardo's ATE
Parameter Estimation for Complex Dynamical Systems
Mathematics Colloquium
Math Honors Day
Financial Math Seminar
Hedging the Divergence Loss of the Constant Product Market Maker in Decentralized Finance
Algebra Seminar [url]
Solving Third Order Linear Difference Equations in Terms of Second Order Equations
Biomathematics Seminar
Coupled dynamics of behaviour and disease
Biomathematics Journals Seminar
A Mathematical Model of Stroma-Supported Allometric Tumor Growth
Undergraduate Math Seminar
An example of group theory in mathematics: How symmetries in the zometool construction toy determine which pieces can fit together in a loop.
PDE seminar
Optimal control for the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Graduate Student Flash Talks
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
On the training and generalization of deep operator networks
Financial Math Seminar
Stochastic Control/Stopping Problem with Expectation Constraints
Algebra Seminar [url]
The even filtration
Honors In The Major Undergraduate Thesis Defense
Mathematical Modeling of the Brain
Biomathematics Seminar
The impact of zealots and consensus makers in voting games
Mathematics Colloquium
On the stability of solitons and topological solitons in one-dimensional field theories.
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
On configuration spaces and sieves
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
New Developments in Set-Valued Stochastic Analysis and Applications
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Transformers: Theory and Weakness
PhD Defense
Simplicial Methods in Graph Machine Learning
Financial Math Seminar
Weakly interacting jump processes with graphon interactions
Algebra Seminar [url]
Introduction to Stable Homotopy Theory
Undergraduate Math Seminar
CANCELLED: An example of group theory in mathematics: How symmetries in the zometool construction toy determine which pieces can fit together in a loop.
Biomathematics Seminar
A mathematical model of stroma-supported allometric tumor growth
Dissertation Defense
The Global Active Subspace Method
PDE seminar
Scattering Resonances Through Subwavelength Holes: Theory, Computation and Applications in Imaging
The month of March, 2024 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Loss of Synchrony to Silencing in Networks of Excitable Cells: Impact of Cell and Coupling Heterogeneity in Small Network Examples
Designing Universal Causal Deep Learning Models: The Case of Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems from Stochastic Analysis
Algebra Seminar [url]
An explicit generating function for the Betti numbers of the moduli space of stable, n-pointed rational curves
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar
What is Biomathematics?
Biomathematics Journals Seminar
Molecular Switch Architecture Determines Response Properties of Signaling Pathways
Biomathematics Seminar
Structure and dynamical behavior of non-normal networks
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Conjugating Representations in PGL(k, C) into PGL(k, R)
Financial Math Seminar
Lower estimates for SDEs driven by fractional Brownian motion
PDE seminar
Stability of Shear Flows & Sum-of-Squares Polynomial Optimization
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Variograms for kriging and clustering of spatial functional data with phase variation
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Bayesian Data-driven Discovery of Physical Laws in a Heterogeneous Environment from Noisy Data
Financial Math Seminar
Efficient Solvers for Partial Gromov--Wasserstein
Algebra Seminar [url]
Calculus of fractions for higher categories
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar
An introduction to modeling social dynamics and evolution
Biomathematics Seminar
A territorial game between wasps
Biomathematics Journals Seminar
An Indicator of Crohn's Disease Severity Based on Turing Patterns
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Eigenvalues of subgroups of Lie groups
PDE seminar
Liouville comparison theory for breakdown of Euler-Arnold equations
PDE seminar
Liouville comparison theory for breakdown of Euler-Arnold equations
Dissertation Defense
Riemannian Broyden Family of Limited-memory Quasi-Newton Methods
Candidacy Exam
Euler characteristic transform
Financial Math Seminar
Diffusion Operator Integral Method and Applications to Pricing and Optimal Investment
Algebra Seminar [url]
Multidegrees of Monomial Cremona Transformations
Biomathematics Journals Seminar
A Turing Mechanism in Order to Explain the Patchy Nature of Crohn's Disease
Biomathematics Seminar
Optimal control and its application to find optimal treatments for HIV-related cancer
Mathematics Colloquium
Curvature and sharp growth rates of log-quasimodes on compact manifolds
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Negatively curved spaces and groups and the Cannon conjecture
Mathematics Colloquium
Mathematical Models of infectious diseases
PDE seminar
Mathematical Models of infectious diseases
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Non-equilibrium dynamics of complex networks
The month of February, 2024 |
Algebra Seminar [url]
From Hochschild homology to traces and back
Financial Math Seminar
Some recent applications of multivariate approximation via Stein's method to computational statistics
Biomathematics Seminar
Mathematical Optimization of Drug Regimens
Industry Seminar
Math in the Biopharma Industry
Joint Math Major Seminar / Undergraduate Colloquium
What is turbulence?
Topology and Geometry Seminar
Negatively curved spaces and groups and the Cannon conjecture
PDE seminar
Nonlocal Integrable Models
Mathematics Colloquium
Analysis and Approximation of Fluids Under Singular Forcing
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Dissertation Defense: Methods of Shape Analysis: Optimal Transport, Geometric Measure Theory, and Deep Learning
Financial Math Seminar
Differential Privacy of Noisy (S)GD under Heavy-Tailed Perturbations
Algebra Seminar/Candidacy Exam [url]
Global p-Curvatures of Linear Recurrence Operators
Biomathematics Journals Seminar
A Multiscale Model of Complex Endothelial Cell Dynamics in Early Angiogenesis
Biomathematics Seminar
Vaccination and the theory of games
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Negatively curved spaces and groups and the Cannon conjecture
Financial Math PhD Candidacy Exam
Estimating the covariance matrix in the high dimensional, low sample size regime
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Riemannian Brownian Bridges and Metric Estimation on Landmark Manifolds
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Computational Anatomy: Simple Statistics on Interesting Spaces for Developing Imaging Biomarkers Analysis
Biomathematics Seminar
Vaccination and the theory of games
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Reinforcement Learning in Non-Markovian Environments under General Information Structures
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
The Four Point Condition as the Tropicalization of Ptolemy's Inequality
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Hypernetwork Gromov-Hausdorff Distance: Graphification and Affinity Networks
Financial Math Seminar
Data-Driven Algorithms for PDE: Single and Multiple Operator Learning
Algebra Seminar [url]
Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes
Biomathematics Seminar
Allometric scaling laws in biology
Biomathematics Journals Seminar
Differential Equation Model for Central-Place Foragers with Memory: Implications for Bumble Bee Crop Pollination
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Orthogonal Möbius Inversion and Grassmannian Persistence Diagrams
Special Biomath Seminar
Stochastics in medicine: Delaying menopause and missing drug doses
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Entropy dissipation for general Langevin dynamics and its application.
Algebra Seminar [url]
Matroids: from Linear Independence to Hyperplane Arrangements
Financial Math Seminar
Uniform-in-Time Wasserstein Stability Bounds for (Noisy) Stochastic Gradient Descent
The month of January, 2024 |
Biomathematics Seminar
Tension-based cortical morphogenesis
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Bibundles II
Undergraduate Colloquium + PDE seminar
Signature in Machine Learning and Finance
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
PDE in Control — Applications in Finance and Learning
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Learning High-Dimensional Banach-Valued Functions from Limited Data with Deep Neural Networks
Algebra Seminar [url]
Cofibration category of directed graphs for path homology
Biomathematics Seminar
Modeling the synchronization of pancreatic islets
Biomathematics Journals Seminar
A Neuromechanistic Model for Rhythmic Beat Generation
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Equity Modelling in Stochastic Portfolio Theory and Portfolio Optimization with Frictions; Empirics, Robustness and Transaction Costs
PDE seminar
Organizational Meeting
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Risk Measure, Dependence and Diversification
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Decoding Neural Responses: Classification of Chemosensory Stimuli
Financial Math Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Algebra seminar [url]
Organizational meeting
Biomathematics Seminar
Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation via indirect reciprocity
Biomathematics Journals Seminar
Major Depressive Disorder and Bistability in an HPA-CNS Toggle Switch
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Next Generation Algorithms for Constrained Stochastic Optimization
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Multiscale modeling and topological data analysis in artificial intelligence-driven biology
Biomathematics Seminar
Organizational meeting
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Optimal Path Planning in the Hamilton-Jacobi Formulation
The month of December, 2023 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Mathematics of malaria transmission dynamics: the renewed quest for eradication
Candidacy Exam
Algebraic theories in infinity categories
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Set Values of Mean Field Games
Algebra seminar [url]
Group Cohomology with Values in a Picard Category
Biomathematics Seminar
Comparing the (different) effects host additions can have on metrics of disease
Topology/Geometry Seminar [url]
Smooth actions on manifold by higher rank lattices
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Symplectic Geometry and Optimization
The month of November, 2023 |
Algebra seminar [url]
Background on modular forms and Hecke operators
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Non-convex Bayesian Learning via Stochastic Gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Generative Machine Learning Models for Uncertainty Quantification
Biomathematics Seminar
Mathematical ecology of symbionts and hosts
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Legends of Biomath: The Final Part
PDE seminar
A simple proof of linear instability of shear flows for the 2D Euler equations with application to vortex sheets
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Thanksgiving Break (No Classes)
PDE seminar
Leveraging Observational Data to Enhance Continuous Data Assimilation: Mobile Observers, Sparse-in-time Observations, and a Global Ocean Model
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Geometric Deep Learning on Unregistered Shape Data
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Point counting over finite fields and the cohomology of moduli spaces of curves
Algebra seminar [url]
Motivic structures in the cohomology of moduli spaces of curves
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Deep Operator Networks: Implementation and Applications (Ryan Bausback); A brief survey of optimal execution problem (Changkui Wu)
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Recent Advances in the Theory of Stochastic Control
Biomath Seminar
Optimal neurostimulation strategies for symptom control in neurological diseases
Topology/Geometry Seminar [url]
Exploring Infinite Type Surfaces
PDE seminar
Instantaneous gap loss of Sobolev regularity for the 2D incompressible Euler equations
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Langevin Algorithms in Machine Learning
Algebra seminar [url]
Motivic integration for Artin stacks
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Edge-averaged virtual element methods for convection-dominated problems
Biomath Journal Club [url]
A Formal Classification of Bursting Mechanisms in Excitable Systems
Biomath Seminar
Formulation, approximation, reduction: A journey through techniques used in stochastic analysis of biological systems
Topology/Geometry Seminar [url]
Periodic data rigidity of Anosov diffeomorphisms
Dissertation Defense
Scalable Clustering: Large Scale Unsupervised Learning of Gaussian Mixture Models with Outliers
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Bridging metric geometry and topology
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Non-normal networks: A review of structure and dynamics
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
An optimal portfolio with jumps- an analysis over finite and small-time horizons
Algebra seminar [url]
A short story on cohomological operations, cotangent bundles and non-commutative geometry
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Abstract Biological Systems as Sequential Machines
Cagatay Ayhan ATE
Methods in Topological Data Analysis with An Application in Simultaneously Recorded Neural Spike Train Datasets
Biomath Seminar
A Glimpse into Network Science: Part III - Graph Laplacian and random walks
The month of October, 2023 |
Topology/Geometry Seminar [url]
Spherical homogeneous spaces and Anosov representations acting on them
PDE seminar
You Will Be Assimilated: Using Data to Accurately Model Fluids with Nonlinear Methods
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
New applications and extensions of classic structured population models: birth control, drug addiction, and kinetic theory
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Weisfeiler and Lehman use Simplicial Sets: Psuedotop Vertex Neural Networks
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
From Data to Insights: Permeability values estimation with a Direct Filter
Algebra seminar [url]
Reducibility and rational torsion in elliptic curves II
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
“Computational Fluid Dynamics and Computational Aeroacoustics: What are their differences”.
Biomath Seminar
Social dynamics in biological systems
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Oscillation and Chaos in Physiological Control Systems
Topology/Geometry Seminar [url]
Hypersurfaces and inclusion-exclusion
PDE seminar
Quantitative blow-up criteria for defocusing energy-supercritical NLS
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Algebra seminar [url]
Background on modular forms and elliptic curves
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Self-organized criticality explains the emergence of irregular vegetation patterns in semi-arid regions
Biomath Journal Club [url]
A Reduced Mathematical Model of the Acute Inflammatory Response II. Capturing Scenarios of Repeated Endotoxin Administration
Biomathematics Seminar
Social dynamics in biological systems
Topology/Geometry Seminar [url]
Divisible convex sets with properly embedded cones
PDE seminar
Physics Preserving Finite Element Methods for Coupled Multi-Physical Subsurface Applications
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Temporal networks: State-transition dynamics, embedding, and switching network modeling
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Discretization-Invariant Extension and Algorithms of Operator Learning on Solving Heterogeneous Multiscale Pde Problems
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Deep Signature Algorithm for Path-Dependent Options
Algebra seminar [url]
Reducibility and rational torsion in elliptic curves
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Beyond the Kalman Filter with Measure Transport
Biomath Seminar
Early warning signals for dynamics on networks
Topology/Geometry Seminar [url]
Curvature sets: the spaces of distance matrices of subsets of S^1
PDE seminar
Uniqueness of critical points for infinite dimensional variational problems
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Wiener chaos calculus for Yule’s correlation statistic, and a strategy for attribution testing in observational time series.
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Sobolev Metrics on the Space of Closed Curves: Continuous and Discrete
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Fitted value iteration methods for bicausal optimal transport
Algebra seminar [url]
Geometric Manin’s conjecture for toric varieties
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Tackling Fluid-Structure Interactions in Unsteady Complex Flows
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks
Biomath Seminar
A Glimpse into Network Science: Part II - Growth models
Topology/Geometry Seminar [url]
Cubical models of higher categories without connections. Part II
The month of September, 2023 |
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Hypergraph Co-Optimal Transport and Ecological Data Science Applications
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Portfolio Selection via Strategy-Specific Eigenvector Shrinkage
Algebra seminar [url]
Enumerative Geometry of Pascal’s Theorem
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
C0 interior penalty methods for elliptic distributed optimal control problems
Biomath Journal Club [url]
A Mathematical Theory of Visual Hallucination Patterns
Biomathematics Seminar
A survey of evolutionary game theory
Topology/Geometry Seminar [url]
Cubical models of higher categories without connections
PDE seminar
Inertial manifolds for regularized Navier-Stokes equations
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Computational Nonlinear Filtering: A Deep Learning Approach
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Curvature Sets and Persistent Homology
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Solving stochastic control problems numerically: a maximum principle approach (II)
Algebra seminar [url]
Determinant functors and rings up to homotopy II
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Entropy dissipation for general Langevin dynamics and its application
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Drug Resistance in Cancer: Principles of Emergence and Prevention
Biomath Seminar
A Glimpse into Network Science: Part I - Structures
Topology/Geometry Seminar [url]
Frame theory on vector bundles
PDE seminar
Primitive equations: mathematical analysis and machine learning algorithm
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
PostDoc Colloquium
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Optimal Transport and Its Applications
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Solving stochastic control problems numerically: a maximum principle approach (I)
Algebra seminar [url]
Determinant functors and rings up to homotopy
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
A discretization-invariant extension and analysis of some deep operator networks and some topics in scientific machine learning
Biomathematics Seminar
An introduction to (evolutionary) game theory
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Topology/Geometry Seminar
Frame theory on vector bundles
PDE seminar
PDE Seminar Organizational Meeting
Colloquium [url]
Strolling around the concept of shape space
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Rough volatility: fact or artefact?
