Bhargav Ram Karamched
Department of Mathematics
Florida State University
Love Building
1017 Academic Way, Room 313
Tallahassee, FL, 32306-4510
"bkaramched at fsu dot edu"
I am an Assistant Professor at Florida State University in the Department of Mathematics and the Institute of Molecular Biophysics. I am interested in a number of topics in applied mathematics. Most of these involve applications of the theory of dynamical systems, partial and stochastic differential equations, and nonequilibrium statistical physics to problems in cell biology, synthetic biology, physiology, biophysics, collective behavior, and decision making. Here are a few of the projects on which I am interested:
Before coming to FSU I was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Houston and Rice University, collaborating with Professors Kresimir Josic, Matthew Bennett, and Will Ott. I obtained my Ph. D. in Mathematics from the University of Utah under the supervision of Professor Paul Bressloff in 2017. Prior to that, I obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Oklahoma in 2012.
2. C. J. Ryzowicz, R. Bertram, B. R. Karamched. Oscillations in Delayed Positive Feedback Systems. Submitted.
1. B. R. Karamched and C. E. Miles. Stochastic Switching of Delayed Feedback Suppresses Oscillations in Genetic Regulatory Systems. Journal of Royal Society Interface. 20: 20230059 Preprint. (2023)
1. I. Kemler, B. R. Karamched, C. Neuhauser, D. Dingli. Quantitative Imaging and Dynamics of Tumor Therapy with Viruses. The FEBS Journal. (2021)
4. F. Bai, R. Bertram, and B. R. Karamched. A Mathematical Study of the Efficacy of Possible Negative Feedback Pathways Involved in Neuronal Polarization. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 111561. (2023)
3. F. Bai, R. Bertram, and B. R. Karamched. A Closed-Loop Multi-Scale Model for Intrinsic Frequency-Dependent Regulation of Axonal Growth. Mathematical Biosciences. 344: 108768 (2022)
2. P. C. Bressloff and B. R. Karamched. A Frequency-Dependent Decoding Mechanism for Axonal Length Sensing . Front. Cell. Neurosci. 9:281.(2015).
1. B. R. Karamched and P. C. Bressloff. A Delayed Feedback Model of Axonal Length Sensing. Biophys. J. 108 2408-2419 (2015).
1. B. R. Karamched, J. Schmidt, and D. Murrugarra. Observability of Complex Systems via Conserved Quantities. Submitted.
1. S. Hartman, S. D. Ryan, and B. R. Karamched. Walk this Way: Modeling Foraging Ant Dynamics in Multiple Food Source Environments. In Press at the Journal of Mathematical Biology.
1. Z. Dere, N. G. Cogan, B. R. Karamched. Optimal Control Strategies for Mitigating Antibiotic Resistance: Integrating Virus Dynamics for Enhanced Intervention Design. Submitted.
2. B. R. Karamched, G. Hripcsak, R. L. Leibel, D. Albers, and W. Ott. Delay-Induced Uncertainty in the Glucose-Insulin System: Pathogenicity for Obesity and Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. Frontiers in Physiology. 13:936101 (2022)
1. B. R. Karamched, G. Hripcsak, D. J. Albers, and W. Ott. Delay-Induced Uncertainty in a Paradigmatic Glucose-Insulin Model. Chaos 31 023142. Preprint. (2021)
4. P. C. Bressloff and B. R. Karamched. Doubly Stochastic Poisson Model of Flagellar Length Control. SIAM J. Appl. Math 78(2), 719-741 (2018)
3. P. C. Bressloff, B. R. Karamched, S. D. Lawley, and E. Levien. Diffusive Transport in the Presence of Stochastically Gated Absorption . Physical Review E. 96 (2) (2017).
2. B. R. Karamched and P. C. Bressloff. Effects of Cell Geometry on Reversible Vesicular Delivery. J. Phys. A. 50 055601 (2017).
1. P. C. Bressloff and B. R. Karamched. A Model of Reversible Vesicular Transport with Exclusion. J. Phys. A. 49 345602 (2016).
4. S. Linn, S. D. Lawley, B. R. Karamched, Z. P. Kilpatrick, K. Josic. Fast decisions reflect biases, slow decisions do not. Physical Review E 110, 024305 (2024). Preprint
3. M. Stickler, W. Ott, Z. P. Kilpatrick, K. Josic, and B. R. Karamched. Impact of Correlated Information on Pioneering Decisions. Physical Review Research. 5, 033020. (2023)
2. B. R. Karamched, M. Stickler, B. Lindner, Z. P. Kilpatrick, W. Ott, and K. Josic. Heterogeneity Improves Speed and Accuracy in Social Networks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 218302 Preprint. (2020)
1. B. R. Karamched, S. Stolarczyk, Z. P. Kilpatrick, and K. Josic. Bayesian Evidence Accumulation on Social Networks. SIADS 19 (3) 1884-1919 Preprint (2020).
4. R. Godin, B. R. Karamched, S. D. Ryan. The Space Between Us: Modeling Spatial Heterogeneity in Synthetic Microbial Consortia Dynamics. Biophysical Reports. 100085. (2022)
3. J. J. Winkle, B. R. Karamched, M. R. Bennett, W. Ott, and K. Josic. Emergent Spatiotemporal Population Dynamics with Cell-Length Control of Synthetic Microbial Consortia. PLoS Comput Biol. 17(9): e1009381. Preprint. (2021)
2. B. R. Karamched, W. Ott, I. Timofeyev, M. R. Bennett, and K. Josic. Moran Model of Spatial Alignment in Microbial Colonies. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 395 1-6 Preprint (2019).
1. R. N. Alnahhas, J. J. Winkle, A. J. Hirning, B. R. Karamched, W. Ott, K. Josic, and M. R. Bennett. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Synthetic Microbial Consortia in Microfluidic Devices. ACS Synthetic Biology 8 2051-2058 Preprint (2019)
Fall 2022 - Biomath Seminar