Algebra seminar
Organizational meeting
Professional Development Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Organizational Meeting
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Organizational Meeting
Topology/Geometry Seminar
Organizational Meeting
The month of August, 2023 |
Financial Mathematics Seminars [url]
Organizational Meeting
Topology/Geometry Seminar
Organizational Meeting
The month of July, 2023 |
PhD Dissertation Defense
Solving High-Dimensional Fully Nonlinear Convex Partial Differential Equations Using Deep Learning
Ph. D. Defense of Fan Bai
Neuronal Development: From Polarization to Axonal Growth
The month of April, 2023 |
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Risk Filtering and Risk-Averse Control of Systems with Model Uncertainty
Algebra and its Applications [url]
Topological Hochschild Homology, Mac Lane Homology, stable K -Theory, and the homology of rings
ATE Presentation
Mathematical Techniques for Neural Spike Train Differentiation
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Topological Data Analysis and 2-Categories
PDE Seminar [url]
Well-posedness results for PDEs in the Wasserstein space
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Swimming, buckling, mixing, breaking: adventures with helices at the microscale
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Enriched topological summaries of datasets
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Sinc expansion for derivatives applications
Algebra and its Applications [url]
Multi-Determinant Functors for Triangulated Categories
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
ACM [url]
Various Approximate Methods To Measure The Uniformity Of Quasirandom Sequences
PDE Seminar [url]
The Constantin-Fefferman-Majda criterion for the 3D Euler equations
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Math Honors Day
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Optimal Transport and Its Application
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Bregman-Wasserstein divergence
Algebra and its Applications [url]
Generalizing the determinant
ACM [url]
An introduction to open problems in mathematical analysis of incompressible fluid mechanics.
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Topological Insulators in Electromagnetic Systems
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Graduate Student Flash Talks
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Mathematical Techniques for Neural Spike Train Differentiation
Algebra and its Applications [url]
Homotopy theory of Model categories
Dissertation Defense
Risk aversion in Kyle-Back models
Dissertation Defense
Stochastic Liquidity in the Kyle-Back Model
ACM [url]
Deep Neural Network Solutions for Fully Nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations with Convex Nonlinearity
PDE Seminar [url]
Intermittency and the regularity problem of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations
The month of March, 2023 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Probabilistic solutions to Stefan equations
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Introduction to Topological Data Analysis
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Smoothness of Value Functions in General Control-Stopping Diffusion Problems
ACM [url]
The continuous moment of fluid method and decision tree machine learning for stably and efficiently computing solutions of problems in materials processing and NASA applications
PDE Seminar [url]
The Beale-Kato-Majda condition for the incompressible Euler equations
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
On iteratively regularized alternating minimization algorithm for stable parameter estimation in epidemiology
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Overview of data assimilation methods and applications
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Regularized Estimators in High Dimensional PCA
Algebra and its Applications [url]
Reducibility and rational torsion in elliptic curves (Part 2)
ACM [url]
Non-Hermitian dispersive hydrodynamics and Riemann problems
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Geometry and Probability: III
PDE Seminar [url]
A variational quasi-reversibility model for a time-reversed nonlinear parabolic problem
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Data Driven Modeling of Unknown Systems with Deep Neural Networks
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Tangent-Point Energy for Curve and Surface Repulsion
Algebra and its Applications [url]
Reducibility and rational torsion in elliptic curves
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
ACM [url]
Graph Self-Similarity and Role Models
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Data-driven Approaches And Operator Learning For Solving PDE-related Problems
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
On ergodicity of the damped-driven stochastically forced KdV equation
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Anchored Langevin Dynamics in Machine Learning Applications
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
On mean field control
Biomathematics Journals Seminar [url]
Dynamical Diseases
The month of February, 2023 |
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Geometry and Probability I
ACM [url]
Neural Ordinary Differential Equations and Computational Reading Models
PDE Seminar [url]
The Beale-Kato-Majda condition for the 3D Euler equations
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Mathematical Analysis of Geophysical Models
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Simplicial Complexes from Hypernetworks
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Convergence of Policy Improvement for Entropy-Regularized Stochastic Control Problems
Algebra and its Applications [url]
Lorentzian Properties of the Cremona Transformation Segre Zeta Functions
Biomathematics Journals Seminar [url]
Spatial Oscillations
ACM Seminar [url]
A Short Introduction to Reduced Order Modeling for Partial Differential Equations
PDE Seminar [url]
The Behavior of Nearby Geodesics
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
A Stochastic Maximum Principle Approach for Reinforcement Learning with Parameterized Environment
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
A new methodology for fully nonlinear second-order partial differential equations
Algebra and its Applications [url]
Quotients of products of upper half planes by certain groups
Biomathematics Journals Seminar [url]
Periodic Stimulation of Biological Oscillators
Undergraduate Seminar
Intro to the FSU Career Center
ACM [url]
The Global Active Subspace Method
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
PDE Seminar [url]
Spectral renormalization methods in physics
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
The Gromov-Hausdorff distance between spheres
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Wasserstein-Fisher-Rao Metric: Computational Techniques and Alternate Formulation Inspired by Elastic Shape Analysis
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
On convergence of densities of Gaussian functionals to a Gamma density via the Malliavin-Stein method
Algebra and its Applications [url]
Generating Function of the Squares of Legendre Polynomials
Biomathematics Journals Seminar [url]
Single Pulse Perturbation of Biological Oscillators
ACM Seminar [url]
DGSM Shapley for global sensitivity analysis
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Polynomials in combinatorics and representation theory
PDE Seminar
Space-time nonlocal integrable models
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Cohomology and arithmetic of Mapping spaces
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Effective deep neural network architectures for learning high-dimensional Banach-valued functions from limited data
Biomathematics Journals Seminar [url]
Initiation and Termination of Biological Rhythms
The month of January, 2023 |
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Smooth manifolds through the lens of algebraic geometry: III
ACM Seminar
Training a Two Layer ReLU Network Analytically
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Gromov-Witten theory and invariants of matroids
PDE Seminar
Space-time nonlocal integrable models
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Geometric data analysis: a Riemannian perspective
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Nonlinear random walks: from network reconstruction to epidemics spreading
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Prediction problems and second order equations
Algebra and its Applications [url]
Computer based formalization of Group Theory and Categorical Algebra in Homotopy Type Theory (Part II)
Biomathematics Journals Seminar [url]
Mathematical Models for Biological Oscillators
ACM Seminar [url]
Numerical Simulation of High Field No-Insulation REBCO Magnet
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Smooth manifolds through the lens of algebraic geometry: II
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Computational Advancements in Edge-Preserving Methods for Dynamic and Large-Scale Inverse Problems
PDE Seminar
Well-posedness and ill-posedness of the incompressible Euler equations
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Deep Learning of Multi-Scale PDEs Based on Data Generated from Particle Methods
Machine Learning Seminar
Data Assimilation on the Navier-Stokes and Related Equations
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
Algebra and its Applications [url]
Computer based formalization of Group Theory and Categorical Algebra in Homotopy Type Theory
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Signature and Deep Learning Methods for Path-Dependent Problems in Mathematical Finance
Biomathematics Journals [url]
Noise and Chaos
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Smooth manifolds through the lens of algebraic geometry
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Model-free price bounds of derivative contracts
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Biomathematics Journals Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Measures of Risk under Uncertainty
The month of December, 2022 |
Financial Math Quant Symposium
Introduction to Market Risk
Financial Math Quant Symposium
Market Risk Analytics
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
On the inviscid limit problem for the Navier-Stokes equations
Financial Math Quant Symposium
Counterparty Credit Risk for Risk Participation Swaps
Colloquium [url]
On the inviscid limit problem for the Navier-Stokes equations
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Wasserstein space of continuous time filtered processes
Algebra seminar [url]
Beyond Liouvillian Solutions
PDE Seminar
Boundary controllability for the ideal MHD equations
The month of November, 2022 |
Biomath Seminar [url]
Mapping the Brain and its Development
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Recent Developments in Classification of Quasigeodesic Anosov Flow
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Numerical schemes for various Hydrodynamic models
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Ambiguous Persuasion Under Dynamic Consistency
Algebra seminar [url]
Local-global principles over “henselian“ semi-global fields and its application to the generalized period-index problem
PDE Seminar
Introduction to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation
Biomath Seminar [url]
Bistability and Noise may Underlie Neuronal Polarization
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Relative hyperbolicity in real convex projective geometry
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Convergence of Policy Improvement for Entropy-Regularized Stochastic Control Problems
Algebra seminar [url]
Computer based formalization of Group Theory and Categorical Algebra in Homotopy Type Theory
PDE Seminar
Ill-posedness and Nonexistence results for the surface quasi-geostrophic equation (SQG)
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Interface dynamics for two incompressible fluids: Muskat problem
Dissertation Defense
Modeling and Multi-Timescale Analaysis of Endocrine Cells: From Single Cell Excitability to Network Synchronization
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
A Determining Form and Algebraic Attractor Bounds for the 2D Rayleigh-Benard Problem
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Numerical Approaches for Computing Quasi-stationary Distributions
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar
Modern Challenges in Large-Scale and High-Dimensional Data Analysis
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Phd Student Talks
Algebra seminar [url]
Tropical Geometry: Intrinsic and Toric Perspectives
Advanced Seminar in Applied Math - PDEs
The EPDiff-equation: Local and global well-posedness results
Biomathematics Journal Club [url]
Electrochemical Energy Storage in a Sustainable Modern Society
Biomath Seminar [url]
Achieving Long Time-Scale Sampling of Biomolecules: Hidden Barriers and Orthogonal Space Sampling
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
On well-posedness and smoothing of solutions to the generalized SQG equations in critical Sobolev spaces / Spectral ReLu: A Smooth Generalization of ReLu in Functional Space
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Marked length spectrum rigidity for relatively hyperbolic groups
The month of October, 2022 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Uncertainty Quantification in Large Scale Computational Models
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Phd Student Talks
Algebra seminar
A Coalgebraic Approach to Reduction of Automata
Advanced Seminar in Applied Math - PDEs
Time dependent spectral renormalization methods
Biomathematics Journal Club [url]
Spatial Representation in the Hippocampal Formation: A History
Biomath Seminar [url]
Network Properties of Electrically Coupled Bursting Pituitary Cells
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Effective deep neural network architectures for learning high-dimensional Banach-valued functions from limited data
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Invariant measures for the nonlinear stochastic heat equation on $R^d$ with no drift term
dispersive shock waves
dispersive shock waves
Biomathematics Journal Club [url]
Spatial Representation in the Hippocampal Formation: A History
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Fire Sales, Default Cascades and Complex Financial Networks
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Viscosity Solutions to Second Order Elliptic HJB Equation with infinite delay
Algebra seminar
Numerators of Segre zeta functions and Lorentzian polynomials II
Biomathematics Journal Club [url]
Pluripotent Stem Cell-Based Cell Therapy--Promises and Challenges
Biomath Seminar [url]
Social Dynamics in Biological Systems
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Numerical simulation of entropy noise generation in a military aircraft
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
The combinatorial approach to simplicial sets and their applications (Part II)
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Limits of Geometric Structures on Surfaces
Research overview
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Phd Student Talks
Algebra seminar
Numerators of Segre zeta functions and Lorentzian polynomials I
Advanced Seminar in Applied Math - PDEs
Dispersive regularization in dispersive Eulerian fluids
Biomath Seminar [url]
Comparing the (different) Effects Host Additions can have on Metrics of Disease
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Structure and dynamics of non-normal networks
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
The combinatorial approach to simplicial sets and their applications
FSU Mathematics Distinguished Lecture [url]
Recent computational methods for stochastic optimal control
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Synchronization in a Kuramoto Mean Field Game
Algebra seminar
Fields medalist June Huh’s talk at the 2022 ICM
Advanced Seminar in Applied Math - PDEs
Introduction to the Nonlinear Schrodinger equation
Biomathematics Journal Club [url]
A Programmable Dual-RNA-Guided DNA Endonuclease in Adaptive Bacterial Immunity
Biomath Seminar [url]
Coordination of Islet Oscillations Through Negative Feedback
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
The Navier-Stokes regularity problem as a linear instability problem
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
Fock-Goncharov Coordinates and Cluster Varieties
Dispersive shock waves: derive water wave model from NLS.
derivation of NLS from the water wave system:
The month of September, 2022 |
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Phd Student Talks
Biomathematics Journal Club [url]
A Programmable Dual-RNA-Guided DNA Endonuclease in Adaptive Bacterial Immunity
Biomath Seminar [url]
Optimal Transport, Graph Matching Problems and Applications to Biomathematics
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
On well-posedness and smoothing of solutions to the generalized SQG equations in critical Sobolev spaces
ATE prep and Research Overview
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
PhD Student Talks
Algebra seminar
On the cohomology groups of Hecke congruence subgroups for totally real number fields II
Advanced Seminar in Applied Math - PDEs
The Cordoba-Cordoba-Fontelos equation: regularity, blow-ups and the gap
Biomath Seminar [url]
Modeling Water Reclamation and Fouling
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Spectral renormalization methods in physics
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
A gentle introduction to arithmetic hyperbolic groups III
Dispersive shock waves
Special solutions of the Burger-Hopf, KdV, and NLS: along with a dynamical systems view
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Modern Approaches in Cancer Diagnostics
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Cost Efficiency in Incomplete Markets
Advanced Seminar in Applied Math - PDEs
Burgers equation, part II - dissipation vs. nonlinearity
Algebra seminar
On the cohomology groups of Hecke congruence subgroups for totally real number fields
Biomathematics Journal Club [url]
The Nature of the Chemical Bond
Biomath Seminar [url]
Self-Organizing Phenomena in Networked Biological Systems
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Large Eddy Simulation of the Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Round Turbulent Jet
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
A gentle introduction to arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds: II
Biomathematics Journal Club [url]
The Principle of Membrane Fusion in the Cell
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
The James-Stein estimator for eigenvectors
Algebra seminar
Stark-Heegner/Darmon points
Advanced Seminar in Applied Math - PDEs
Burgers equation, dissipation vs. nonlinearity, and Cole-Hopf transformation
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
Physics preserving finite element methods for coupled multi-physical applications
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
From unitary dynamics to statistical mechanics in isolated quantum systems
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
Algebra seminar
Organizational meeting
Advanced Seminar in Applied Math - PDEs
The month of August, 2022 |
Biomathematics Journal Club [url]
Venus Flytrap: How an Excitable, Carnivorous Plant Works
Biomath Seminar [url]
Cells, Networks, and Engineering Life: A Journey through Biomath
Topology and Geometry Semianr [url]
A gentle introduction to arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds
Applied and Computational Math Seminar [url]
A dynamic adaptive mesh refinement, Moment-of-Fluid, and space-time spectral element method for improved capturing of vortical structures in a realistic Cryogenic Fuel tank
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Postdocs Flash Talks
Introduction and Elevator talk
The month of May, 2022 |
Dissertation Defense
Two Topics in Deep Learning-Based Dialog Systems
The month of April, 2022 |
Algebra Seminar
Stabilization of 2-Crossed Modules
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Imperfect information and optimal transport
Biomath Journal Club [url]
The Input Functions of Genes: Michaelis–Menten and Hill Equations
Applied Math
Convergence of Kernel Learning Backward SDE filter
Grad Student Recruitment Event
Bracebridge Capital Informational Session
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Elastic shape analysis of surfaces with second-order Sobolev metrics: a comprehensive numerical framework
Colloquium [url]
Math Honors Day
Algebra Seminar
The First non-trivial Coefficient of the APP of a Smooth Hypersurface in P^3
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Activism trading and optimal transport
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar [url]
Shape Analysis: the challenge of geometric data
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Robust Spatial Patterning in Development
Biomath Seminar
Subthreshold Dynamics in Periodically Stimulated Squid Giant Axons
Colloquium [url]
From Relaxation Oscillations to French Ducks
Algorithms for Factoring Linear Recurrence Operators
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Gradient Flow for Unsupervised Learning
Algebra Seminar
Non-commutative Geometry
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar [url]
Buffon’s needle problem and geometric probability
Applied Math
Convergence Analysis for kernel learning backward SDE filter
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Dynamical Compensation and Mutant Resistance in Tissues
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Learning operators using deep neural networks for diverse applications
Colloquium [url]
Graduate Student Flash Talks
The month of March, 2022 |
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
A PDE-Based Analysis of the Symmetric Two-Armed Bernoulli Bandit
Algebra Seminar
Motives of Melonic Graphs
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar [url]
An introduction to computational topology
Applied Math
Convergence analysis for kernel learning backward SDE filter
Biomath Seminar
An Introduction to Computational Topology
Ph.D. Defense
Simulation and Goodness-of-fit Tests of Copulas
Colloquium [url]
Algebraic K-theory for 2-categories
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
On Parametric Optimal Execution and Machine Learning Surrogates
Algebra seminar
Graded Picard categories and the 2-type of the sphere
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar [url]
Applied Math
Convergence analysis for kernel learning backward SDE filter
Biomath Seminar
A Mathematical Model of the Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
The Square Root Normal Field Distance and Unbalanced Optimal Transport
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Simultaneous optimal transport
algebra seminar
The Riemann Existence Theorem, and applications to the Inverse Galois Problem.
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar [url]
Network Science: what is it and why should you care?
Biomath Seminar
Nonlinear Dynamics of Immunogenic Tumors: Parameter Estimation and Global Bifurcation Analysis
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Robust Signaling by Bifunctional Components
Applied Math
Convergence of sample-wise back-propagation for stochastic neural networks
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Fibrations of S^3 by simple closed curves
Colloquium [url]
Boundaries of Groups with Non-positive Curvature
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Statistical Arbitrage: A factor investing approach
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Kinetic Proofreading and Conformational Proofreading
Biomath Seminar
Topological data analysis of C. elegans locomotion and behavior
Applied Math
Convergence of sample-wise backpropagation for SNNs
Applied Math
Convergence of sample-wise backpropagation for SNNs
The month of February, 2022 |
Well-posedness of logarithmic spiral vortex sheets.
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Introduction to information geometry
Algebra Seminar
Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem
Applied Math Seminar
Kernel method for machine learning
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar [url]
Mathematics and the cloak of invisibility
Biomath Seminar
A Mathematical Recommendation for Short-Term Treatment of HIV
Biomath Journal Club [url]
How to Build a Biological Oscillator
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Graphification and Hypergraphification
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Insider Trading with Penalties
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar [url]
Intro to the Center for Undergraduate Research
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Positive Feedback, Bistability, and Memory
Biomath Seminar
Graph Clustering for RNA Secondary Structure Analysis
Applied Math Seminar
Kernel method for machine learning
Candidacy exam
Torsion in Modular Abelian Varieties
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Dispersion-Constrained Martingale Schrodinger Problems and the Joint S&P 500/VIX Smile Calibration Puzzle
Biomath Journal Club [url]
Temporal Programs and the Global Structure of Transcription Networks
Biomath Seminar
Temperature Dependence of Vegetative Growth and Dark Respiration: A Mathematical Model
Colloquium [url]
Colloquium [url]
Random Persistence Diagram Generation
Colloquium [url]
Random Persistence Diagram Generation
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
ATE: Euler Arnold equations and right invariant metrics on diffeomorphism groups
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Stocking Under Random Demand and Product Variety
Algebra seminar
Recurrence relations and the Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem
Algebra seminar
Recurrence relations and the Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar [url]
FSU Math Grad Programs
Biomath Journal Club [url]
The Feedforward Loop Network Motif
Biomath Seminar
Cracking the Code: Rate and Phase Analysis of Neuronal Spike Trains
Applied Math Seminar
A sample-wise stochastic optimal control solver
The month of January, 2022 |
Colloquium [url]
Emergent dynamics in complex networked systems
Colloquium [url]
Nonlocal modeling and computations in seismic data inversion
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Statistical Analysis of Structural Brain Networks Represented as Points in the Space of Riemannian Metrics
Algebra [url]
Sustained p-divisible groups and the strong rigidity conjecture
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar [url]
Intro to the Career Center for Math Majors
Biomathematics Seminar
Canceled for conflict with colloquium
Colloquium [url]
Geodesic submanifolds and arithmeticity
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Curvature Sets Over Persistence Diagrams
Colloquium [url]
Fokker-Planck Equations and Machine Learning
Colloquium [url]
Towards a mathematical understanding of scientific machine learning: theory, algorithms, and applications
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Varifold representation of layered shapes and transport by diffeomorphisms
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Optimal capital structure with stochastic variable costs
Colloquium [url]
Modeling across-scale feedbacks of infectious diseases
Undergraduate Math Major Seminar [url]
Honors in the Major at FSU
Biomathematics Seminar
Gulbudak Colloquium
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Other persistence invariants: homotopy and the cohomology ring
Colloquium [url]
A Class of Discrete Delay Population Models
Machine Learning and Data Science Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Organizational meeting
Biomathematics Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Colloquium [url]
High-Order Accuracy Computation of Coupling Functions for Strongly Coupled Oscillators
The month of December, 2021 |
Candidacy Exam
2-type of the K-theory of a Waldhausen category
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Symmetries of surfaces: big and small
Candidacy exam
Adjusted Predegree Polynomial of a Quadric in P^3
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
From simple groups to symmetries of surfaces
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Liquidity Provision with Adverse Selection and Inventory Costs
Algebra seminar [url]
Equivalence between definitions and constructions of elliptic curves
Biomathematics Journals
Applied Math Seminar
Discussions on using backward SDEs to solve optimal filtering problems
The month of November, 2021 |
PDEs semimar
Data Assimilation for the Benard Convection Problem
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Thurston boundary for higher Teichmuller spaces
ATE Prep
PDE seminar
Data Assimilation for the Benard Convection problem
Twenty-Third Annual Financial Mathematics Quant Symposium
Christopher Hunter Lecture [url]
From space-time reflection symmetry to integrable nonlocal models
Machine Learning Seminar
Automated classification of neurons based on electrophysiological features
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Optimal consumption under drawdown and habit-formation constraints
ATE Practice
Algebra seminar [url]
The Adjusted Predegree Polynomial of a Hypersurface in P^n
Biomath Seminar [url]
Multiphase Models: From Biofilms to the Origin of Life
Biomathematics Journals
Small-World Phenomena
ATE Presentation
Methods for Structured Network Data with Techniques from Optimal Transport
Applied and Computational Math
Backward SDE filter
PDE seminar
HAVOK approach to Chaos - the case of the Lorenz system
Colloquium [url]
Recent Advances in Modeling Visco-Elastic-Plastic Flow Properties With Particles in Geodynamic Computations
Machine Learning Seminar
Kernel Learning Backward SDE Filter for Data Assimilation
Biomath Seminar [url]
Dengue fever, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and R; a brief overview of my summer internship experience at Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Biomath Seminar [url]
Dengue fever, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and R; a brief overview of my summer internship experience at Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Applied Math Seminar
Backward SDE filter methods
Biomathematics Journals
Cascading Behavior in Networks
Machine Learning Seminar
Neural collapse with unconstrained features
Brennan Lecture [url]
Closed Form Solutions for Linear Differential and Difference Equations
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Markovian Equilibria In Ergodic Many-Player Games and Mean-Field Games.
Algebra seminar [url]
Torsion and arithmetic component groups of elliptic curves II
Biomath Seminar [url]
Cancelled due to speaker conflict
Backward SDE filter methods
The month of October, 2021 |
Colloquium [url]
On Kyle-Back Equilibrium Problem-The Case of Dynamic Information
Machine Learning Seminar
Generating synthetic numerical data using Generative Adversarial Networks
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Price impact equilibrium with transaction costs and TWAP trading
Algebra seminar [url]
Torsion and arithmetic component groups of elliptic curves
Biomath Seminar [url]
Lattice Models in Synthetic Biology and Cancer: How simple models and help us understand complex spatiotemporal systems
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Stochastic Volatility in the Kyle-Back Model
Algebra seminar [url]
Axiomatization of Differential Cohomology
Biomath Seminar [url]
Bayesian estimation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa viscoelastic properties
Colloquium [url]
The Geometry of Parametric and Bayesian Statistics
Machine Learning Seminar
Automated classification of neurons based on electrophysiological features
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Multidimensional Kyle-Back model with a risk averse informed trader
Algebra seminar [url]
The cohomology groups of certain quotients of products of upper half planes and upper half spaces II
Biomath Seminar [url]
Synchronization of pancreatic islets in a mathematical model
Dissertation Defense
Eigenvector Shrinkage for Estimating Covariance Matrices
Colloquium [url]
You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks - Deep Learning in Data-Starved Regimes
Machine Learning Seminar
Machine learning and symmetries
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Nonlinear filtering with GMM
Algebra seminar [url]
The cohomology groups of certain quotients of products of upper half planes and upper half spaces
Biomath Seminar [url]
Brain Mapping via Geometry, Topology, and Differential Equations
Colloquium [url]
Phenotype Control Methods for Regulatory Networks
Machine Learning Seminar
Geometric Averaging for Partitioned Datasets and Applications to Political Districting Analysis
The month of September, 2021 |
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Analysis on stochastic neural network through stochastic maximum principle
Algebra seminar [url]
Biomath Seminar [url]
A Mathematical Model of Immune Response to Immunotherapy in Breast Cancer
Colloquium [url]
A nonlinear Plancherel Theorem with applications to global well-posedness for the Defocusing Davey-Stewartson Equation and to the Calderon Inverse Problem in dimension 2
Machine Learning Seminar
Statistical Shape Analysis of Elastic Graphs
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Multi Anchor Point Shrinkage for the Covariance Matrix Estimation
Algebra seminar [url]
Fast Algorithm for Desingularization of Difference Operators and Its Application in Computing $p$-Characteristic Polynomial
Biomath Seminar [url]
Fast-Slow Analysis of a Stochastic Mechanism for Electrical Bursting
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Relative Anosov representations and convex projective structures
Machine Learning Seminar
Merge Trees and Interleaving Distance Calculated for Ginkgo Leaves
Colloquium [url]
Causal functional calculus
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
The Heavy-Tail Phenomenon in SGD
Algebra seminar [url]
Differential Essential Dimension
Biomath Seminar [url]
Synchronization Properties of Scale-Free Networks of Pituitary Cells
Machine Learning Seminar
Computational optimal transport: a brief primer
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Monte-Carlo methods in convex stochastic optimization
Algebra seminar [url]
Essential Dimension
Biomath Seminar [url]
Mathematical Models of Human Brain Folding Pattern Formation & Characterization
Machine Learning Seminar
Supervised deep learning framework for computing distances on the shape space of curves
Algebra seminar
Organizational meeting
Biomath Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
The month of April, 2021 |
Homotopy Theory Seminar [url]
The Univalence Principle
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Optimal Stopping with Expectation Constraints
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
No Seminar - Last Week of Classes
Homotopy Theory Seminar [url]
Coalgebras and comodules in stable homotopy theory.
Honors Thesis Defense
A Standardized Approach to Studying the Double Descent Phenomenon
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Asset-pricing puzzles and price-impact
Algebra and Its Applications [url]
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
A Frequency-Dependent Mechanism for Axon Length Regulation
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Pujal’s Conjecture And Its recent Development
Homotopy Theory Seminar [url]
A model-independent construction of the Gray monoidal structure for (infinity,2)-categories
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Multi-Anchor Point Shrinkage for Better Betas
Algebra and Its Applications [url]
The p-adic Mehta Integral
The month of March, 2021 |
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Canine Distemper Modeled in an Animal Shelter with Quarantine
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Immersions of surfaces into SL(2,C) as an approach to transition geometry
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Data-driven learning of nonlocal models: from high-fidelity simulations to constitutive laws
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Principal-Agent model in insurance: from discrete to continuous-time
Algebra and Its Applications
An introduction to Eisenstein Cohomology and its arithmetic applications
Algebra and Its Applications [url]
An introduction to Eisenstein Cohomology and its arithmetic applications
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Techniques to Compute the Basic Reproduction Number in Epidemic Models
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Volume-entropy rigidity for convex projective manifolds
Homotopy Theory Seminar [url]
n-complicial sets as a model for (infinity, n)-categories
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Martingale Optimal Transport in Robust Finance
Algebra and Its Applications [url]
Central limit theorems for Sato-Tate sequences
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Merge Trees
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Outer Space for Right-angled Artin Groups
Colloquium [url]
Recent advances in rough volatility
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Set-valued martingales and backward stochastic differential equations
Algebra and Its Applications [url]
Hasse-Witt matrices and mirror toric pencils
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
2020-21 Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Artificial neural networks for solving differential equations
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Maximum principle for stochastic control of SDEs with measurable drifts
Algebra and Its Applications [url]
Average Height Bounds
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Exploring Biodiversity Caused Disease Amplification and Dilution
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Zariski dense surface groups in SL(2k+1,Z)
The month of February, 2021 |
2020-21 Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Bayesian Inference of Seismic Events from Anecdotal Historical Accounts in Indonesia
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Gradient estimate of HJB and its applications in Graphon Mean Field Game
Algebra and Its Applications [url]
A multiplicity one theorem for general spin groups
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Seminar Postponed
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Deligne-Mostow lattices and branched covers of line arrangements
Colloquium [url]
Robustness in risk measurement: the impact of incentives
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Kyle-Back models with a risk aversion and non-Gaussian beliefs
Algebra and Its Applications [url]
Algorithms for Factoring (Skew) Polynomials
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Ten simple rules for tackling your first mathematical models: A guide for graduate students by graduate students
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Dehn functions and abelian splittings of Bestvina--Brady groups from their defining graphs.
Colloquium [url]
Two-dimensional incompressible inviscid hydrodynamics: old questions and new insights
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Mean Field Games Model for Cryptocurrency Mining
Algebra and Its Applications
Fiber integration in K-Theory and a construction of Deligne's
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Effects of Osmotic Perturbation on the Gut Microbiota
Homotopy Theory Seminar [url]
Enriched Model Categories for Functor Calculus
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Non commutative cluster coordinates for Higher Teichmüller Spaces
Colloquium [url]
More multiplications please! Higher Tannaka reconstruction and trialgebras
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Auction market design: a price formation viewpoint
Algebra and Its Applications [url]
Modular GCD Algorithm
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Discrete Conformal Maps As Applied To Brain Mapping
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
High-density packings of hyperbolic surfaces
The month of January, 2021 |
Colloquium [url]
Mod p representations
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Stochastic Black-Scholes Equation under Rough Volatility and Approximations via Deep Learning
Algebra and Its Applications [url]
Mean Values of Long Dirichlet Polynomials with Higher Divisor Coefficients
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Mapping the Visual Cortex of the Human Brain - Part 2
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Analytical Solutions to the Constrained Markowitz Problem via Fixed Point Theory
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Mapping the Visual Cortex of the Human Brain
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Groups of type FP: their quasi-isometry classes and homological Dehn functions
Homotopy Theory Seminar [url]
Decomposing the classifying diagram in terms of classifying spaces of groups
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Two Mathematical Lessons of Deep Learning
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Reflected BSDEs in non-convex domains
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
The month of December, 2020 |
Financial Math Seminar
Deep PDE Solutions of BSDEs
Algebra seminar
Numerical evidence for higher-order Stark-type conjectures
Homotopy Theory [url]
Cubical models of (infinity,1)-categories
The month of November, 2020 |
Homotopy Theory [url]
Thom spectra, higher THH and Tensors in infinity-Categories
Colloquium [url]
Random signature methods and portfolio selection
Financial Math Seminar
Mean-Variance Investment and Risk Control Strategies: A Time-Consistent Approach via A Forward Auxiliary Process
Algebra seminar
The homotopical canonical Grothendieck topology
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
An Example of A 2-dimensional Foliation with Both Funnel and Non-Funnel Leaves
Colloquium [url]
Where geometry meets dynamics: groups, entropy and Hausdorff dimension
Algebra seminar
Algebraic K-theory and the zeta function
Dissertation Defense
Islet Synchronization in a Hybrid Experimental and Mathematical System
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Exotic real projective Dehn surgery space
Financial Math Seminar
Training Neural Networks and Mean-field Langevin dynamics
Algebra seminar
Rational torsion in elliptic curves and the cuspidal subgroup II
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Obstruction to dynamical coherence in partially hyperbolic dynamics of 3-manifolds.
The month of October, 2020 |
Colloquium [url]
The Eisenstein ideal in the theory of modular curves
Data Science and Machine Learning [url]
Gromov-Wasserstein Distance and Network Analysis
Financial Math Seminar
Graphon mean field systems: large population and long time limits
Algebra seminar
An Algorithm for Factoring Polynomials and Differential/Difference Operators
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Obtaining Koebe-Andre’ev-Thurston packings via flow from tangency packings
Algebra seminar
Mather classes for Schubert varieties in Grassmannians
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Strongly convex-cocompact reflection group
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Hybrid quantum-classical methods for amplitude estimation for current and near future quantum devices
Financial Math Seminar
High-Water Mark Fees with Stochastic Benchmark
Algebra seminar
K-theory as a Quillen Equivalence of Multicategories and Connective Spectra
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Convex hulls of quasicircles in hyperbolic and anti-de Sitter space
Financial Math Seminar
Semi-parametric pricing and hedging of claims on price and volatility
Algebra seminar
Rational torsion in elliptic curves and the cuspidal subgroup
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Convex real projective Dehn filling
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Generating Natural Language: capturing and representing style and semantics
Financial Math Seminar
Implied volatility shapes beyond the (U-shaped) smile
Algebra seminar
An introducton to Homotopy Type Theory II
The month of September, 2020 |
Algebra seminar
An introducton to Homotopy Type Theory
Financial Math Seminar
Cubature method for Volterra SDEs and rough volatility model
Colloquium [url]
Data driven robustness and uncertainty sensitivity analysis
Financial Math Seminar
Generalized Robustness and Dynamic Pessimism
Algebra seminar
Sporadic Cubic Torsion, Part II
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Markov Numbers, Teichmüller Theory and Cluster Algebra Invariants.
Data Science and Machine Learning Seminar [url]
A supervised deep learning approach for the computation of elastic SRV distances
Financial Math Seminar
Stochastic gradient descent in continuous time and deep learning for PDEs
Algebra seminar
Sporadic Cubic Torsion
Colloquium [url]
Infinity-category theory for undergraduates
Data Science and Machine Learning [url]
Retargeting SGD with Momentum under Heavy-Tailed Gradient Noise
Financial Math Seminar
Large Orders in Small Markets: On Optimal Execution with Endogenous Liquidity Supply
Algebra seminar
Organizational meeting
The month of August, 2020 |
Biomathematics Journals Seminar
A Model for Collective Dynamics in Ant Raids
The month of July, 2020 |
Dissertation Defense
Natural Language Processing By Deep Neural Networks
The month of April, 2020 |
Algebra and Its Applications
How to define the natural numbers
Algebra and Its Applications
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Geometry, Topology and Data
Gromov-Wasserstein Distance and Graph Matching
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Algebra and Its Applications
Geometry, Topology and Data
Metrics for covariance matrices
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Algebra and Its Applications
Geometry, Topology and Data
The generic polish metric space and mm-reconstruction theorem
The month of March, 2020 |
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Algebra and Its Applications
Secant indices of projective varieties
Geometry, Topology and Data
The generic polish metric space and mm-reconstruction theorem
Geometry, Topology and Data
Injective Metric Spaces and Persistent Homology
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
A general solution technique for insider problems using optimal transport
Algebra and Its Applications
Quasialgebra structure of the octonions
ATE Defense
Model Development and Mathematical Analysis of a Pituitary Corticotroph Cell
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Positive Representations and Fock-Goncharov Coordinates
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Dispersive regularization of conservation laws: the mathematics and physics of nonlinear waves in dispersive media
Financial Mathematics Seminar/Special Colloquium [url]
Linear Programming and Prophet Inequalities
Algebra and Its Applications
Witt vectors and factorization statistics
Geometry, Topology and Data
Injective Metric Spaces
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Generalized Bestvina-Brady groups over block graphs
The month of February, 2020 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Dependence between components of multivariate Markov chains: Markov consistency and Markov Structures
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
A Dynamic Model of CCP Risk
Geometry, Topology and Data
Katetove's Construction of the Urysohn Space
Algebra and Its Applications
Non-vanishing of Dirichlet L-functions
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Building, Analyzing and Calibrating Multi-Scale Models in 2D and 3D: Tuberculosis as a Case Study
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Delivering Multi-Specialty Care via Online Telemedicine Platforms
Algebra and Its Applications
The modular number, congruence number, and multiplicity one
Geometry, Topology and Data
Asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel on Riemannian manifold
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Hydrodynamic mechanisms for particle aggregation at fluid interfaces
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
An introduction to GANs
Algebra and Its Applications
The modular number, congruence number, and multiplicity one
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Sensitivity analysis for principle agent problem with switching controls
Geometry, Topology and Data
Asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel on Riemannian manifold
Dissertation Defense
Deep learning for limit order book trading and mid-price movement prediction
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Deep Forward Networks II
Algebra and Its Applications
Lê Cycles, Jacobian Blow-Ups, and Segre Classes
Geometry, Topology and Data
Some Inverse Problems in Metric Measure Geometry
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Lens-shaped totally geodesic ends of convex real projective manifolds
The month of January, 2020 |
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Deep Forward Networks I
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Opportunities and challenges for AI and Math in drug discovery
Algebra and Its Applications
Lê Cycles and the local topology of Complex Hypersurfaces
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Random walks and self-excited Black-Scholes models for option pricing
Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar [url]
An Undergraduate Introduction to KPZ Universality
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Inferring a Gene Network in Drosophila Blastoderm
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
From Individuals to Populations: How features and interactions of individuals shape population dynamics
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Supervised and unsupervised learning
Algebra and Its Applications
Generalities on proper intersections and blow-ups
Geometry, Topology and Data
Fundamentals of Metric Geometry II - Gromov-Hausdorff Distance
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
The old general equilibrium problem and some new mathematics around it
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Geometry, Topology and Data
Fundamentals of Metric Geometry I - Gromov-Hausdorff Distance
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Flipped learning in theory and practice for mathematics
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
The month of December, 2019 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
The Geometric Approach to Partial Differential Equations
Algebra seminar
Small Mahler Measure in Cubic Fields
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Classification on Planar Polygonal Complexes
The month of November, 2019 |
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
No Seminar - Thanksgiving Break
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Is the Tracy-Widom distribution a coincidence or a law of nature
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Machine Learning Basics II
Financial Mathematics
Spiking and Collapsing in Large Noise Limits of SDE’s
Algebra and Its Applications
Lattices from group frames and vertex transitive graphs
Geometry, Topology and Data
The Wasserstein transform
Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar [url]
Hypercubic self-tilings
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Algebras and Analysis
Riesz energy on self similar sets
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
The Gromov-Hausdorff distance between ultrametric spaces
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Reconnection in Biology and Physics
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Machine Learning Basics I
Algebra seminar
Relative Invariants and Their Application in Simplifying Linear Differential Operators
Financial Mathematics
Applications of Polynomial Chaos in Monte Carlo Simulation
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Geometric Shape analysis with Applications to the Analysis of Brain Connectivity Data
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Existence of Branched Coverings
Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar [url]
Scaling your way out of trouble: How to simplify your mathematical life with dimensional analysis
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Some Remarks on the Construction of Designer Kernels and Their Applications
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Fourier-transform, Sparsity and compressed Sensing
Algebra seminar
CANCELLED Semi-annular covers of p-adic points in varieties of general type
Financial Mathematics
Utility-based pricing and hedging of contingent claims in Almgren-Chriss model with temporary price impact
Geometry, Topology and Data
Urysohn Universal space
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Mathematical modeling and analyses applied to clinical and preclinical investigations of breast cancer to improve therapy regimens
Algebras and Analysis
Riesz energy on self similar sets
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Rigidity of Points and Planes in Hyperbolic Space
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Clustering and Classification using Python
Computational complexity in 3-manifold topology
The month of October, 2019 |
Algebra seminar
Thin groups, expanders, and superstrong approximation
Geometry, Topology and Data
Gromov-Wasserstein Distance
Financial Mathematics
Introducing controls in the principal-agent problem with applications
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
A Mathematical Model of Cerebral Cortical Folding Development with Comsol Simulations
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Zimmer's Conjecture
Algebra seminar
Non-associative Modules II
Financial Mathematics
On robust finance in continuous time with portfolio constraint
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
A Computational Study of the Interactions between Pancreatic Islets and Liver Hepatocytes
Algebras and Analysis
Riesz energy on self similar sets
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Trivalent 2-Stratifolds
Algebra seminar
Non-associative Modules
Geometry, Topology and Data
Gromov-Wasserstein Distance
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Arrhythmia in Cardiac Cells Due to Pesky French Ducks (canards)
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Polyhedra from Steiner to Rivin: Rigidity, Inscription, and Existence
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Classification and Clustering II
Algebra seminar
Financial Mathematics Seminar
A General Duality for Martingale Optimal Transport
Algebra seminar
The Skeleton of a Product of Degenerations
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Birds, Beta Cells, and Beats
Algebras and Analysis
Divisors and the genus
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
2-stratifolds and 3-manifolds
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Analyzing the Validity of Scaling Analysis and Simplifications for Better Measurements of Biochemical Reactions
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Clustering and Classification I
Algebra seminar
Algorithms on p-Curvatures of Linear Difference Operators
Financial Mathematics
Technology Adoption: Optimal Timing, Pricing, and Employee Incentives
Geometry, Topology and Data
Universal metric spaces
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Attend Mathematics Colloquium on October 4
Algebras and Analysis
Divisors and the genus
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Moving branch points on complex projective structures
The month of September, 2019 |
Special Colloquium
Momentum Acceleration Under Random Gradient Noise
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
A solution to a local version of the fifth Busemann-Petty Problem.
Algebra seminar
Central Extensions and Homotopy Fiber Sequences
Financial Mathematics
Goodness-of-fit testing of copulas using quasi-Monte Carlo methods
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
A Software Tool for Determining Subthreshold Ionic Currents in HVC Neurons of the Zebra Finch
Algebras and Analysis
The Genus of a Field Extension
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds in low dimensions II
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Regression Analysis
Algebra seminar
Special intersections and counting lines on surfaces
Financial Mathematics
Internships at Wells Fargo: A tale of two cities
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Fluid/biofilm interactions: Models and experiments
Algebras and Analysis
Places of a Field
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
1. Partial demixing of RNA-protein complexes leads to intra-droplet patterning in phase- separated biological condensates 2. Reeb graphs as metric graph approximations of geodesic spaces 3. Integrable nonlinear pdes and their connections
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Principal Component Analysis
Algebra seminar
Theorems for the Zome construction toy (Math fun day)
Geometry, Topology and Data
A finiteness theorem for metric spaces
Algebras and Analysis
Places of a Field
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Mathematical Models of Human Brain Folding Pattern Formation & Characterization
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Tame CP1 structure on the thrice punctures sphere with triangular holonomy.
What is Bayesian inference, why is it useful in Earth science and why is it challenging to do numerically?
Machine Learning Seminar [url]
Organizational meeting + SVD
Algebra seminar
Organizational meeting
Financial mathematics
Organizational meeting
Algebras and Analysis
Organizational meeting
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Dueling metric spaces
The month of August, 2019 |
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
The month of July, 2019 |
special applied math
RANS-DNS simulations as a framework for uncertainty quantification in DNS data of turbulent flows
The month of April, 2019 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Selff-Organization and Mechanics in the Cell
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
A weak Galerkin method for linear elasticity
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Algebra and Its Applications
Algorithms for Factoring Difference Operators II
Biomathematics Journal Club
The White Rat of Numerical Reproducibility
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Anosov flows and contact surgery
PhD Candidacy Exam
Persistent Homology
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Time-Inconsistent Problems -- A Mathematical Perspective
PhD Defense
Belief Function Theory: Monte Carlo Methods and Applications to Stock Markets
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Multilevel Monte Carlo for LIBOR Market Model
Algebra and Its Applications
Finding the smallest Mahler Measure in a Quadratic Field
Biomathematics Journal Club
Symmetry Restoring Bifurcation in Collective Decision-Making
Algebras and Analysis
Algebraic Function Fields II
Financial Math Dissertation Defense
Random walks over point processes and their application in finance
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Surface subgroups of 3-manifold groups.
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Why a Competitive Industry May Prefer Low-Quality Assets
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Shape Analysis with geometric measures
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Brownian Path Generation Using Polynomial Chaos Expansion
Algebra and Its Applications
Algorithms for Factoring Difference Operators
Algebras and Analysis
Weighted Dirac Operators
Dissertation Defense
Modeling the Synchronous Behavior of Pancreatic Islets
Financial Mathematics Seminar
A brief survey of Cryptocurrency systems
Biomathematics Journal Club
Mathematical Analysis of Early Afterdepolarizations in Cardiac Myocytes
Algebras and Analysis
A Robin problem for the Bitsadze equation
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Gluing equation for projective structures on 3-manifolds
The month of March, 2019 |
Math Colloquium
Graduate Student Flash Talks
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Monte Carlo estimation for multivariate jump-diffusions
Algebra and Its Applications
A relative Segre zeta function
Biomathematics Journals
Error and Attack Tolerance of Complex Networks
Algebras and Analysis
Algebraic Function Fields II
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Classification of Partial Hyperbolic Automorphisms on 3-Manifolds
Financial Mathematics Seminar
A Black-Scholes analog through limits of random walks over point processes
Algebras and Analysis
Algebraic Function Fields
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Persistent homology for time-evolving metric/network data
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Nonlinear waves: Solitons after 50 years...
Financial Mathematics Seminar
On the asymptotic optimality of the comb strategies for prediction with expert advice
Algebra and Its Applications
Katz, Rabinoff, and Zureick-Brown's work on rational point counts II
Algebras and Analysis
Hopf Algebras : Explicit Examples
Biomathematics Journal Club
When Individual Behaviour Matters: Homogeneous and Network Models in Epidemiology
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Quantifying Gerrymandering: Separating Natural Bias from Partisan Bias in Redistricting
The month of February, 2019 |
Financial Mathematics Seminar
An introduction to S topology
Special Algebra/Topology Seminar
Some conjectures about the colored Jones polynomial.
Algebras and Analysis
Hopf Algebras
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Representations and Hyperbolic structures on knot complements
Geometry Seminar
An introduction to Hyperbolic Groups With Word Metric in the Language of Automatons
Math Colloquium and Financial Math Quant Symposium [url]
1. Tail risk in finance and society, and 2. Data Science in systematic trading and risk management
Algebra and Its Applications
Katz, Rabinoff, and Zureick-Brown's work on rational point counts
Biomathematics Journals
A Vaccination Model for Transmission Dynamics of Influenza
Algebras abd Analysis
Eisenstein Series and Modular Functions
Financial Mathematics Seminar
A Hitting Time Analysis of Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics
Biomathematics Journal Club
A Dynamical Bifurcation Model of Bipolar Disorder Based on Learned Expectation and Asymmetry in Mood Sensitivity
Algebras and Analysis
The Eisenstein series and Modular Functions
Financial Math ATE
Application of Levy Processes to Credit Risk Models
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Some Novel Applications of Algebra
Twenty Years of Discrete Morse Theory
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Breaking Reversibility Accelerates Langevin Dynamics
Algebra and Its Applications
The Complexity of Computing all Subfields of an Algebraic Number Field
Biomathematics Journal Club
Simplified Mathematical Model of Glucose-Insulin System
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Finite 2-Stratifold Groups
Analysis & PDE
A sum-product estimate in finite fields, and applications
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
What does the calculus of variations and differential equations have to do with data science?
The month of January, 2019 |
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Global Convergence of Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Non-Convex Stochastic Optimization
Algebra and Its Applications
Newton-Okounkov bodies and Segre classes.
Algebras and Analysis
Octonions and Hopf Algebras
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Homotopy theoretic aspects of central extensions
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Optimal Transport and Topology in Data Science
Mathematics Colloquium
Graph Regularizations for the EEG Inverse Problem
Algebra and Its Applications
Entropy of real rational surface automorphisms
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Computational Neurology and Translational Modeling of Brain Disorders
Algebras and Analysis
Octonions and Physics
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Strict hyperbolization, and its applications
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Biomathematics Journals
Early Afterdepolarizations in Cardiac Action Potentials as Mixed Mode Oscillations due to a Folded Node Singularity
Algebras and Analysis
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Let's Talk!
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
1. Trust your gut: the physics and mathematics behind maintenance of the gastric mucus barrier 2. Minimizing $p$-frame energies
Biomathematics Journals
Centrality of Subway Systems
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
The month of December, 2018 |
Mathematics Colloquium
New spectrally accurate space time algorithms with applications in multi-phase and multi-material flows
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Backward SDE Methods for Nonlinear Filtering Problems
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Recent Results of a Biomechanical Model of Cortical Folding
Algebra [url]
Octonions, Operators and Adjoints
Biomathematics Journals
A Study of Early Afterdepolarizations in a Model for Human Ventricular Tissue
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Maximal surface groups and essential embeddings and immersions of surfaces in a 3-manifold
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Projects for STEM Festivals - Review
The month of November, 2018 |
Ph. D. defense
Construction of a General Trading Approach for Financial Markets with Artificial Neural Networks
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
The History and Applications of Hyperbolic Geometry
Algebra [url]
Stark's conjecture for certain ATR fields
Biomathematics Journals
Competition between Social Groups, In-group Favoritism and Population-level Cooperation
Topology and Geometry Seminar
The Rigidity of Configurations of Points and Spheres
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Projects for STEM Festivals
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
No Seminar - Thanksgiving Break
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Projects for STEM Festivals
Mathematics Colloquium
Investigation of Nucleate Pool Boiling in Earth Gravity and Microgravity
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Machine learning and e-trading
Algebra [url]
Central Extensions of Simplicial Groups, II
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Cortical Magnification in the Brain
Biomathematics Seminar
Modeling HCV Interactions with p53 in Hepatocytes: Implications for Carcinogenesis
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Gromov Boundary of Hyperbolic Groups
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Projects
Algebra [url]
Central Extensions of Simplicial Groups
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Forward & Inverse Problem of Dipole Source Localization for EEG
Algebras and Analysis
Biomathematics Seminar
Steady state flux of buffered electro-diffusion
Biomathematics Journals
Modelling Disease Outbreak in Realistic Urban Networks
Candidacy Exam
A Joint Expererimental/Modeling Study of the Song Sensory System of the Female Zebra Finch
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Tallahassee Science Festival Project Reflection
Mathematics Colloquium
Mathematical Modeling of Cellular Blebbing Dynamics
Financial Mathematics Seminar
The Term Structure of Securities Lending Fees
Algebra [url]
The work of Katz, Rabinoff, and Zureick-Brown on rational point counts in algebraic curves, III
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Neuoanatamy for Mathematicians
The month of October, 2018 |
Algebras and analysis
Field extensions and valuation rings II
Biomathematics Seminar
Tailoring Tails in Taylor Dispersion
IMB seminar
French Ducks Roam Free Across Your Brain
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Tallahassee Science Festival Projects
Mathematics Colloquium
The Future of Technology as Driven by the Rise of Digital Audio and Video
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Metric Graph Approximations of Geodesic Spaces
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Limits of random walks over point processes and a Black-Scholes analog
Methods for Simplifying Differential Equations
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
An Introduction to Algebraic Topology for Neuroscientists - Part 2
Biomathematics Journal Club
Dynamic Causal Modeling of Evoked Potentials: A Reproducibility Study
algebras and analysis
Field extensions, valuation rings and Riemann surfaces I
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Average Kissing Numbers For Non-Congruent Sphere Packings
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Projects
Mathematics Colloquium
Non-homogeneous harmonic analysis, Geometric Measure Theory and fine structures of harmonic measure
Algebra [url]
Mahler Measure and Lehmer's question
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
An Introduction to Algebraic Topology for Neuroscientists
Algebra and Analysis
Riemann surfaces - A comparison of definitions
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Projects
Mathematics Colloquium
Cumulant formulas for implied volatility [POSTPONED to November]
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
CANCELED due to Hurricane Michael
Biomathematics Journal Club
Modeling the Diversity of Spontaneous and Agonist-Induced Electrical Activity in Anterior Pituitary Corticotrophs
Biomathematics Seminar
Tailoring Tails in Taylor Dispersion
Algebras and Analysis
Riemann surfaces : an algebraic view
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Homotopy theoretic aspects of central extensions
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Community Projects - Communication
Mathematics Colloquium
Conformal Tilings of the Plane: Foundations, Theory, and Practice
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Equilibrium option price with competing agents
Algebra [url]
The work of Katz, Rabinoff, and Zureick-Brown on rational point counts in algebraic curves, II
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Algebraic Topology for Neuroscientists
Mathematics Colloquium
Summation by parts, a discrete integral calculus, and how we are making discontinuous Galerkin spectral element methods that work.
Biomathematics Seminar
Steady state flux of buffered electro-diffusion
Algebras and Analysis
Gelfand-Naimark Theorem
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Community Projects
The month of September, 2018 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
1. Symmetry-Breaking in Passive Tracers Advected by Laminar Shear Flow; 2. Geometric Structures: story of a PhD; 3. Monodromy of ODEs via projective structures
Financial Math Seminar
Internships in Financial Math
Algebra [url]
Equivariant intersection theory and the Segre zeta function, II
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Models of the Human Brain Connectome
Algebras and Analysis
C*-algebras and the Gelfand-Naimark Theorem
Biomathematics Seminar
Issues with using biological data in math modeling and simulation
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Central Strips of Sibling Leaves in Laminations of the Unit Disk
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Community Projects
Financial Math Seminar
Explosion in the quasi-Gaussian HJM model
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Models of the Human Brain Connectome
Algebra [url]
The work of Katz, Rabinoff, and Zureick-Brown on rational point counts in algebraic curves
Biomathematics Journals
Self-control with Spiking and Non-Spiking Neural Networks Playing Games
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Central Strips of Sibling Leaves in Laminations of the Unit Disk
Analysis & PDE [url]
Sparce domination of singular integrals
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Outreach
Financial Math Seminar
A short talk on talks
Algebra [url]
Equivariant intersection theory and the Segre zeta function
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Introduction to the Human Brain Connectome
Biomathematics Journals
A Unified Model for Two Modes of Bursting in GnRH Neurons
Biomathematics Seminar
Numerical methods for PDEs in biomaths
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
Geometric Structures via Flags
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
Colloquium and Brennan Lecture [url]
Biomathematics -- the Past Through Tomorrow
Financial Math Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Algebra seminar [url]
Chern classes of embeddable schemes
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
Biomathematics Journal Club
Early Afterdepolarizations in Cardiac Myocytes: Beyond Reduced Repolarization Reserve
Biomathematics Seminar
Multiphase models in biology
Topology and Geometry Seminar [url]
The Symmetry of the Octonions
Analysis and PDE
Analysis&PDE (moved to next week)
The month of August, 2018 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
The agency problem with noise mitigation
Algebras and Analysis
The month of July, 2018 |
PhD Defense
Dissertation Defense
Exploration of the Role of Disinfection Timing, Duration, and Other Control Parameters on Bacterial Populations Using a Mathematical Model
Doctoral Candidacy Exam
Understanding the Genome in Space and Time
The month of June, 2018 |
Symmetric Surfaces and the character variety
The month of May, 2018 |
ATE Presentation
A Computational Study of the Interactions Between Pancreatic Islets and Liver Hepatocytes
The month of April, 2018 |
Doctoral Candidacy Exam
Unbiased estimation for stochastic differential equation models and applications in finance
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Some Counterexamples to the Bing-Borsuk Conjecture
Algebra seminar
Stable maps and Kontsevich's formula III
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
Nonlinear Analysis in Structural Mechanics and Its Applications on Comsol
Topology and Geometry
Hyperbolic 3-manifolds and malnormal maximal abelian groups.
ATE Presentation
Mathematical Analysis of Early Afterdepolarizations in Cardiac Myocytes
Profs talk just for students [url]
Algebra seminar
Stable maps and Kontsevich's formula II
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
Seminar postponed until April 26
Profs talk just for students [url]
Topology and Geometry
The Andrews-Curtis conjecture
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
A Structural Model of Homophily and Clustering in Social Networks
Profs talk just for students [url]
Ph. D. defense
Algorithmic Lung Nodule Analysis in Chest Tomography Images: Lung Nodule Malignancy Likelihood Prediction and a Statistical Extension of the Level Set Image Segmentation Method
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math in Nature - Project Presentations
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
The Whitehead Asphericity Problem and the Andrews-Curtis Conjecture
Financial Mathematics Seminar
New scaled random walks changing position at random times, their limits, and their properties
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
Candidacy Exam: Unsupervised Speech Recognition by Deep Networks
Algebra seminar
Stable maps and Kontsevich's formula
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
ATE Defense: Unsupervised speech recognition via deep networks
PhD Defense
Characteristic Classes and Local Invariants of Determinantal Varieties And a Formula for Equivariant Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson Classes of Hypersurfaces
Profs talk just for students [url]
PhD Defense
The 1-type of algebraic K-Theory as a multifunctor
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math in Nature
Profs talk just for students [url]
Biomathematics Journals
Modeling Pathogenesis and Treatment Response in Childhood Absence Epilepsy
Mathematics Honors Day [url]
Move Over Honest Functions, Fourier Leads the Bizarre
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
The Results of Experimenting with Conformal Invariants on Triangulated Meshes
Biomathematics Journals
Attention Model of Binocular Rivalry
Algebra seminar
Stark-Heegner/Darmon points
Profs talk just for students [url]
Topology and Geometry
The L^2-metric on C^infty(M,N)
Profs talk just for students [url]
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math in Nature
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Portfolio and Reinsurance for an Insurer with Default Risk
The month of March, 2018 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Counterparty Risk and Network Formation in Over-the-Counter Markets
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Unbiased Estimation For Stochastic Differential Equation Models
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
The Mathematics of Infectious Disease
Algebra seminar
A (Very) Short Introduction to K-Theory II
Topology and Geometry
Surfaces, Symmetries and the Character Variety
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math in Nature
Doctoral Candidacy Exam
Multilevel Monte Carlo with Good Brownian Path Generation Methods
Profs talk just for students [url]
Mathematics Colloquiuma [url]
Cumulant Formulas for Implied Volatility
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Multilevel Monte Carlo with Good Brownian Path Generation Methods
Algebra seminar
A (Very) Short Introduction to K-Theory
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
Profs talk just for students [url]
Topology and Geometry
Presentations for cusped arithmetic hyperbolic lattices
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math in Nature
Algebra seminar
A (Very) Short Introduction to K-Theory
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
The Morse-Littauer Theorem in Hydrodynamics
Algebra seminar
Why not sedenions? - II
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
A Brief Introduction to Connectionist Temporal Classification
Topology and Geometry
Fundamental groups of 3-Manifolds with Real Projective Plane Category 2
Profs talk just for students [url]
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math in Nature
Profs talk just for students [url]
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Limit theorems and applications for Markovian Hawkes processes with a large initial intensity
Algebra seminar
Why not sedenions?
The month of February, 2018 |
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
Evolutionary Dynamics of Bacterial Persistence Under Nutrient/Antibiotic Actions
Topology and Geometry
Discrete Dynamical Systems and Hyperbolic Fixed Points
Profs talk just for students [url]
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math in Nature
Dissertation Defense
Distributed Neural Network Models for Birdsong Production
Profs talk just for students [url]
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Recent Advances on the Glass Problem
Financial Mathematics Seminar
A review of principal-agent problem
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
Circle Packing Cortical Surfaces
Algebra seminar
Characteristic classes and Geometry Invariants of projective varieties II
Profs talk just for students [url]
Doctoral Candidacy Exam
Simulation and Goodness-of-Fit Tests of Copulas
Topology and Geometry
The Cauchy Integral Formula on the Octonions
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math in Nature
Profs talk just for students [url]
Colloquium and Quant Symposium [url]
A Random Walk from Finance to Content Marketing Analytics
Colloquium and Quant Symposium [url]
Th US Natural Gas Market
Algebra seminar
Characteristic classes and Geometry Invariants of projective varieties
Biomathematics Journals
Host and Viral Ecology Determine Bat Rabies Seasonality and Maintenance
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
Canine distemper outbreak modeled in an animal shelter
Topology and Geometry
The Motion of a Flag
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math in Nature
Profs talk just for students [url]
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Profinite Rigidity in Low-Dimensions
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Optimal Unbiased Estimation for Expected Cumulative Cost
Biomathematics Journals
Mechanism and Function of Mixed-Mode Oscillations in Vibrissa Motoneurons
Algebra seminar
Simplicial Principal Fibrations II
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Data-Driven Modeling of Multi Scale Dynamic Systems
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
Applications of Conformal Mapping in Brain Mapping
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
High Fidelity Numerical Methods and Simulation Tools for Time-Domain Wave Propagation Problems
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Fibonacci Sequence in Nature
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Backward SDE Methods for Nonlinear Filtering Problems
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Biomathematics Journals
The Impact of Mathematical Modeling on the Understanding of Diabetes and Related Complications
Algebra seminar
Simplicial Principal Fibrations
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Geometry of Turbulent Flows and the 3D Navier-Stokes Regularity Problem
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
The Things Every Graduate Student Should Know But No One Tells You
The month of January, 2018 |
Profs talk just for students [url]
Financial Math Candidacy Exam
Machine Learning and the Limit Order Book
Geometry and Topology
Geometry of ends of properly convex manifolds
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
A conditional Gaussian framework for uncertainty quantification, data assimilation and prediction of nonlinear turbulent dynamical systems
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Outreach Reporting from Tallahassee School of Math and Science
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
A Dynamic Equilibrium Model for Brokerage Fees
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Multidimensional utility maximization with small nonlinear price impact
Biomathematics Journals
Resynchronization of Circadian Oscillators and the East-West Asymmetry of Jet-Lag
Algebra seminar
Algebraic Structures related to Matroid Theory
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
Conformal Mapping and Brain Mapping
Financial Math Seminar
Beating the Omega Clock: An Optimal Stopping Problem with Random Time-horizon under Spectrally Negative Lévy Models
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Analysis of a Feedback-Control Data Assimilation Algorithm
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Intraday Market Making with Overnight Inventory Costs
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Math Outreach Planning @ Tallahassee School of Math and Science
Profs talk just for students [url]
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Competing Brownian Particles
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Dynamic Contagion In A Banking System With Births And Defaults
Biomathematics Journals
Irregularly Appearing Early Afterdepolarization in Cardiac Myocytes: Random Fluctuations or Dynamical Chaos?
Algebra seminar
Organizational Meeting
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Geometry of Turbulent Flows and the 3D Navier-Stokes Regularity Problem
Biomathetics Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
Profs talk just for students [url]
Ph.D. Thesis Defense
Metric Learning for Shape Classification: A Fast and Efficient Approach with Monte Carlo Methods
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
No Class - MLK Day
Biomathematics Journals
A Mathematical Model of Spontaneous Calcium(II) Oscillations in Astrocytes
Math Is Fun! Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
The month of December, 2017 |
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Manifolds, Group Actions and Algebraic K-Theory
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Short Intervals of Functions on Curves Over Finite Fields
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Interplay Between Higgs Bundles and Opers
Algebra and Its Applications
From ribbon graphs to 2D TQFT
Special Algebra seminar
Complete families of smooth curves in projective space
Algebra and Its Applications
A logarithmic version of the derived McKay correspondence
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Logarithmic Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Stacks, and Their Interactions
Financial Math ATE
Levy processes and applications to credit risk
The month of November, 2017 |
Financial mathematics research seminar
Theory of Belief Functions
Geometry and Topology [url]
Cannon's Conjecture
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Color My World
Financial Mathematics [url]
Volatility can be detrimental to the option price
Algebra and Its Applications
Equivariant Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson Class of complex Singular Varieties
Analysis Seminar
See Abstract
Advanced Topics Exam
Geometry and Topology [url]
Expansion Complexes and Combinatorial Hierarchy
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Estimation of Linear Process Spectra with an Application to Determining the Mean-Variance Frontier for Time Series
Algebra and Its Applications
Entropy of real rational surface automorphisms
Prospectus Defense
Geometry and Topology [url]
A Menger Redux: Embedding Metric Spaces Isometrically in Euclidean Spaces
Algebra and Its Applications
(More Details on the) Multifunctor from Waldhausen Categories to the 1-type of their K-theory Spectrum
The month of October, 2017 |
Dissertation Defense
Developing SRSF Shape Analysis Techniques for Applications in Neuroscience and Genomics
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
An Introduction and Recent Progress on Principal-Agent Problems
Financial Mathematics Seminar [url]
A Monte Carlo scheme for a singular control problem: Investment-consumption under proportional transaction costs
Geometry and Topology
Surfaces in manifolds with symmetry from the character variety
Financial Mathematics [url]
Operational Risk Management: Preventive vs. Corrective Control
Algebra and Its Applications
¿Octonions? A non-associative geometric algebra
Geometry and Topology [url]
Weierstrass points on character varieties
The Power of Indecision
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Topological Data Analysis
Financial mathematics seminar [url]
Global Sensitivity Analysis and Model Robustness
Algebra and Its Applications
Stark-Heegner/Darmon points on elliptic curves over number fields
Biomath Seminar
Predicting tumor response to neoadjuvant therapies with mathematical modeling using clinical and preclinical breast cancer data
Algebra and Its Applications
Linear recurrence sequences and the duality defect conjecture
Financial Mathematics Research Seminar [url]
Markovian representation and approximation of fractional processes
Geometry and Topology [url]
Computing distances and optimal matchings between manifold-valued curves
The month of September, 2017 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Conditional Density Estimation Through Optimal Transport
Algebra and Its Applications
The Generalized Eilenberg-Zilber Theorem
Financial mathematics
Optimal Portfolio Execution under Time-Varying Liquidity Constraints
Geometry and Topology [url]
Distribution of minimal energy points on compact manifolds
Special Applied Math Seminar
Event detection, machine learning and the maritime industry
Financial math research seminar
Portfolio credit risk from a jump threshold perspective
Algebra and Its Applications
Cohomology of Lie Algebroids and extensions
Geometry and Topology [url]
Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
Financial Mathematics
A Monte Carlo scheme for a singular control problem
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Shape Analysis Through Geometric Distributions
Financial math research seminar
Organizational Meeting
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
The (Persistent) Topology of Finite Metric Spaces
The month of July, 2017 |
Dissertation Defense
Intrinsic Plasticity Driven by Auditory Experience in Songbirds: An Electrophysiological and Mathematical Modeling Study
Dissertation Defense
Ensemble methods for capturing dynamics of limit order books
Ph.D. defense
Landscapes in noncommutative geometry
The month of June, 2017 |
Financial Math Dissertation Defense
On the multidimensional default threshold model for credit risk
The month of May, 2017 |
Dissertation Defense
Quasi-Monte Carlo and Markov Chain Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Estimation and Prediction of Time Series Models
The month of April, 2017 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Pricing and Optimal Exercise of Swing Options Under Alternative Stochastic Price Models
Financial Mathematics Seminar
The Measurement of Tail Risk
Algebra and its applications [url]
Numerical evidence for higher order Stark-type conjectures
Ph.D. Candidacy Exam
Multiscale Covariance Tensors for Data on Riemannian Manifolds
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Zeta and L-functions in Number Theory
Seminar: Geometry and Topology [url]
Title: The Square Root Velocity Framework for Curves in a Homogeneous Space
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Stacks and Homotopy Types: Intersections and Applications
Algebra and its applications [url]
Invariant Harmonic Differential Forms on the Upper Half Space
Profs talk just for students [url]
Honor Thesis Defense
Homotopy Type Theory, the Coq proof assistant, and partial orders on binary trees
Seminar: Geometry and Topology [url]
Essential embeddings and immersions of surfaces in a 3-manifold
Profs talk just for students [url]
Biomathematics Journal Club
Registration of Functional Data Using Fisher-Rao Metric
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Riemannian Metrics on Shape Spaces: Theory and Applications
Dissertation Defense
Insulin Secretion Rhythms: Calcium Regulation of Beta-Cell Metabolism and Rescue of Islet Oscillations
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Financial Mathematics Seminar
A new structural model for credit risk
Algebra and its applications [url]
Characteristic classes of Determinantal Varieties
Profs talk just for students [url]
Seminar: Geometry and Topology [url]
K-Contractible Sets and Group Contractible Sets in 3-Manifolds
Trend and Variable-Phase Seasonality Estimation from Functional Data
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
Game–Theoretic Models of Animal Behavior Observed in Some Recent Experiments
Profs talk just for students [url]
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Lie Algebroid Cohomology as a Derived Functor
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
Topology of n-gonal curve complements
Math Honor's Day
Euclid takes the 5th
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
Effective methods in intersection theory and combinatorial algebraic geometry
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Dark Pool Trading: A Hawkes Process Approach
Algebra and its applications [url]
Duality defect in codimension 2 and 3
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Solitary Waves in Physical and Biological Systems
Applied PDE seminar
Evolution equation in shape analysis II
Seminar: Geometry and Topology [url]
Rigidity and the Space of Flags
The month of March, 2017 |
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
The Impact of Competition on Elephant Musth Strategies: A Game–Theoretic Model
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Learning Engineering: The Art of Using Learning Science to Improve Performance
Dissertation Defense
Scroll Rings: How They Interact with Non-reactive Spheres, Tori, and Knots
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Simulation for Copulas
Algebra and its applications [url]
Reducible cases of the Appell F1 function
Profs talk just for students [url]
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Game-Theoretic Models of Animal Behavior Observed in Some Recent Experiments
PhD Defense
Random Sobol' Sensitivity Analysis and Model Robustness
Financial Math Dissertation Defense
Modeling limit order book dynamics using Hawkes processes
Seminar: Geometry and Topology [url]
Expansion complexes for subdivision operators
Applied PDE seminar
Evolution equation in shape analysis
Biomathematics Journal Club
A Mathematical Model of the Human Menstrual Cycle for the Administration of GnRH Analogues
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Approximate Variational Estimation for a Model of Network Formation
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Discrete Sums of Geometric Brownian Motions, Annuities and Asian Options
Algebra and its applications [url]
Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch theorem on Singular Spaces
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
A Simplified Neural Network Model of Zebra Finch Song
Joint Mathematics-Scientific Computing Colloquium [url]
Energetic Variational Approaches for General Diffusion: Transport of Charged Particles in Biological Environments
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Singular Values in Linear Algebra and Data Science
Profs talk just for students [url]
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Comparing Shapes of Curves and Surfaces II
Applied PDE seminar
Second order maximal principle preserving scheme for Allen-Cahn equation
Profs talk just for students [url]
Biomathematics Journal Club
Mutual Support in Games: Some Properties of Berge Equilibria
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Should Banks Escrow Traders' Bonuses?
Profs talk just for students [url]
Algebra and its applications [url]
Simplicial Abelian Groups and the W Bar Construction
Profs talk just for students [url]
The month of February, 2017 |
Dissertation Defense
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Gene Knockout Compensation in Pancreatic Beta-Cells
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Model Risk: A Constrained Optimal Transportation Approach
Biomathematical Journals
Formation and Evolution of Scroll Waves in Photosensitive Excitable Media
Applied PDE seminar (joint with GFDI seminar)
Simple Stochastic Dynamical Models Capturing the Statistical Diversity of El Nino Southern Oscillation
Joint Mathematics-GFDI Colloquium [url]
New Strategies for Reduced-Order Models for Predicting the Statistical Responses and Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Turbulent Dynamical Systems
Algebra and its applications [url]
Rational Surface Automorphism: Homology actions of real mappings
Profs talk just for students [url]
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Bacteria Motility in Variable-Viscosity Environments
Applied PDE seminar
Numerical simulation of evolution equations using the spectral renormalization method
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Comparing Shapes of Curves and Surfaces
Profs talk just for students [url]
Colloquium and Financial Math Quant Symposium [url]
Convexity adjustments in rates products
Profs talk just for students [url]
Algebra and its applications [url]
Syzygies of the Veronese and Pinched Veronese modules
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Biofilm Formation by Bacteria: Experiment, Model and Sensitivity Analysis
Profs talk just for students [url]
Applied PDE seminar
Linear Water Waves Over Variable Depth and Singular Flow Around Corners
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
Character Varieties of Some Families of Hyperbolic Link Complements
Biomathematics Journal Club
Two's Company, Three (or More) is a Simplex
Profs talk just for students [url]
Algebra and its applications [url]
A multifunctor from Waldhausen Categories to the 1-type of their K-Theory spectra
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Ensemble methods for measuring dynamics of limit order books
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Calculating Conformal Invariants on Discrete Cortical Mappings
Applied PDE seminar
An energy stable decoupled algorithm for the Naviver-Stokes-Darcy system, II
Biomathematics Journal Club
Opinion Dynamics and Bounded Confidence Models, Analysis, and Simulation
Financial Math Seminar
How to give a talk
Algebra and its applications [url]
Extensions of Lie Algebroids and generalized differential operators
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Toward a Spatio-Temporal Model for an Autoimmune Hair Loss Disease
The month of January, 2017 |
Geometry and Topology Seminar [url]
The cohomology groups of certain quotients of products of upper half planes and upper half spaces
Applied PDE seminar
An energy stable decoupled algorithm for the Naviver-Stokes-Darcy system
Biomathematics Journal Club
A Computational Model of Visually Guided Locomotion in Lamprey
Algebra and its applications [url]
Algebraic data structures for topological summaries
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Randomized Sensitivity Analysis and Model Robustness
Applied PDE seminar
Introduction to asymptotic preserving methods and method of lines transpose approaches
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Efficient Numerical Schemes for the Vlasov-Maxwell System in Plasma Applications
Biomathematics Journal Club
Natural Speech Reveals the Semantic Maps that Tile Human Cerebral Cortex
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Heterostructures of Core-Shell Nanowires
Algebra and Its Applications [url]
Organizational Meeting
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis of Anomalous Diffusion
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
The Impact of Competition on Temporal Musth Strategies: A Game Theoretic Approach
Applied PDE seminar
Organizational meeting
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Enriched Galerkin Approximations for Coupled Flow and Transport in Porous Media
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Bounding Marginals of Product Measures
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Singular Integral Operators and the Geometry of Measures
The month of December, 2016 |
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Covering Properties of Various Discrete Configurations
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
The Goldbach-Waring Problem and Ergodic Theorems
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Canard Phenomena in Mathematical Neuroscience
Algebra and its applications [url]
Integral Bases for Differential Operators
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
Mathematical Models of Prostate Cancer
Candidacy Exam
Central extensions of simplicial groups
Geometry and Topology Seminar
A short introduction to infinite dimensional Riemannian geometry
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Physical Activity and Inflammation: Effects on Gray-Matter Volume and Cognitive Decline in Aging
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Algebraic Topology and Neural Networks
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Discovering Function of a Brain Region Through Large-Scale Simulation
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Geometry and Topology
Essential surfaces from intersections in the character variety
The month of November, 2016 |
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
Data and Identifiability in Models of Cancer Chemotherapy
Geometry and Topology
Ma-Schlenker C-Octahedra in the 2-Sphere
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Automatic Recognition of Cortical Sulci of the Human Brain using a Congregation of Neural Networks
Biomathematics Journal Club
A Systems Model of the Effects of Training on Physical Performance
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
No Seminar - Thanksgiving Break
Applied PDE seminar
Uncondtionally Maximally Preserving Second Order Strang Scheme for the Allen-Cahn Equation, III
Dissertation Defense
Exponential Convergence Fourier Method and its Applications to Option Pricing with Levy Processes
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
On the Growth and Form of Cortical Convolutions
Financial Mathematics Dissertation Defense
Statistical analysis on object spaces with applications to 3D face analysis and exchange rates data
ATE Presentation
Improving the Description of Beta-Cell Metabolism in the Dual Oscillator Model
Algebra and its applications [url]
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
Presentation by Johnna Barnaby postponed until December 7
Complex Analysis
Cohomology and divisors III
Financial Math Dissertation Defense
Modeling credit risk in the default threshold framework
Geometry and Topology
Deforming geometric structures via bending
Applied PDE seminar
Uncondtionally Maximally Preserving Second Order Strang Scheme for the Allen-Cahn Equation, II
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Investigating Emotion with Music: an fMRI Study
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Statistical Analysis on Object Spaces with Applications to 3D Face Analysis
Algebra and its applications [url]
The A-polynomial
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
Birds, Beta-Cells, and the BZ Reaction
Complex Analysis
Cohomology and divisors II
Applied PDE seminar
Uncondtionally Maximally Preserving Second Order Strang Scheme for the Allen-Cahn Equation
Geometry and Topology
Scissor Groups and Motivic Measure
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Complex Measures of Brain Connectivity
Biomathematics Journals
Network Deconvolution as a General Method to Distinguish Direct Dependences in Networks
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Theory of Belief Functions
Algebra and its applications [url]
Introduction to Motivic Integration
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
Infection in Social Networks: Using Network Analysis to Identify High-Risk Individuals
Complex Analysis
Cohomology and divisors
Geometry and Topology
Flow equivalence classes of pseudo-Anosov surface homeomorphisms
Applied PDE seminar
Small Darcy number asymptotics of the coupled Navier-Stokes-Darcy system, III
The month of October, 2016 |
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Practical Experience: MRI Image Processing Project with Brain Visa
Biomathematics Journal Club
Interations Between Stable Spiral Waves with Different Frequencies in Cardiac Tissue
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Dempster-Shafer theory and applications (II)
Algebra and its applications [url]
Tritangents of algebraic and tropical space sextics, II
Complex Analysis
Holomorphic line bundles and divisors
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
On Topological Morphometrics
Applied PDE seminar
Small Darcy number asymptotics of the coupled Navier-Stokes-Darcy system, II
Geometry and Topology
Beer, Orbifolds, and the Magic of Symmetry
Comparing Curves in Homogeneous Spaces
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Practical Experience: MRI Image Processing Project with Brain Visa
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Dempster-Shafer theory and applications (I)
Algebra and its applications [url]
Tritangents of algebraic and tropical space sextics
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
What I Wish I Knew as a Graduate Student
Applied PDE seminar
Small Darcy number asymptotics of the coupled Navier-Stokes-Darcy system
Geometry and Topology
Fiber Bundles and K-Category for 3-Manifolds
Biomathematics Journal Club
Limit Cycles Sparked by Mutation in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Introduction to Conformal Brain Mapping
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Heat Rises: 100 Years of Rayleigh-Bénard Convection
Financial Mathematics Seminar
An Introduction To High Performance Financial Simulations Using Hardware Acccelerators
Algebra and its applications [url]
No smooth Julia sets for polynomial diffeomorphisms, II
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
Theory and Application of Bubble Dynamics
Complex Analysis
Genus Two Riemann Surfaces II
Applied PDE seminar
Coupling free flow with flow in porous media
Geometry and Topology
Hyperbolic Structures on Knot Complements
Biomathematical Journals
Spontaneous Network Activity in Developing Neural Systems
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Brain Mapping Software: Brain Visa
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Ensemble methods for measuring dynamics of limit order books
Algebra and its applications [url]
No smooth Julia sets for polynomial diffeomorphisms
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
Mathematics and Modeling of Biofilms
Complex Analysis
Genus Two Riemann Surfaces
Applied PDE seminar
Homogenization of fluid equations in porous media, III
Geometry and Topology
Hyperbolic Structures on Knot Complements
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Mathematical Models of the Vision in the Brain
The month of September, 2016 |
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Variational approximations for exponential random graph models
Algebra and its applications [url]
Chern classes of Schubert varieties, II
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
Introduction to Conformal Brain Mapping
Complex Analysis
Klein surfaces and NEC groups
Geometry and Topology
Cauchy Rigidity of c-Polyhedra II
Applied PDE seminar
Homogenization of fluid equations in porous media, II
Biomathematical Journals
Onset, Timing, and Exposure Therapy of Stress Disorders: Mechanistic Insight From a Mathematical Model of Oscillating Neuroendocrine Dynamics
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Dipole Source Localization Modeling of the Brain
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Smooth Calibration of the SABR Model
Algebra and its applications [url]
Chern classes of Schubert varieties
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
Chemotherapy Resistance in Glioblastomas
Complex Analysis
Klein suefaces and NEC groups
Geometry and Topology
Cauchy Rigidity of c-Polyhedra
Biomathematics Journals
Automatic Construction of Predictive Neuron Models through Large Scale Assimilation of Electrophysiological Data
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Introduction to Brain Mapping: Part 2
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Algo Index-Induced Volatility Structure
Algebra and its applications
The Heisenberg group, and a geometric approach to cup products
Financial Math Welcome and Faculty Showcase
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
Mapping the Folding Patterns of the Human Brain
Applied PDE seminar
Homogenization of fluid equations in porous media
Geometry and Topology
Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
Biomathematics Journal Club
Coexistence of Amplitude and Frequency Modulations in Intracellular Calcium Dynamics
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Introduction to Brain Mapping: Part 1
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
A Second Order Finite Volume Front Tracking Method for Two-Material Hyperbolic Systems
Algebra and its applications
Organizational Meeting
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Brain Mapping Graduate Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
Complex Analysis
Organizational meeting
Biomathematics Graduate Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Kinetic Energy Preserving Splitform Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for the compressible Navier-Stokes Equations
The month of August, 2016 |
Applied PDE seminar
Organizational meeting
Geometry and Topology Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Biomathematical Journals
Invariant Manifolds and Global Bifurcations
The month of July, 2016 |
Ph. D Thesis Defense
The month of April, 2016 |
Colloquium Talk [url]
Mathematical Aspects of Arbitrage
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Mathematical Aspects of Arbitrage
Financial Mathematics [url]
N-dimensional sinc Interpolation and European option pricing
Algebra seminar
Automorphic forms on quotients of products of Upper Half Planes -- II
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
A Network Model for the Premotor Control of Song Production in Zebra Finch
Complex Analysis
Riemann Surfaces VI
Topology Seminar
K-theory and Topology II
Biomathematical Journals
Sensitivity Estimates for Nonlinear Mathematical Models
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Integral Equation Methods for Complex Fluids: Numerical Analysis and Applications
Honors in the Major Thesis Defense
A cubical complex for stable derivators
Financial Mathematics [url]
Algebra seminar
Euclidean Distance Degrees
Thesis Defense
Quantifying Phenotypic Variation Through Local Persistent Homology and Imaging
Topology Seminar
Topology of the Borromean Rings
Special GFDI-Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Dynamic Transitions in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Dissertation Defense
An analysis of conjugate harmonic components of monogenic functions and lambda harmonic functions
Financial Mathematics [url]
A New Hybrid Model for Multi-dimensional Default Risk
Algebra seminar
Automorphic forms on quotients of products of Upper Half Planes
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Sleep and Plasticity: Computational Models
Topology Seminar
The Universal Coefficient Theorem for Homology
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Development of a Cartesian Grid Method for Strongly Nonlinear Wave-Body Interactions
The month of March, 2016 |
Algebra seminar
Intersection Theory on Grassmanian
Financial Mathematics [url]
A Model-Free Version of The FTAP and the super-replication theorem
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Species Co-existence in Landscapes with Variable Resource Abundance
Topology Seminar
A new polynomial invariant for curve complements: Krammer polynomials
Biomathematics Journals
Overexpression of a Hyperpolarization-Activated Cation Current Channel Gene Modifies the Firing Activity of Identified Motor Neurons in a Small Neural Network
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Interactions Between Moving Boundaries and Fluid Flows
Financial Mathematics [url]
Evolution of limit order book dynamics: machine learning high frequency trading model
Algebra seminar
Creative Telescoping Algorithms
Complex Analysis
Conugate harmonic components of monogenic functions and lambda harmonic functions
Topology Seminar
Deformation spaces of rational maps
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Quantifying Phenotypic Variation in Tomato Introgression Lines through Local Persistent Homology
Financial Mathematics [url]
Optimal Dividend Strategy in Dual Risk Model
Thesis Defense
Multiscale Summaries of Probability Measures with Applications to Plant and Microbiome Data
Algebra seminar
An algebraic model for the 1-type of the K theory of a Waldhausen Category
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Seeing the Wood for the Trees with Mathematical Modelling
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
A Convergent, Energy Stable, and Efficient Hexagonal Finite Difference Scheme for the Phase Field Crystal Amplitude Expansion Model
Topology Seminar
Persistent homology of finite metric spaces and its stability
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Sampling Distributions of Markov Chains
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
A Stroll through Topological Methods in Biology
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Data and Identifiability in Models of Cancer Chemotherapy
Financial Mathematics [url]
Fast Approximation of the Moment Generating Function of the Hawkes Process
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Periodic Graphs, Spanning Trees and Mahler Measure
Complex Analysis
Riemann Surfaces V
Topology Seminar
A way to compute the geodesic between curves in homogeneous space
The month of February, 2016 |
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Diffusion Distance Statistics for the Analysis of Microbiome Networks
Dissertation defense
Investigating Persistent Infections Using Mathematical Modeling and Analyses
Biomathematics Journals
The Bogdanov-Takens Normal Form: A Minimal Model for Single Neuron Dynamics
Financial Mathematics [url]
Robustness of Affine Short Rate Models
Algebra seminar
Leaving the Land of Nice Polynomials
Complex Analysis
Riemann Surfaces IV
Topology Seminar
An algebraic condition on the detection of essential surfaces in 3-manifolds by an action on a tree
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Mathematical Modeling of Perifusion Cell Culture Experiments on GnRH Signaling
Financial Math Festival and Colloquium [url]
The Changing Role and Practices of Model Risk Management due to the Impact and Evolution of Regulatory Requirements
Financial Mathematics [url]
Algebra seminar
Zeta functions: general number field - II
Complex Analysis
Riemann Surfaces III
Topology Seminar
An Introduction to Persistent Homology
Biomathematics Journals
Numerical Simulations with the GPU
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Network-Theoretic Analysis of Unsteady Fluid Flows
Financial Mathematics [url]
On pricing Bermudan option with sato processes: a spectral sinc method approach without Hilbert transform and comparison with Monte Carlo simulation
Algebra seminar
Zeta functions: general number field
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Asymmetric Games and Their Applications
Complex Analysis
Riemann Surfaces II
Topology Seminar
Minimal dilatation in Penner's construction
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Wave Resolution Properties and Compact WENO Limiters for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Structure Preserving Approximation of Nonlinear PDEs
Financial Mathematics [url]
Cap-and-trade: a review on emission markets
Algebra seminar
Zeta functions: quadratic imaginary fields
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
The Impact of Competition on Temporal Musth Strategies: A Game-Theoretic Model
Complex Analysis
Riemann Surfaces
Topology Seminar
The Fisher-Rao metric on the space of all smooth densities
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Infinte Dimensional Geometry of Manifolds of Mappings and Diffeomorphism Groups
The month of January, 2016 |
Financial Mathematics [url]
Optimal Investment in a Dual Risk Model
Algebra seminar
Zeta functions: algebraic number theory background
Complex Analysis
An Introduction to Riemann Surfaces
Topology Seminar
Fibered cones for Coxeter links
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Glucose Oscillations Can Activate an Endogenous Oscillator in Pancreatic Islets
Biomathematical Journals
Calcium Oscillations increase the Efficiency and Specificity of Gene Expression
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Brain Imaging
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Fractional Leibniz Rules and Banach-valued Singular Integrals
Financial Mathematics [url]
Algebra seminar
Organizational meeting
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Multiscale Analysis of Rectifiable Sets
Topology Seminar
Organizational meeting
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
No Seminar - MLK Day
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Geometric Structures on Manifolds
Financial Mathematics
Organizational meeting
Algebra seminar
Deforming Properly Convex Manifolds
Complex Analysis
Organizational meeting
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Towards Fourth- and Higher-Order Numerical Simulations of Incompressible Flows with Moving Boundaries
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
An Effect of Landmarks on Territory Shape in a Convict Cichlid
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Polyhedra Inscribed in Quadrics and Their Geometry
Biomathematics Journals
Pacemaker Rate and Depolarization Block in Nigral Dopamine Neurons: A Somatic Sodium Channel Balancing Act
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
The month of December, 2015 |
Financial Math Seminar
Numerical Experiments on Pricing Options with Exponential Jump processes
Algebra and Its Applications
The space of harmonic differential forms on certain quotients of Products of Upper Half planes
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Why Fight? How do we measure decision-making during contests?
Ph. D. Candidacy Exam
Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms for Classification
Applied PDE seminar
Sound proof models and stochastic NSE
The month of November, 2015 |
Applied PDE seminar
Sound proof models
Topology Seminar
K-Theory and Topology
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Modeling Limit Order Book Dynamics and Predicting Mid-Price Movement using Hawkes Processes
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Mathematical Studies of Biofilm Dynamics and Other Related Topics
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Intersection Theory and Homotopy Types with Algebraic Structure
Complex Analysis
Divisors on Riemann surfaces
Applied PDE seminar
Sharp interface limit of Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw system: rigorous theory IV
Topology Seminar
Grushko's Theorem, examples and consequences
Prospectus Defense
Finite Dimensional Models in Thermosolutal Convection
Biomathematics Journals
Inhibition and Recurrent Excitation in a Computational Model of Sparse Bursting in Song Nucleus HVC
Algebra and Its Applications
Computing an Integral Basis for a Module Defined by a Linear Differential Operator
Applied PDE seminar
Sharp interface limit of Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw system: rigorous theory III
Topology Seminar
John Stallings topological proof of Grushko's Theorem
Biomathematics Journals
Contribution of Persistent Sodium Current and M-Type Potassium Current to Somatic Bursting in CA1 Phyramidal Cells: Combined Experimental and Modeling Study
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
An Algebraic Fingerprint for Rational Map
Special Actuarial Science Lecture
Experiences from 40 years as an Actuary
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Joint Algebra and Topology Seminar
Twisted Matings of Polynomials
Complex Analysis
Riemann Surfaces
Applied PDE seminar
Sharp interface limit of Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw system: rigorous theory II
Biomathematics Journals
An Allosteric Model of Circadian KaiC Phosphorylation
The month of October, 2015 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
A Generalization of Kronecker's First Limit Formula
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Martingale Optimal Transport with Measurable Cost Function
Algebra and Its Applications
On Computing in Fulton-McPherson Intersection Theory
PhD Defense
A Mathematical Model of Cerebral Cortical Folding Development based on a Biomechanical Hypothesis
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Control of Non-Markov Diffusions, Application to the Principal-Agent Problem
Applied PDE seminar
Sharp interface limit of Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw equation: rigorous theory
Topology Seminar
Malnormal Peripheral Subgroups of The Fundamental Group of a 3-Manifold II
Biomathematics Journals
Universally Sloppy Parameter Sensitivities in Systems Biology Models
Mathematics Colloquium (Mathematics Fellow Lecture) [url]
Solving Problems with the LLL Algorithm
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Modeling Limit Order Book Dynamics and Predicting Mid-Price Movement using Hawkes Processes
Algebra and Its Applications
Introduction to the Equivariant World
Topology Seminar
Malnormal Peripheral Subgroups of The Fundamental Group of a 3-Manifold
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
The Use of Mathematics to Understand Biological Processes: Signalling, Patterns, and Measurements
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Extrinsic mean & antimean and their asymptotic distributions
Algebra and Its Applications
Zome Constructibility and Finite Fields
Applied PDE seminar
Cahn-Hilliard and Allen-Cahn equations
Topology Seminar
Character Varieties of a Class of 2-Bridge Knots With Symmetry II
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
A Random Walk Through The Mathematics of Entertainment and Big Data
Advanced Topics Exam
Conformal Invariants in Brain Mapping
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Credit Risk Modeling: Reduced-Form Models and Default Level Models
Algebra and Its Applications
Mac Lane (co)Homology of Tensor-Triangulated Categories
Applied PDE seminar
BBGKY hierarchy: from particles to kinetic theory, II
Topology Seminar
Character Varieties of a Class of 2-Bridge Knots With Symmetry
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
What Are Motivic Measures?
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Discrete Sum of Geometric Brownian Motions and Asian Options
Algebra and Its Applications
Exponentiable motivic measures
The month of September, 2015 |
Biomathematics Seminar
Canard Phenomena in Mathematical Neuroscience
Complex Analysis
Riemann surfaces
Topology Seminar
A norm for the homology of 3-manifolds
Applied PDE seminar
BBGKY hierarchy: from particle system to kinetic theory
Biomathematics Journals
Influence Maximization in Complex Networks Through Optimal Percolation
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Fluid Structure Interactions at (mostly) Low Reynolds Numbers: Sphere Settlings, Primary Cilia, Waves and Vortex Rings
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Improving Drift Estimates of Geometric Brownian Motion with Bayesian Calibration, II
Algebra and Its Applications
Cup products, the Heisenberg group and codimension-two Cartier cycles.
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Survival of the Smartest: Sparse Recovery in Biology
Complex Analysis
The Laplacian and the Invariant Laplacian
Applied PDE seminar
Differential geometry and algebraic topology of biomolecules (Please notice special time and place)
Topology Seminar
On fibering certain 3-manifolds II
Biomathematics Journals
Paracrine Regulation of Glucagon Secretion: The B-A-D Model
Financial Mathematics Seminar
Improving Drift Estimates of Geometric Brownian Motion with Bayesian Calibration
Algebra and Its Applications
Class Numbers, Class Groups, and the Euclidean Algorithm II
Applied PDE seminar
Incompressible and compressible flow models, III
Topology Seminar
On fibering certain 3-manifolds
Biomathematics Journals
Modelling the Interaction Between the Host Immune Response, Bacterial Dynamics and Inflammatory Damage in Comparison with Immunomodulation and Vaccination Experiments
Mathematics Colloquium: 2015 Brennan Lecture [url]
From Molecules to Birds With a Little Help From My Friends
Algebra and Its Applications
Class Numbers, Class Groups, and the Euclidean Algorithm
Financial Mathematics
A Reduced-Form Model for Level-1 Limit Order Books
Financial Math Welcome and Faculty Showcase
Topology Seminar
Fibered knots and links II
Applied PDE seminar
Incompressible and compressible flow models, II
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Nonlinear Waves with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry
Financial Math Seminar
Organizational Meeting
Topology Seminar
Fibered knots and links
Applied PDE seminar
Incompressible and compressible flow models
The month of August, 2015 |
Biomathematics Journals
Emergent Genetic Oscillations in a Synthetic Microbial Consortium
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Mathematical Models of Cortical Folding Pattern Formation
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Some Variants of the Kakeya Problem
Algebra and Its Applications
Organizational Meeting
Topology Seminar
Organizational meeting
Biomathematics Journals
A Synthetic Oscillatory Network of Transcriptional Regulators
The month of July, 2015 |
PhD Defense
The month of June, 2015 |
Dissertation Defense
Diffuse interface methods for incompressible two-phase flows
Ph.D. dissertation defense
Lagrangian specialization via log resolution and Schwartz-MacPherson Chern classes
Ph.D. Defense
Estimating Sensitivities of Exotic Options Using Monte Carlo Methods
Dissertation Defense
Theoretical, Computational, and Experimental Topics in Anterior Pituitary Cell Signaling
The month of May, 2015 |
Dissertation Defense
Asset Pricing Equilibria for Heterogeneous, Limited Information Agents
The month of April, 2015 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Active Fluids and Structures
Financial Mathematics [url]
Comparison of machine learning methods for stock return series analysis
Algebra seminar
A generalization of Kronecker's first limit formula
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Extremal Length Sensitivity Simulations - Part 2
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Models of (i) Berge equilibria and (ii) Tumor Growth
Honors Thesis Defense
An Oblate Spheroid Model of Cortical Folding
Algebra seminar
Topology, dynamics, and maybe some algebra
Financial Mathematics [url]
An equilibrium concept in a boundedly rational financial markets economy
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Extremal Length Sensitivity Simulations
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Unlinking DNA: Xerc/XerD Site-Specific Recombination and Tetrahedral Tangles
Applied PDE Seminar [url]
Statistics using Diffusion Distances
Topology Seminar
The Loop Theorem II
Biomathematics Journals
Cortical Development and Remapping through Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity
Financial Mathematics [url]
Introduction to Fractional Calculus and the Fractional Black-Scholes Equation
Algebra seminar
An Application of Segre Classes
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Extremal Length Sensitivity
Topology Seminar
The loop theorem
Applied PDE Seminar [url]
Horizontal resolution for convection in porous media II
Biomathematics Journals
Classification of Bursting Mappings
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Competition Over Indivisible Resources
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Predicting Population Extinction and Disease Outbreaks with Branching Processes
Financial Mathematics [url]
Trend Extraction of Random Time-Warping Signals via Functional Optimization
Algebra seminar
Hurwitz Type Formula For Differential Equations
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Extremal Length of Quadrilaterals
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Stochastic Optimization in Learning Shape Metrics
The month of March, 2015 |
Applied PDE Seminar [url]
Heat equations driven by spatial-temporal white noise
15th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Civic Center
An oblate spheroid model of cortical folding
Topology Seminar
The Local Isomorphism Class of the Discrete Hyperbolic Plane
Biomathematics Journals
The Large-Scale Organization of Metabolic Networks
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Entrapment, Escape, and Diffusion of Microswimmers in Complex Environments
Algebra seminar
The PSL_2(C) Character Variety of a Family of 2-Bridge Knots
Financial Mathematics [url]
Model Independent Pricing: An Optimal Transport Approach
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Extremal Length
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
A game-theoretic analysis of competition over indivisible resources
Topology Seminar
Prime decomposition of 3-manifolds
Applied PDE Seminar [url]
Horizontal resolution for convection in porous media II
Biomathematics Journals
Requirement of an Allosteric Kinetics of NMDA receptors for Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
John von Neumann: The Most Brilliant Mind of the 20th Century
Financial Mathematics [url]
Credit Risk Modeling - A Survey
Algebra seminar
Local Euler Obstructions
Thesis Defense
Keeping Pace with the Times: Quantifying Variation of Newly Emerging Shape Data
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Circle Packing - Part 4
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Identify "covers" of network and apply to metabolic network of E.coli
Topology Seminar
Topology, dynamics, and data
Biomathematics Journals
Structure and Function of the Feed-Forward Loop Network Motif
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Minimizing the Probability of Lifetime Ruin Under Ambiguity Aversion
Financial Mathematics [url]
Modelling Limit Order Book Dynamics Using Point Processes
Applied PDE seminar [url]
Inverse problems and regularization I & II
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions to the Lorentzian Constant Mean Curvature Flow
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Circle Packing - Part 3
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Gliobastoma Multiforme Treated with Radiotherapy - A Mathematical Approach
Applied PDE seminar [url]
Inverse problems and regularization I & II
Topology Seminar
Elementary Morse Theory and Alexander's Theorem
Biomathematics Journals
Automatic Parameter Estimation of Multicompartmental Neuron Models via Minimization of Trace Error with Control Adjustment
The month of February, 2015 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Animal Personality as a Cause and Consequence of Aggression
Financial Mathematics [url]
Distribution of Returns in the Heston Model
Algebra seminar
Stark's conjecture in the rank two case
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Brain Development Models - Part 2
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Correlations between the Morphology of Sonic Hedgehog Expression Domains and Embryonic Craniofacial Shape
Applied PDE seminar [url]
Phase field model for two-phase flows in karstic geometry
Topology Seminar
Essential surfaces in 3-manifolds
Biomathematics Journals
Low-Energy Control of Electrical Turbulence in the Heart
Colloquium and Financial Math Festival [url]
Mathematical Structures in US Equities
Algebra seminar
Third order differential equations with hypergeometric solutions
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Brain Development Models
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
The usefulness of modeling competition for resources
Topology Seminar
The Gromov Norm and Volume of a Hyperbolic Manifold, Part 2
Applied PDE seminar [url]
A fractional numerical scheme that preserves the convective turnover dynamics
Biomathematics Journals
Structured Connectivity in Cerebellar Inhibitory Networks
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Ill-Posedness of Some Water Wave Models
Financial Mathematics [url]
Research problems in Monte Carlo: a survey
Algebra seminar
Kronecker's limit formulas and Stark's conjectures III
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Circle Packing - Part 2
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Mathematical modeling of autoimmune hair loss
Applied PDE Seminar (joint with Special Colloquium) [url]
Stability Estimate for the Inverse Source Problems with Multi-frequency
Topology Seminar
The Gromov Norm and Volume of a Hyperbolic Manifold
Biomathematics Journals
Detecting Autocatalytic, Self-Sustaining Sets in Chemical Reaction Systems
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Introduction to Circle Packing
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
A War of Attrition Model on Winner and Loser Effect
Special ACM Seminar
Error estimates of numerical methods for nonlinear Schroedinger equation with wave operator
Special ACM Seminar (joint with applied PDE seminar) [url]
Error estimates of numerical methods for nonlinear Schroedinger equation with wave operator
Topology Seminar
Fibered knots, Alexander polynomials, and the Seifert form. Part II
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Mathematical Theory and Numerical Methods for Bose-Einstein Condensation
Biomathematics Journals
Statistical Comparison of Spatial Point Patterns in Biological Imaging
The month of January, 2015 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
A Highly Accurate and Highly Efficient Computational Framework for Geophysical and Biological Multiphase Flows
Special ACM Seminar
The Classification of Lagrangian Particles through a Fixed Curve in a Flow: Theory and Application
Algebra seminar
Kronecker's limit formulas and Stark's conjectures II
Faculty Meeting
Faculty Meeting
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Processing MRI Data
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Models of (i) Facial Landmarks and (ii) Immune System Dynamics
Special ACM Seminar (joint with applied PDE seminar) [url]
Two benchmarks of simulating stochastic dynamics with challenges of long-time simulation and non-globally Lipschitz continuous coefficients
Topology Seminar
Fibered knots, Alexander polynomials, and the Seifert form
Biomathematics Journals
Channel Density Distributions Explain Spiking Variability in the Globus Pallidus: A Combined Physiology and Computer Simulation Database Approach
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Blended Atomistic-to-Continuum Hybrid Methods for Modeling Crystalline Materials
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Fractional PDE Approach in Multi-Fidelity Modeling and Simulation: Theory, Numerics, and Beyond
Financial Mathematics [url]
Organizational Meeting
Algebra seminar
Kronecker's limit formulas and Stark's conjectures
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Previous Research in Conformal Brain Mapping
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Using Coupled Payoff Matrices to Examine Spatial and Temporal Mating Strategies in Loxodonta Africana
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Taylor Approximation of Incomplete Radner Equilibrium Models
Financial Mathematics [url]
Shadow prices and well-posedness in the problem of optimal investment and consumption with transaction costs
Topology Seminar
Surface automorphisms and geometric structures on 3-manifolds
Applied PDE Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Decision Making Under Time-Inconsistency
Algebra and its applications
Organizational meeting
Financial Mathematics
Stopping with No Regret
Special Mathematics Colloquium [url]
New Developments for Initial Boundary Value Problems
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
The Brain Mapping Pipeline
Topology Seminar
Organizational meeting
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Self-Exciting Point Processes
Financial Math Seminar
Variable Volatility and Financial Failure
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Organizational Meeting
The month of December, 2014 |
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Winner and Loser Effects in Wild Baboons
ATE Seminar
Studying the Zebra Finch Song System with Mathematical Models and the Loose Patch Technique
Algebra Seminar [url]
Introduction to Derivations
ATE Seminar
A Mathematical Model for Bursting Electrical Activity Recovery in Pancreatic Beta Cells
Probability Seminar [url]
A Monte Carlo Optimization Technique and its application to Biological Problems
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
A Mathematical Model for Bursting Electrical Activity Recovery in Pancreatic Beta Cells
Topology seminar
Character Varieties of a Family of 2-bridge knots with a symmetry
Shape of Data [url]
The month of November, 2014 |
Applied PDE Seminar [url]
Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions and Numerical Methods for Schroedinger equations
Biomathematics Journals
Mathematical Modeling of Heterogeneous Electrophysiological Responses in Human Beta-Cells
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Memory, Language and Motivational Systems of the Brain
Mathematics Colloquium [url]
Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau Correspondence
Algebra Seminar [url]
Motivic infinite cyclic covers
Financial Math Seminar
Bayesian-Glasso model for stock return series analysis
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Parametric and Non-parametric Trend Extraction in the Presence of Warped Signals
Probability Seminar [url]
Simulated Annealing
Ph. D. Candidacy Exam
Learning Algorithms for Computer Vision Tasks
Applied PDE Seminar [url]
Fractional Calculus in Hydrology
Candidacy Exam
Candidacy Exam
Numerical simulation of acoustic liner for drag computation
Topology seminar
Construction of the dual tree of a surface
Shape of Data [url]
Bar Codes
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Sensory Systems and Motor Pathways of the CNS
Ph.D. Candidacy Exam
Towards a Diagnostic Tool for Facial Dysmorphic Disorders
Algebra Seminar [url]
Symbolic dynamics and algebra
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Persistent Homology, Euler Characteristic Transform, and Applications
Biomathematics Journals
Reconstruction of Action Potential Development from Whole-Cell Currents of Differentiating Spinal Neurons
Brain Mapping Seminar [url]
Models of Hydrocephalus
Algebra Seminar [url]
How I learned to stop worrying and love benzenoid hydrocarbons
Financial Math Seminar
Statistical Inverse Estimation on a Sphere and Functional PCA
Probability Seminar [url]
An Introduction to Global Sensitivity Analysis
Biomathematics Seminar [url]
Covariance Tensor Fields and its Applications
Shape of Data [url]
WEPS Peer Reviewed Workshop
Applied PDE Seminar [url]
An introduction to fractional diffusion
Topology seminar
Sutured manifold hierarchies and finite depth foliations